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Are You Meant to Be With Them? Listen.

Meant to Be With Them

Most people have been in a place where they met someone, and they have a gut feeling that they are meant to be with that person. Sometimes the feeling is there, and it tells you that this isn’t the right person for you. Your mind and your body might not even be able to understand why your instinct is telling you this.

What do you do when your instinct tells you something that you want to or don’t want to hear? Is this something that is truth?

What Causes a Gut Feeling?

Gut feelings are there and sometimes it seems that they don’t even rely on logic. You will get a gut feeling that comes both from your emotions, your experiences and even your instincts. The instincts that you have don’t explain to you why you are feeling certain things or where your emotions come from. This can cause people not to know how to respond.

When you are in a relationship, your emotions, and the instincts that you have can tell you about what and how you are feeling. If you meet someone and you are excited to see them, this can be your gut feeling telling you good things and if you feel sad, you might be feeling that you need to break up with them. These are part of your emotions.

Your instinct is similar to your emotions because it will tell you when something in your relationship is wrong and that you need to be paying attention to what is going on. Your instincts and your emotions help you to know what you should be feeling and thinking.

If you don’t know exactly what your instincts are showing you, here are some things that you can ask yourself:

  • What do I feel about this person?
  • Am I dreading seeing them?
  • Am I looking forward to my date with them?
  • Is there anything that is bothering me that I am not understanding?
  • Are my instincts telling me to not trust them?
  • Do I feel comfortable talking to this person?
  • Do I act like myself around this person?
  • Does this person make me act like someone else?

Think about these questions and how you answered them. Figure out if you are trusting your intuition and if you are allowing your gut feeling to tell you about your relationship. When you aren’t able to figure out what is going on, pay attention to what your gut feeling is telling you.

Should You Use Your Gut to Make Decisions?

Instinct is when your body response to something that you are feeling like being hungry or thirsty or when you are afraid. Your intuition on the other hand, is a voice that tells you what is going on in front of you. Intuition is often based on things like experience and what you already know, and it can be more reliable as an answer than using your instinct.

Intuition can help you to understand why you are making a certain decision. It is a gut feeling that helps you to make a decision about what you are doing. If you have a strong feeling that you should or shouldn’t be with someone, this is your intuition or your gut guiding you.

Instinct is about how you are going to survive in your life. This can be your fight or flight feelings and when you feel that your life is in danger, your instinct will kick in and will try to warn you or help you to fight.

If you are in a relationship and you have a gut feeling, this can be good for you. Your instinct might tell you that the relationship is dangerous, but your intuition can tell you more about why the situation is dangerous and that you need to stay away.

Your feelings can sometimes fight against your instincts. If you love someone, you might not listen when your instinct tells you that this is a bad decision and that you should leave.

Learn to Trust Yourself

It can be hard to trust yourself in certain situations, especially when you have a feeling, but you aren’t sure where the feeling comes from.

There are things that you might not ever get a real answer to but if your instinct is telling you to or not to do something, listening to it can save you a lot of trouble and heart break.

For your instincts to work for you, you have to listen to the warnings that you get. If you are warned and you don’t act on this, the danger can still come to you. You have to learn how to listen to the messages and how to let your feelings show you what to do. Stop asking so many questions and just listen.

Instincts come from danger and here are some signs that you might be in a bad situation in your life:

  • You get butterflies.
  • Your instincts send you a red flag about a person or a situation.
  • You know what you need to do without asking questions.
  • You don’t have to listen to anyone else because your inner voice is guiding you.

Your intuition or your gut feeling is considered to be a sixth sense for you. When something is wrong, your intuition will show you this and it will guide you in the right direction. By trusting your gut feeling, you are taking action to see what the truth has for you. Once you do this, your life will be better.

Do Gut Feelings Change?

Your gut feeling can change through things that you learn in your life. If you find someone that you are interested in and you feel that they are the one that is meant for you, your gut might tell you later that you were wrong. This can happen because you begin to see red flags or flaws in their personality. If their vibes become negative, this can be a sign and your gut will tell you that ending the relationship is the best idea.

You might find at the beginning that there is a connection, and this can also be a gut feeling. But when things start to show up, the gut feeling will kick in and give you more information to guide you down a new road.

Being in a strong relationship will help you to know each other better. You will see that you can find a solution to the questions that you have as you listen and learn to trust yourself.

Are You Overly Sensitive?

When someone is paranoid, they think someone is out to get them and this is something they are feeling but isn’t true. This isn’t healthy for anyone. When you are overly sensitive, this can be the same kind of situation. Here are some ways that you know that you are overly sensitive:

  • You wait for someone to make a mistake so that you can be right about everything.
  • You feel that you are always walking on eggshells.
  • You are always annoyed and defensive with your partner.

If this describes your relationship, you need to be honest about your partner. You need to see if you are being sensitive or if the relationship is wrong for you.

When Your Gut Tells You No!

Sometimes your instinct will tell you to leave, and there are things that you can do to find out if your gut feeling is right or not. You need to look at the relationship and see if there are red flags that you are ignoring.

Maybe you feel the way that you feel because you are unhappy in the relationship or maybe it is because of how your partner responded to you. If your partner did something to upset you, you need to talk to them. Every good relationship is built on communication and if they behave in a certain way and aren’t willing to change, this might mean it’s time to leave.

If you find that you are just being overly sensitive and the problem, is you, you might need to ask yourself what you want in your life and if you are settling for the wrong things. Pay attention to your relationship and see if you can make it work. Nothing is easy but as you go in the right direction, you will see that you can trust yourself more.

Final Thoughts

Having a gut feeling is a great way to understand your life and your relationships. You do need to realize though that a gut feeling can change over time. It can tell you when something is going wrong in your relationship, and it can tell you to look deeper at what is going on.

If you are overly sensitive or you are paranoid, you might have something serious going on in your own self and in your own mind. The best thing to do is to look at your life, listen to your gut feeling and see if you are being led in the right direction or not.

Are You And Your Partner Compatible?

Are You And Your Partner Compatible?

Even if you have a deep connection with someone, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are compatible with them. There can be signs that you might not recognize that shows you that this person isn’t right for you.

Everyone feels different when they meet someone. They often feel that there are things that you should look for such as the connection that you have, the chemistry and what kind of mental connection you share.

Having a connection with the person that you like is important and you won’t be able to deny this kind of connection. This is more than just having chemistry with someone, and it will be likely that you will have the same kinds of interests and will dislike the same things.

The chemistry that you have will make you feel that you can be yourself around this person and the mental connection will mean that you are able to communicate with each other easily.

But the problem is that if you aren’t meant to be then there are signs that you need to notice and you need to accept. Here are some of these signs:

  • You Try To Make the Connection Work

If you have been with someone for a while and you get along with them and have a lot in common, the relationship might feel great. But if you feel that something isn’t right in the relationship, you need to stop trying to tell yourself that they are the one for you.

You might have great sex and you might enjoy being with this person, but if you aren’t meant to be with them then they aren’t the one that you should choose. If your relationship doesn’t make you feel a certain way, it might be time to move on.

  • On and Off Again

When you and your partner are on and off again, over, and over, this can be a toxic relationship. People that have this kind of relationship will find that they hardly ever end up working out.

This person is probably there in your life to teach you a lesson and to teach you more about life, but this is a toxic relationship, and you will be with them just until you learn your lessons.

  • Don’t Feel Good Enough

You might feel that you lucked out by meeting this person but if you feel that you don’t deserve them, this can be a problem. This can mean you aren’t meant to be together.

When you are with the right person, you should feel that you are comfortable and that you are able to be who you are around them. You should be able to feel amazing when you are with them but if you feel that you aren’t good enough then this is a sign you shouldn’t be together.

  • Not Compatible Mentally

Chemistry is a very important thing but when you aren’t able to challenge each other mentally, you might not be meant to be together. You should be able to have conversations that stimulate you and that make you feel deep and loved.

  • Your Partner Doesn’t Match Your Desires

If you have a partner that isn’t meeting what you want in your relationship, you probably need to find someone new. You can have a conversation with them that is the same over and over again but if your partner doesn’t want to change, you will not grow together. This might not be the right person for you.

  • Non-Committing

Even if the relationship is great but you want to commit and they don’t, this can be a sign to move on. Even if you feel connected to this person and if you feel chemistry but you can’t agree on a commitment date, it might not be meant to be.

  • Gut Feeling

Listen to your gut feeling anytime you get into a relationship. You should always be listening to what your spirit is trying to tell you about your partner. If you get a feeling that you aren’t meant to be together, your gut is telling you that you can’t trust them or that they aren’t the right partner for you.

Don’t pretend that they are perfect or stay stuck in a relationship that isn’t the one for you.

  • They Make You Feel Tired

A relationship should make you feel excited and energized. When you are with someone and they are making you feel drained constantly, chances are that they aren’t the right one for you. A good relationship should make you feel good about who you are and if you are always tired, the relationship might not be healthy.

If you have a hard time communicating with your partner and you feel that you are the only one putting the effort in, this can mean that you aren’t meant to be together.

  • Big Chemistry, Little in Common

Being connected with someone and being attracted is a great way to start a relationship. But if you find that you don’t have much in common after you get used to them, chances are that they might not be the person for you. You need to know that you have someone that gives you chemistry, good feelings, attraction and that you have something to look forward to in the future.

If you think that you might not have a real future with this person, that could be a sign that you aren’t sharing the same kinds of values and goals and they might not be the right one for you.

When Someone is Thinking of You

When Someone is Thinking of You

There are many people that believe in the universe and in signs from the universe. Spiritual things happen to people and even though these things can’t be explained by science, many people believe that these things happen for a reason. They sometimes even think that the universe is trying to get their attention.

Do you ever miss someone? When this happens, it stirs energy around you and that person. Sometimes a person can tell that someone is missing them because the energies are so strong. When you miss someone, it creates a boundary and a strong energy that is so intense that the person that is being missed can get a sign that they are being missed.

Everyone has a part in the universe and there is an influence that you are creating around you even if you don’t realize it. When you think deeply about someone and they are always on your mind, the universe knows this and it will show that person, somehow.

Signs that Someone is Thinking of You

Here are some signs that the universe will give you to show you that someone is thinking about you:

Eye Twitches

Sometimes your eye twitches and you can’t control this. In different cultures this means different things. The most common belief though is that when your left eye twitches, someone is thinking kindly of you but if your right eye twitches it can mean that someone is talking badly about you.

Some believe that when your eyes twitch, it is a sign from the universe that someone is thinking about you and missing you. If you are always having an eye twitch though, make sure that you are seeing an eye doctor and getting medical attention. When you have one once in a while, it can mean something different than if it is happening all the time.


Dreaming of someone is a big sign that you are missing that person. When we sleep, our mind is open to things that we don’t open up to when we are awake. As you sleep, this is a time when you are able to get a visit from the universe to give you a sign. Dreaming of a person that you miss or dreaming of a spirit can be a sign.

Dreams aren’t easy to interpret sometimes though, just because you have a bad dream, it doesn’t mean that something bad is going to happen to you. Dreams are open for interpretation.

Feeling a Touch

Another sign that you might be missing someone, or someone might be missing you is if you feel that something or someone touched you when no one is there. This is a way that the energy of that person can manifest by you and can make you feel them.

Do you ever feel that someone stroked your arm or moved your hair? This is an interaction that someone in the universe is thinking of you and missing you.

Feeling Cold

Feeling cold out of nowhere or getting a shiver can be a sign that someone is thinking of you. This can happen when the energy shifts in your area and your body picks up the signs. If you are just hanging around work or at home and you feel something like this, chances are someone is thinking about you.

Changing Moods

A sudden shift in your mood probably has a real meaning. You might feel sad out of nowhere or feel excited. This can happen because someone is thinking of you, and someone loves you. If you feel sad, it could be because you miss someone, and they are thinking of you.

People are sometimes empaths, and this means that they are able to pick up the emotions of people around them without having any other information. This can be hard when someone is going through something difficult because you pick up those hard emotions.

Thinking of Them

Thinking of someone or having someone come to your mind for no reason can mean that they are thinking about you. Sometimes someone can shift their energies to you so that you can feel what they are thinking, and you will think of them too.

This can happen out of nowhere and if you have someone that pops into your mind, chances are that they are thinking of you, too.

Burning Cheeks

When your cheeks start burning, it can mean you are feeling shy or nervous. This can happen though when someone is thinking of you. If you find that your cheeks start burning for no reason, this can be a sign that your crush or someone that you love is thinking about you and sending you, their energy.

Final Thoughts

It is impossible to really know that someone is thinking of you unless you ask them, but the universe sometimes will send you signs to show you that this is happening. Figure out where you are receiving this energy and find out if the universe is giving you a sign.

You can use different crystals to manifest this sensation and to pick up on the energies of others easier. If you start thinking of someone out of nowhere and a picture of them comes to your mind, this can be that they are sending you energy and trying to let you know that they love you.

Don’t get upset if you get an image that isn’t clear in your mind and just embrace it and know that someone out there cares enough about you to think of you. If you find that you are waking up thinking about someone, this is a strong sign from the universe that someone cares and thinks a lot about you.

Consider This Before Dating Younger

Dating Younger

Dating a younger man depends on what you are wanting out of the relationship. Even though age is just a number, you need to know what kind of desires that you have, and you need to make sure that you are setting realistic goals and ideas in your relationship when dating someone younger than you.

Here are some things you need to consider:

Goals and Priorities

It is important to remember that someone younger than you will likely have different goals and priorities than you have. A young man might want to go to school and then go into a career. An older guy, on the other hand, will already have a steady job and will be closer to retiring age.

If you want to travel with your younger partner, make sure that they know that you are in a different stage of life than they are and that they are prepared to give you what you want.

Less Past

One good thing is that a younger man is going to have less of a pass than someone that is older. This means that they probably haven’t been divorced or may not even have kids. They have a less relationship history and so they probably haven’t had so many relationships that someone older has had.

Different Experiences

Women have different experiences when they are older and if you date a younger man, he won’t have done as much as you have done. Older men will sometimes date younger women and this seems fine but when a woman does it, she is called a cougar.

Loving Life

Younger men seem to love life and to want more adventure than older men. This means that they will want to do different activities and they will want to take you places you may have never been.

They might want to take you canoeing, out for coffee dates, concerts, rock climbing and other things. If you love adventure, dating someone younger might be perfect for you.

Frowned Upon

Sometimes people in your life will frown upon you dating someone younger than yourself. They will not be as supportive about this, and they might look negatively on the idea. They might feel that you are robbing the cradle and they might judge you for this.

Committing to the Relationship

Younger men often don’t want to be in a serious relationship. They want to have fun and to play. They sometimes even want to have open relationships where they can have many different partners.

Older women often want to have a commitment and so make sure that you are dating someone that has the same commitment ideas that you have.

Final Thoughts

If you want to be with a younger man, make sure that you tell them what you want in the relationship. If you want something fun, that is great but if you want a commitment, make sure that they know this right away.

How to Date an Older Man

Date an Older Man

Do you know a man that you find unregistrable? Do they make you excited and weak? Being with an older man can be fun and it can be different than other relationships that you have been. Being with someone older can have ups and downs and you need to make sure that you are dating someone that is older for the right reasons.

There can be red flags when it comes to dating older men and you need to make sure that you have rules when it comes to who you date.

What Will it Be Like to Date Older Men?

Are you interested in dating someone that is 15 or 20 years older than you, but you don’t know what it will be like? Once you decide to do this, know that it can have its pros and cons. The relationship will be one that might have a strong attraction but there are things that can cause certain uneasiness when it comes to dating someone that is so much older than you.

What kind of generational gap is there with this person? If you dated this person in 10 years instead, would you feel the same about it? There is a huge gap when it comes to dating someone that is even 10 years older than you. Think about what you will be doing in 10 years and see if you feel that you would still be interested in the person as you are now.

Meeting an older man might cause you to compare the age of them with who you are right now. You have to figure out if you could date them in 10 years and still be happy. Older men are going to have gone through their own life already and their own relationism. Maybe he had a life of work and now he is calm and retired. You need to figure out what you want out of this relationship.

Most of the time older men are past the drama and they aren’t into mind games. An older man will apologize when they are wrong, and they will not have the egotistical side that they had when they were younger. Chances are that they are more secure in who they are and have no problem with committing. Are you ready for the long-term commitment?

Problems with Dating Older Men

Here are some of the problems with dating older men:


These men will have a large past and they will often have baggage. Most of them will probably have children that might even be your age. If he is someone that keeps himself up, you might not even see the real age gap until you meet his older children.

Less Flexible

Men that are older are not as flexible as younger men. They have their own ideas, and they are set in their ways. They have their own experiences, and they are open to figuring things out. They don’t want to change, and they want to keep things in their life how they are.

What to Do and Not to Do When Dating an Older Man

Dating an older man might not be a big deal but it can be different if you are younger. It is important that you make sure that you have things that you can connect with each other. Remember that relationships are hard and if you are with someone that is settled and set, the struggles might be harder.

Dating someone that is older can still work out for you, but you need to make sure that you understand what you are going to deal with and what to expect in the relationship. This should be able to help you to figure out what to do and what not to do when dating an older man:

Discuss Dating

You need to figure out what dating means to you and to him. If you are 20 and you are dating someone that is 40, you need to find out if this is going to be long-term or if they are still looking.

Have this discussion right away so that you know what to expect. This can end up being a reason for breaking up later and you don’t want to get into some kind of mess.

Don’t Make Him Do What He Doesn’t Want

Once you are invested in the relationship know that you will not be able to make him do things that he doesn’t want. If he just wants to have casual dating, don’t expect him to marry you. Be honest with him if your feelings are starting to change and let him know.

Older men have a lot of emotional baggage from the past and they are the ones that are going to be in control of the relationship and where it goes and doesn’t go.

Learn from Him

Take time to learn from the person you are dating. They have more knowledge than you and they can teach you things. He might tell you often that he knows more because he is older and the older, he is the more right he will probably be.

Be You

Don’t lose who you are in the relationship. A younger woman will often be attracted to an older man who can give them guidance, but this should never make you lose who you are.

If you feel that you believe in something and you don’t want to change your mind, don’t. Remember, he has been through a lot of things and what he tells you or tries to get you to change is probably based on experiences in his life.

All relationships should be based on happiness and as long as you are happy with who you are, he shouldn’t be able to change this in you.

Remember Your Youth

Even if you are dating someone older, don’t forget that you are younger. If you want to do things that you can do and he can’t do them, do them without him. Remember if you marry him though, he is going to keep getting older.

Don’t Talk About His Age

You need to make sure that you don’t throw his age up in his face. Even though you are younger and can-do things, you knew this when you made the decision to date someone older. Don’t talk about his wrinkles or how he acts. This can be hurtful.

Find Things to Do Together

You will have to find things that you enjoy doing together. Since he will be older, there will be things he likes to do and since you are younger, there will be things you like to do. Find things that you can both do together and embrace the differences in ages that you have. Learn to have fun in all things you do.

Don’t Ask Him to Go Everywhere with You

Doing things with your partner is important but when a man is older, he won’t want to do everything that you do. He probably won’t even have the energy for it. You have to keep this in consideration when dating someone so much older than you.

Find things that you can do together that will be fun for both of you. Go fishing, to a coffee shop, wine tasting and other fun activities.

Be Ready for Stares

People will talk about you and stare at you for dating someone older. You might even have family that tell you how ridiculous this is. Be ready for their reaction and don’t be upset that you get a strong reaction.

Most of the time you will have people that are going to judge you for dating someone so much older than you and you need to be ready to accept these feelings and judgements.

Don’t Change Your Mind

If you want to be with someone older, then do it. Don’t let the opinions of others cause you to not date someone that you like. Choosing someone to love is up to you and if you are happy to be with him then be happy with him.

The way that you feel about him should validate your feelings and if you love this person for who he is and if love how you feel with him then nothing else should matter.

Listen to Your Feelings

As you get further in your relationship make sure that you notice your feelings. Are you in an emotional intimate relationship with him? What does your future hold?

Make sure that you answer these questions and make sure that you and he are on the same page together. Don’t let him pressure you into things that you don’t want and the same goes for you for him.

Don’t Just Assume You Know His Feelings

Dating someone older can be different and if you both started the relationship casually, it doesn’t mean that he won’t develop feelings for you and want to be serious. Don’t assume that he feels a certain way about you.

You need to have communication and not let there be a barrier when it comes to talking to each other. You need to make sure that your communication is always open.

Understand His Baggage

An older man is going to have more baggage than you and you have to accept this. He might have children and grandchildren and many ex-wives. All of this is going to come about when dating someone that is older than you and you have to learn to accept these issues.

Don’t Get Overwhelmed

Even if he has a lot of baggage, you have to learn to deal with it and not let it get you down. You have to be able to deal with his children being upset at your age and you have to know that relationships are hard work. Don’t get deeply involved with each other until you are ready.

Each person is going to be different, and the relationship will really depend on how mature you are. The more time you spend with your partner the better you will be able to understand each other.

Be Loving

Be loving with each other and make sure that you show affection. Don’t let things get in the way and make sure you are touching, holding each other, kissing and being close to one another.

Don’t Make Him Jealous

When another guy looks at you or hits on you, don’t make your man jealous. This can cause your relationship to end and be over. Older men don’t like to play games and so if you are trying to have a good relationship, avoid this.

Have Fun Together

Have fun with your partner. You are younger and you can find fun things for you and your partner to do. Don’t worry about how you should dress and all those things but learn to laugh and make things fun and happy.

Don’t Be Immature

Make sure that you aren’t acting like a teenager. You need to not have tantrums and not to throw fits or make demands. He is not your parent.

Be Intimate

It is important that you are intimate with your partner. He might want you to be the one to initiate this since you are so much younger. Don’t hold back from showing him that you love him. Have sex and enjoy time in the bed. Play games together and enjoy his body.

Know His Limits

Remember that he is older than you and he will have limits that you don’t have. This can be a lack of sex drive, issues with his health, joint and back pain, and other problems that older men have.

Know that these things can stop you from being able to be as intimate as you want. This can be hard when dating someone older, but it does happen.

Treat Him the Same

Make sure that you are treating him like you would any other romantic partner. Hold on to the idea that you are dating and make sure that you have the right mindset in the relationship.

Other Questions:

Here are some questions you might wonder about:

  • How do you know an older man likes you? Older men aren’t afraid to express their feelings and they won’t play games. They will tell you what they feel about you.
  • Is dating an older man better? It can be better because of the stability but it can be hard because of the age difference.
  • What do older men want? Love and to be in a committed relationship.
  • What age difference is, okay? You can date someone that is 20 or more years older than you.

When Infidelity Causes Love to Leave


Have you ever been with a partner that has cheated on you? The truth is, you still probably have feelings for them even if they have hurt you. Most people don’t want to be forgiving but they have a hard time letting go of the love that they have.

Falling out of love with someone that has hurt you is hard. It can be hard to look at someone that betrayed you, but it can be harder to leave them. This can be the biggest heartbreak that you have ever had.

How can you get over someone that cheated on you? How can you get rid of the strong emotions that you have for this person?

Falling Out of Love

If you have a partner that has cheated on you then you know that walking away is probably the best thing that you can do. You might wonder how you can do this because you realize that you still have feelings for them. Here is how:

Don’t Blame Yourself

No matter what your partner did to you, either a physical affair or an emotional affair, you need to not blame yourself. They decided what they wanted to do, and they are the one that cheated, not you. Even if you feel that its your fault, you have to stop that.

You are not to blame for what someone else did to you. If they were cheating on you, they are the ones that messed up, not you.

Cut The Cheater Off

You have to take your dignity back and cut the cheater off as soon as you can. You need to stop calling them, texting them, seeing them or trying to make small talk. Don’t worry if they are okay or not but allow yourself time to heal.

You might be able to stay friends with this person later, but you need to have a no contact rule from them for at least a month to allow yourself time to move forward.

When You Have to Co-Parent

If you have to co-parent with a partner that has cheated on you, you need to communicate only about the children and nothing else.

Stay off social media

Take a break from social media, as well. Don’t keep looking at what they are doing or where they are going. If you have to stay on social media, block them off of your accounts so you can get over them.

It can be hard to block someone that you have feelings for but if you are going to be tempted to reach out to them then blocking them is the best idea.

See Your Emotions

Allow yourself to have your emotions. Don’t try to hide them. You are normal and you are allowed to have feelings. You will feel negative feelings due to the hurt that you faced and when you feel like being mad, crying, screaming or whatever, do it.

Take Time

Take time in your life to heal from your heartbreak. You need to not rush into other relationships or think that you will heal right away. It takes time to get over someone that you gave your heart to.

Don’t set a time frame on when you will feel better and make sure that you are giving yourself the time that you need.

Don’t Get Revenge or Hate Them

You have to choose not to hate your cheating partner. You have to forgive them so that you can move forward. You also need to make sure that you are not trying to get revenge. It will take time to get over this person, but you don’t want to be negative along the way.

Stop Overthinking Things

Most people wonder why their partner cheated and what they did wrong. Stop thinking about what happened and think about how you can better your life. You don’t need to ask what you should have done differently or if they deserved to stay in your life.

Put your questions out of your mind and take time to close the relationship and to move forward and feel better about who and where you are.

You made the decision to leave this person so that you can better yourself and you need to do just that.

Know it Happened

Know that the cheating happened and accept it. It happened and even though it wasn’t supposed to happen, it did. Sometimes things just happen because they do and even if this wasn’t the purpose, another door will open for you at some point in your life.

You learned a lesson on who to trust and you saw that you are a strong person that can make it through things that are hard. You are still the same person, and you can see that this was actually something that worked out best for you in the end. Just give it time.

Date When Ready

Whenever you are ready to seek a new relationship, do it. You don’t have to rush into anything, and you can take time to have fun and meet new people. Do things for you that make you happy and make you feel excited.

Allow whatever happens to happen but don’t find someone just based on feeling lonely. Make sure that you find someone that you actually feel comfortable with and someone you really like.


Some people go into rebound relationships, and they date someone just because they feel sad and alone after infidelity. Don’t do this to yourself or to the other person. You don’t want to hold someone on a string and hurt their feelings if you break up with them because you didn’t really like them.

Become the Best You

Become the best you that you can. Don’t do things that hurt yourself but learn to have self-care. Go out and workout, eat right, be your best you. Find new friends, hang out with family, and do things that benefit your life.

As you improve your life, you will feel better, and you will see that you can be great. You can do what makes you happy. Be single and have fun while you are.


Love yourself more than you love other people. Fall in love with who you are and what you are. Let your self-esteem grow. Know that you are worth it and that you are important. You have to love yourself more than you love the ex that cheated on you.

Talk to Someone

Talk to someone that you trust. You can talk to your friends, family or you can talk to someone that is a professional. If you need to get over hurt and pain and you don’t seem to be healing, seeing a professional can help you. This can help you to get your mental health on the right track.

Can You Love a Cheater?

Some people choose to stay with their partner that cheated on them. They do this because their emotions are too strong, and they are weak and cannot leave them. Sometimes they feel that they aren’t going to be able to find anyone else.

When Does the Pain Leave?

The pain of having someone cheat on you might take a long time to get over. You need to give yourself a year to heal and to move forward in your life. After you start to heal you will see that you can move on, and you don’t hurt as much.

How Long Should You Stay?

You should stay with your cheating partner as long as you want to. Whenever you are ready to leave, leave but if you choose to stay, that is up to you.

Will You Change?

Everyone that is cheated on changes in some way or another. This may be a positive change where you see yourself strong or a negative change where you don’t trust people anymore.

Final Thoughts

Falling out of love after your partner cheats on you isn’t easy but you can do it. You can learn to love yourself and you can do it on your own if that is what you choose.

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Signs Your Deceased Loved One Is Visiting

Deceased Loved One

People long to hear from their deceased loved ones because they miss them and often, they don’t have the closure that is needed. You may realize that your loved one is closer than you realize. Sometimes, they come to visit you and you don’t want to miss these signs:


One of the most regular visits from a loved one is in your dreams. They can come to you and give you messages, comfort and help you to live your best life. Pay attention to your dreams and who you see and how they make you feel.

Feeling Them

Some people are able to feel their loved ones spirits around them. This can be a feeling that is intense because the energy around you changes. You might find that you get chill bumps or other sensations. This could come out of nowhere and this is a big sign that the spirits are visiting you.


You might feel your deceased loved one touching you. This can be them touching your arm, your neck or even putting their hand on your shoulder. Some people can feel their deceased loved ones hugging them or touching their hair.


Another way that your loved one can show you that they are with you is if you smell them. This can happen in a way that you know that it is someone that was close to you. You might smell their perfume, a cigarette or even a cigar smell.


There are some people that are actually able to hear the voice of their deceased loved one. This can be a sound that comes into your mind, or you might even hear this sound in your ears. They might come to you to tell you goodbye or to tell you a message that brings you peace.

Electrical Happenings

When a spirit comes into the room, it can cause electrical activities. If your television or lights keep going on and off or if you hear a radio come on, the spirit is probably trying to get you to notice them.

Phone Calls

Sometimes a spirit can manipulate a phone in order to give you a message. This can be a call that is just static on the other end, or you might get a call from someone that sounds just like your relative that passed away.

Signs and Symbols

One of the biggest ways that spirits will try to reach you is through signs and symbols. You might find things laying around such as coins, feathers, rocks, shells, or strange things that you didn’t have. You might also find animals coming around that you have never seen before, or you may see things such as signs on a billboard or repeating numbers.

All of these signs are there for you to notice that the spirit is trying to reach you and to get you to pay attention to their existence.

Moving Objects

Some spirits are able to make objects move around to get your attention. This can be something in your home that is moving, or you might find things put in places that you never put before.

Spirit Shapes

Even though this rarely happens, some people have reported actually seeing the spirit of their deceased loved ones. This can come in the form of a shape, or some people will see something out of the corner of their eyes.

Are They Missing You?

Are They Missing You

Have you ever missed someone so bad that it hurts? How can you figure out if someone is missing you? There are spiritual signs that you can watch out for to find out if someone misses you.

Signs They Miss You

Here are some signs that someone misses you:

  • Dreams

A person that misses you can show up in your dreams. This can happen and you can know its true because you have the same dream over and over again. When these dreams come, pay attention to the symbols and themes that come with the dream.

Having dreams that your teeth are falling out can mean that you have changes coming to your life. Scientists don’t know why dreams are the same in different cultures, but they have been a source of guidance for people all over the world.

Dreams can help you to connect with people and if you dream about someone often then they might be missing you.

  • Getting Moody

If you get moody out of nowhere it can mean that someone is thinking of you. It can also mean that they are on your mind, and you are on theirs. They might be missing you if you get in a bad mood or a sad mood out of nowhere.

Being moody can happen with different things but when you feel your emotions changing and you feel different and you see that others don’t want to be around you at this time, someone might be missing you.

  • Talking to a Psychic

Another way that you can figure out if someone is missing you is if you talk to a psychic. Psychics can give you information about what other people are feeling and thinking and they can pick up on your energies.

  • White Feather

Finding a white feather can mean that someone is missing you. This is a sign from the universe that you are being thought of. A white feather can show up out of nowhere. Pay attention if you find one and where you were when you found it.

  • Goosebumps

When you get goosebumps out of nowhere and it isn’t cold, this can be a sign that someone is missing you. You are probably on someone’s mind, and this can change how your body feels and what happens with your body.

The sensations that you feel on your skin can be a sign from the universe that someone misses you and wants you back.

  • Saying Their Name

When you accidently say someone’s name, chances are they miss you. This can be strange when you don’t say the person’s name every day. You might find that you are saying their name accidently and that you are being missed.

Saying their name more than once is a big sign that you are being missed by them and you need to take a deeper look at why this is happening.

  • Synchronicities

These are encounters that are strange but still happen to you. Do you have these kinds of encounters? If so, someone might be thinking about you. They could be miles away and this can still be happening in your life.

The universe will help you to know if someone is missing you. There are mysterious that happen all the time and can help you to know things about your life and the life of others.

  • Small Messages

You might get messages in our life that seem small, but these messages can be powerful and important. It might be a phrase that comes across on the radio, or it might even be a fortune cookie that you get at the local restaurant.

The fortune cookie might have a random message that is specific and gives you the advice that you need in your every day life. Reading your fortune cookies can help to clear the questions that you have.

Some people will see messages printed on a shirt, a box or even a drink that inspires you to live better or is a sign or an answer that you are seeking.

  • Repetitive Numbers

Numbers that keep repeating themselves over and over again can give you insight into what is happening around you. These numbers can let you know that someone is missing you. If you see triple numbers, then you can see that this is a sign from the universe.

Pay attention to patterns that keep repeating and take time to figure out what the numbers that keep appearing to you mean.

  • Speaking to a Stranger

Since the universe is full of energies, it means that everyone is connected in one way or another. This can mean that when you are in a relationship with someone, you can tell that they are missing you or you are missing them.

But, when you aren’t with that person and they are missing you, the energies are still there and are still connected to you. This means when someone is missing you and they want to connect back with you, the universe can let a stranger come to you and can push you to call that person you miss.

Notice all the signs that come to you and these signs can tell you when someone is missing you.

  • Thinking of Them

When someone pops into your mind out of nowhere, it can mean that they are thinking about you. You might remember something good that you and they were doing in the past or you might have a thought about them that is a close memory to you.

The person might come to your mind, and you might see their face, or you might see something around you that makes you think of them.

Just like having a mood swing, these thoughts can come to you instead of you actually thinking them yourself. This means that the person that is missing you is thinking of you at the time or maybe they have even dreamed of you and cannot get you out of their head.

The more they think of you, the more that you will think of them. It is like they send the thoughts to your mind. But the thing is, even if you are thinking of them and they are thinking of you, are they worth getting back together with? What caused the relationship to end in the first place? What had gone wrong?

Sometimes we chase after an idea instead of really wanting the person because we have been so hurt by them. When we have codependency with someone, we end up feeling upset and bitter and this becomes a toxic relationship.

Now What?

It is important to figure out if someone is missing you and then what action you want to take. Watch out for signs if someone wants to get back together with you. It is important to make sure that the thoughts that you have match up with the action and that things are going to be good.

If you miss someone and they come to your mind, see if these are the reasons:

  • You regret that the relationship ended.
  • You feel that something in your life is missing.
  • You aren’t being honest about what you are feeling.
  • You are having a hard time connecting with other people around you.
  • You push people out of your life and then you feel sad about it.

Look at the signs and see if you are missing someone. You might want to get closer to them or to reconnect with them. You need to pay attention to the signs, and you need to figure out what you want and need in your life.

People don’t always remember what you say but they will remember how they feel when they are around you. Make sure that you are treating each other kindly and that you are being kind and loving to yourself.

Take notice of the signs around you and figure out if someone is missing you and why. Pay attention to your own growth and make sure that you are reflecting on your life.

Finding Out

Do you want to know if someone is missing your spiritually You can wait for them to make a move to know you better or you can increase your spiritual self and make your aura stronger.

Become the best person that you can be, and people will always desire your company. Treat yourself kindly and interact with the world around you. When you love yourself and you are respectful about the things in your life, you will see that you put out an energy that attracts people to you.

As you feel loved, and more people understand you then they will want to be around you because you will be drawing them in. Here are some ways in which you can increase your vibrations and draw people into you:


The best thing that you can do is to listen to what people are saying to you. Make sure that you are listening more than talking. No matter what they are talking about try and be interested and to be present with them.

Don’t interrupt people when they are talking and take time to reflect on what they are saying so you can ask questions and be part of the conversation.

Be Excited and Thankful

When someone doesn’t show thankfulness for you then it can be hurtful. It can make you feel that you aren’t good enough. Showing thankfulness is showing love and this is important.

You don’t have to be dramatic with expressing your thankfulness, just be natural and be loving. Let people know that what they do is amazing, and you are grateful for it.

See the Good in People

Take time to see the good in people. You can notice how kind and wonderful they are and notice the things that you like about them.

Keep inspiring yourself by doing your best to see people in the good. The more that you see good in people, the more that you will grow. As you notice the good in people you will become more positive, and this will come back to you.

As you build yourself up and you gain knowledge about who you are you will be able to express yourself more and encourage others to be their best. People will value you for who you are and for what you do.

Twin Flame and Soulmate Differences


Most people have heard of a soulmate but not everyone has heard of a twin flame. Even though they are similar in the relationship, one will be harder to deal with than the other. Do you have a strong soulmate connection with someone? Have you ever met your twin flame?

Differences Between a Soulmate and Twin Flame

There is a real difference between a soulmate and a twin flame.

The Strong Connection

There will be a strong connection between you and your soulmate and you and your twin flame, but a twin flame relationship will always have a romantic part, but a soulmate won’t always be romantic and will sometimes just be physical.

Soulmates can be a family member; someone you work with or a friend. The twin flame will be your lover and your partner.


Twin flames are the other half of your soul and so whatever you are going through, the twin flame will go through that as well. If you have things that make you feel insecure, your mirror soul will have the same. This is how you grow and become stronger.

Soulmates grow together but they will always be different, and they don’t share a soul.

Past Lives

Twin flames will have the same kind of past life that you have, and they will have the same language and the same culture. Soulmates can come from different planets and different worlds and will still come into your life.

Talking to Your Soulmate and Twin Flame

Twin flame relationships often don’t talk that much but sometimes they use telepathy to communicate. Soulmates will use words.

Setting Goals and Expectations

All the relationships that you have will have a different purpose. The twin flame relationship will have a purpose for you to become better together and the soulmate will build their lives around each other, and it won’t be perfect.

Relationship Ideas

The biggest differences are that your twin flame will be your life partner which can mean that this is actually a soulmate because you and your soulmate will also share a life together.

The ting is a twin flame relationship is something that you don’t find but once in your lifetime and a soulmate relationship can come over and over again.

Runner and Chaser Stage

This is a time where you or your twin flame will run and the other will chase. This will be a very painful time in the relationship and will be hard for both you and your twin.

Even though soulmate relationships can end and can be hurtful, the pain will be different than with your twin flame.

Seeing Things Differently

Having a soulmate connection can motivate you to be a better person. You will learn from each other, and you will learn your life lessons.

Your twin flame will be a relationship that means that you share the same souls, the same personalities, and the same ideas.

Understanding the Soulmate Relationship

Your soulmate will be someone that you have a connection with. This will be a connection that is strong, and they will help you to be a better person. These relationships aren’t always going to be great, and they can sometimes be challenging but they will teach you what you need to learn along the way.

Even when things are hard, they will be someone that is there to keep your life together. You will have many soulmates throughout your life.

Understanding the Twin Flame Relationship

Your twin flame is someone that you will meet only once in your life. They will be connected to you at a spiritual level. This is when two souls are split, and one is the mirror of the other. Their soul will reflect yours.

Even though you will have many soulmates, you only have one twin flame relationship, and this isn’t just about love. Your partner will come to you to teach you to reach your higher self and will concentrate more on the spiritual connection that you will have.

Are Twin Flames Rare?

Twin flames are rare, and you only have one. You might not meet them in this life, and it might be in another lifetime that you meet them. Not everyone will meet their twin flame now even though many people will meet their soulmate, or many of them.

Knowing Your Twin Flame

If you wonder if you have met your twin flame, here are some things that you will have with them:

  • They will be connected with you deeply.
  • You will feel that they are another part of your ego.
  • If you want to work on growth, they will help you.
  • You will have strong emotions when you meet them.
  • The relationship can have many ups and downs.

Twin Flame and True Love

Your twin flame can be your true love. They will be with you in a relationship that will have ups and downs, but they will fix things at the end.

Being in a Twin Flame Relationship

This is something that hardly ever happens. The souls are connected when you are incarnated, and you will have a strong spiritual connection with this person. This relationship will have ups and downs and you will spend time growing and becoming your better self.

Karmic relationships can look and feel like twin flame relationships, but they are different. The twin flame connection will be someone that you connect with and someone that will last forever.

Twin Flames and Dreams

If you have found your twin flame, then you are lucky. Your twin flame will be rare and when you find them, you will see that you can have the same dreams. As you go on your twin flame journey, you will be connected spiritually, and this will be part of all of it.

As you try to connect with your twin flame, imagine that you will feel the same things, think the same things, and dream the same things.

What Relationship is the Best?

Is a twin flame or a soulmate relationship the best? Neither is the best; they are both different. Soulmates are going to be there and can help you to feel that you are fitting in and help you when times are hard. A twin flame relationship is going to last forever, and it will be everything that you want in your life.

Twin flame relationships can be hard because they have ups and downs but at the end you will be able to reach your higher self and you will be connected forever.

Zodiac Signs and Twin Flame Relationships

Here are the signs of the zodiacs:

  • Aries: This can be someone that will help you to work on who you are.
  • Taurus: This is someone that makes you feel secure and loves.
  • Gemini: This sign will give you love and help you to be honest and caring.
  • Cancer: This is a relationship that will have loyalty and will make you feel secure.
  • Leo: This person will be passionate and loving.
  • Virgo: This is one that overthinks things and you need to relax, they will help you.
  • Libra: This sign will help you to feel like you have known them forever the first time you meet them.
  • Scorpio: These are emotional people, and they often disagree and fight. They will help you grow though.
  • Sagittarius: This sign is one that can have unconditional love.
  • Capricorn: This sign is one that is romantic and often stubborn.
  • Aquarius: This is a smart sign and one that understands what you need.
  • Pisces: You will succeed in this relationship if you work hard.

Final Thoughts

A twin flame is going to be someone that has a strong spiritual connection with you and the soulmate is one that are two souls that are in different bodies. Both of these relationships are important.

The soulmate relationship doesn’t last forever but the twin flame relationship is something that is there for lifetimes after lifetimes. Once you find your twin flame or your soulmate, you will be able to understand the relationship more.