Know Your Kundalini Sexual Energies

Kundalini Sexual Energies

Energy found at the bottom of your spine is Kundalini energy. This sexual energy comes from the serpent goddess, and it can come out when you meditate and do yoga. This also can increase with love and with being selfless. This is a type of awakening that happens in the brain and then it moves through the spirit into your body.

Using Kundalini with Relationships

There are different things that come with Kundalini, but it works great with your relationships that are romantic. You can awaken this by stopping your sexual activity so that you can use this energy for change instead of for sex. There are other ways that you can make your Kundalini stronger, or you can awaken it. If interested, read on!

  • Be Yourself

The first thing that you can do is to open up your Kundalini by what you have and who you are and not what you just wish would happen. This needs to come naturally for you. Some believe that you can use Kundalini exercises for healing or to reach a higher place, but you need to learn to relax and let this happen on your own.

  • Don’t Lose Sight of Intimacy

Don’t lose sight of your intimacy but instead focus on what you are experiencing in your own sexual self. Be intimate in the moment and let the spiritual level of this connect. Do this as you are selfless and as you are showing acts of love.

  • Take Action

You need to make sure that you are taking action and that you are having a desire. Desire in Kundalini is called Iccha and knowledge is called jnana where action is known as kriya. You can’t just have a desire to make it happen, but you need to know how and what to do with it and then take action to make your desire come to fruition.

  • Get Rid of Old Ideas

You don’t just go into sex for an orgasm when doing Kundalini. This is a time that you are to give up on yourself and surrender your moment. This can take you to a place where you will orgasm because of the serpent goddess but that shouldn’t be your only desire.

  • Get in Tune

Take time to get to know your partner. Do foreplay and do what it takes to get your partner aroused. Make sure that you are connecting with them by looking into their eyes and breathing at the same time as them. Touch your partner and meditate. The goal shouldn’t be to orgasm, but it should be to enjoy your partner.

  • Tantric Sex

Tantric sex is when you connect with your partner. This is Kundalini and it is one that will travel up to your spine and it will be released as sexual energy. Tantric sex is an orgasm that will go from your spine to your sexual organs, and you will feel it all the way up to the top of your head or your crown chakra. The sensation will be in your groin, but you need to focus more on how you feel throughout your spine and throughout your body.

  • Have Fun

The most important part of Kundalini energy and sex is that you are having fun. This is an awakening that you will want to reach, and it is part of your life journey.


  1. An exceptional read that delves into the intricacies of Kundalini energy with clarity and wisdom. The notion of using this energy constructively in relationships, by fostering intimacy and understanding, is indeed an enlightening approach. The idea of cultivating desire, knowledge, and action while shedding old preconceptions aligns beautifully with holistic growth. The focus on connecting with one’s partner and seeing the journey as part of a life-long adventure is both inspiring and empowering. Kudos to the author for such a comprehensive and positive exploration of Kundalini dynamics!

  2. This article provides a profound and enlightening perspective on the essence of Kundalini energy. It’s refreshing to see such an articulate explanation of how this potent force can deepen romantic relationships through self-awareness and intimacy. The emphasis on being oneself and letting things unfold naturally resonates deeply. Indeed, combining spiritual awakening with love and selflessness can pave the way for a truly transformative experience. Thank you for sharing such insightful guidance!

  3. The notion of intertwining Kundalini energy with intimacy resonates with Eastern philosophies. The article offers practical advice on how to channel this energy effectively.

  4. While the blend of spirituality and intimacy is intriguing, I find the article’s assertions to lack scientific backing. The idea of a ‘serpent goddess’ and energy moving through the spine borders on fantastical rather than practical. I would appreciate citations from credible sources.

  5. I appreciate the detailed approach to awakening Kundalini energy within the context of a relationship. The emphasis on mutual connection and understanding is well-articulated.

  6. While the idea of using Kundalini energy to enhance romantic relationships is fascinating, it appears to require a significant commitment to personal and spiritual development.

  7. So, let me get this straight. By focusing on a mythical ‘serpent goddess’ and abstaining from sex, I can unlock some magical energy? Sounds like a Hogwarts spell rather than a lifestyle tip. Where’s my wand when I need it?

  8. The article provides an intriguing perspective on Kundalini energy and its relationship to intimacy. The emphasis on self-awareness and personal growth is particularly compelling.

    • I agree, Baby Bird. The focus on selflessness and connection with a partner seems to add a profound layer to the experience.

  9. What an enlightening article! I’ve been practicing Kundalini yoga for years, and it’s transformative in ways that words can hardly describe. The connection between spiritual energy and intimacy is a pathway to deeper love and fulfillment.

    • It’s amazing to hear such positive experiences! I am just getting started with Kundalini, and your words are very encouraging.

    • Absolutely, Smoochie! Rekindling relationships through such profound practices brings a new dimension to love and intimacy. Kundalini has been a revelation for my journey, too.

  10. The integration of Kundalini energy with romantic relationships is a novel concept. The steps outlined seem to encourage a deep, spiritual connection.

  11. The concept of aligning sexual and spiritual energy for personal growth is ancient and profound. However, modern interpretations can sometimes overshadow the essence with overemphasis on physical elements. It’s crucial to maintain a balanced view.

  12. I’m sorry, but equating a lack of sexual activity to gaining supernatural powers is quite a stretch. The article reads more like a script from a fantasy film than something grounded in reality.

    • Slim, the mystical elements are indeed hard to swallow, but the underlying message about mindfulness, intimacy, and self-awareness does hold value. Sometimes, these ideas are best approached with an open mind.


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