Signs Your Deceased Loved One Is Visiting

Deceased Loved One

People long to hear from their deceased loved ones because they miss them and often, they don’t have the closure that is needed. You may realize that your loved one is closer than you realize. Sometimes, they come to visit you and you don’t want to miss these signs:


One of the most regular visits from a loved one is in your dreams. They can come to you and give you messages, comfort and help you to live your best life. Pay attention to your dreams and who you see and how they make you feel.

Feeling Them

Some people are able to feel their loved ones spirits around them. This can be a feeling that is intense because the energy around you changes. You might find that you get chill bumps or other sensations. This could come out of nowhere and this is a big sign that the spirits are visiting you.


You might feel your deceased loved one touching you. This can be them touching your arm, your neck or even putting their hand on your shoulder. Some people can feel their deceased loved ones hugging them or touching their hair.


Another way that your loved one can show you that they are with you is if you smell them. This can happen in a way that you know that it is someone that was close to you. You might smell their perfume, a cigarette or even a cigar smell.


There are some people that are actually able to hear the voice of their deceased loved one. This can be a sound that comes into your mind, or you might even hear this sound in your ears. They might come to you to tell you goodbye or to tell you a message that brings you peace.

Electrical Happenings

When a spirit comes into the room, it can cause electrical activities. If your television or lights keep going on and off or if you hear a radio come on, the spirit is probably trying to get you to notice them.

Phone Calls

Sometimes a spirit can manipulate a phone in order to give you a message. This can be a call that is just static on the other end, or you might get a call from someone that sounds just like your relative that passed away.

Signs and Symbols

One of the biggest ways that spirits will try to reach you is through signs and symbols. You might find things laying around such as coins, feathers, rocks, shells, or strange things that you didn’t have. You might also find animals coming around that you have never seen before, or you may see things such as signs on a billboard or repeating numbers.

All of these signs are there for you to notice that the spirit is trying to reach you and to get you to pay attention to their existence.

Moving Objects

Some spirits are able to make objects move around to get your attention. This can be something in your home that is moving, or you might find things put in places that you never put before.

Spirit Shapes

Even though this rarely happens, some people have reported actually seeing the spirit of their deceased loved ones. This can come in the form of a shape, or some people will see something out of the corner of their eyes.


  1. This article was both enlightening and beautifully articulated. The notion that our deceased loved ones may visit us through dreams, sensations, or even signs is profoundly comforting. It offers a fascinating perspective on how we might remain connected to those who have passed on, and it encourages us to be more mindful of the subtle ways in which they might try to reach us. Truly thought-provoking!

  2. The concept of signs and symbols as a form of communication from spirits is interesting. This could be a deeply personal and subjective experience, and it highlights the human need to seek meaning and connection with lost loved ones.

  3. I found this piece to be incredibly insightful and reassuring. The idea that our loved ones could communicate with us through such diverse means, from sensing their presence to electrical occurrences, is truly captivating. It gives a sense of hope and continuity that transcends physical boundaries. A wonderfully comprehensive exploration of the ways we might stay connected with those we’ve lost.

  4. Oh great, now every time I smell cookies I’m gonna think it’s Grandma trying to say hi from the Great Beyond. Should I expect milk to spill by itself too? Joking aside, it’s a nice thought, albeit a bit spooky!

  5. I find the topic of smelling familiar scents particularly intriguing. It has been suggested that olfactory cues can trigger vivid memories and emotions, which might explain this phenomenon to some extent.

  6. The article touches on a variety of physical and sensory experiences attributed to spirits. It would be valuable to analyze these claims critically and consider alternative explanations rooted in psychology or environmental factors.

  7. This article seems more like an emotional crutch rather than a factual piece. While it’s comforting for some, there’s no substantial evidence to support these claims. It’s important to seek closure through tangible means rather than relying on supernatural explanations.

  8. Oh sure, and when my lights flicker, it’s definitely a ghost and not my old wiring acting up. Please. The article reads like a checklist for confirmation bias. People see and feel what they want to when they’re grieving.

  9. The mention of electrical activity and spirit interactions raises interesting questions about the intersection between spiritual beliefs and paranormal science. It would be beneficial to explore this further with empirical studies.

  10. Fascinating read! There’s a lot of anecdotal evidence about this subject, and it makes you wonder how much of it could be rooted in psychological phenomena versus actual supernatural occurrences. It’s worth exploring further, perhaps with scientific rigor.

  11. I find this article incredibly comforting. The idea that our loved ones can still visit and interact with us brings me a sense of peace. I’ve personally experienced some of these signs, and this reassures me that my suspicions might be true.

  12. The idea that dreams can act as a conduit for messages from deceased loved ones is quite fascinating. It aligns with some psychological theories about how our subconscious processes grief and memories.


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