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Are You Compatible with Your Moon Sign?

the moon

Sometimes when we are in a relationship, we can be attracted to someone who doesn’t seem to have an emotional attraction back to us.  This doesn’t mean that all hope for successful relationship is lost.

There may just be some conflicts in the signs of their birth charts. This is especially true when the moon signs don’t understand each other.  The moon is in charge of security and emotions. When you understand you own Moon sign, you will know how to ask for what you need in your relationship and how to support yourself emotionally.

Moon in Aries

This particularly placement needs clear and direct speech and lots of passion. The direct approach is very important.  They may even take the upper hand when it comes to fixing things.

Moon in Aries works well with Leo, Gemini, and Sagittarius.  Moons in Cancer or Scorpio is almost impossible.

Moon in Taurus

This Moon wants the best from the world. This sign needs to be connected and lots of affection and contact.  They tend to get emotionally tied down because they don’t want to move on and Taurus gets along with most signs but doesn’t enjoy any of the volatile or moody signs.

Moon in Gemini

Gemini Moon hates to be bored. There will be many things tried for entertainment.  This sign flies from one thing to the next and will have different levels of different interests. The best signs for this are Libra, Aquarius, and Aries.

Moon in Cancer

Cancer Moons desire patience and understanding. They want someone to pull them out of their shell. This Moon needs to learn to depend on herself emotionally to avoid co-dependent relationships. She is best with Capricorn, Taurus, and Pisces

Moon in Leo

These Moons need attention This isn’t difficult because they are lovable. This Moon craves space to express themselves but they have a tendency for drama. Leo is good with fire signs.

Moon in Virgo

This sign needs to be encouraged and revered for their work.  They can be insecure and critical. This sign works with every sign except Leo and Aries.

Moon in Libra

This moon is good with different energies. Harmony makes this sign thrive.  This sign can be hard to pin down as they can be indecisive.  They will have conflict with Aries and Sagittarius. They are good with moon signs.

Moon in Scorpio

This sign is a good friend and lover but is also very hard to satisfy. This sign can be misled if you they are not secure in themselves.  There is a lot of intensity involved with this sign. Almost every sign works with this one except the fire signs.

Moon in Sagittarius

This sign wants freedom and space.  This is intriguing but can be a challenge as this sign doesn’t like to be wrong.  All of the moon signs except Cancer are compatible.

Moon in Capricorn

This sign is practical and sensitive.  There is a lot of loyalty in this sign, but they will turn away if betrayed. This blend can help bind them to Scorpio and other earth moons. Pisces are also a good match.

Moon in Aquarius

A moon in this sign wants to talk and discover. They can be objective and distant.  This can be off putting to some signs, but they will get along with Gemini and Libra moons.

Moon in Pisces

This moon needs safety when they get overwhelmed.  Calm environments and spiritual life will help.  This sign loves to help and needs to learn to say no to stay happy.  This moon works well with Virgo and Capricorn as well as Cancer.

Does Incompatibility mean doom?

In a word, no. Opposing moons don’t always mean that the relationship won’t work. Knowing the signs just means you will know why and how someone acts or reacts to things. You can make any relationship work. but sometimes it takes more work. But it may even be a bit easier once you know what you are looking for.

How to Cope With One-Sided Love?

One-Sided Love

Have you ever loved someone, and they didn’t love you back? Maybe you fell for a friend, but they only see you as just a friend. Unrequited love or one-sided love can be devastating, especially when you are so much in love with someone.

A lot of us have dealt with this tough scenario once or twice in our lives. One-Sided love is difficult enough when the person you love is someone you hardly know, but it can be even worse if this person is a friend of yours.

When someone you love does not feel the same towards you, you may start to blame yourself. Maybe, it’s the way you look or the way you act. It’s important for you not to go down this route, because it can be damaging, especially the problem isn’t you.

Here are some positive and effective ways to choose from to help you cope with one-sided love.

Give yourself permission to be sad!

One-Sided love can really hurt. You can have a hard time dealing with it. It is ok to give yourself time to grieve. You realized that it’s not possible to be in a relationship with someone and you’ve lost the idea that your feelings would be returned.

Be aware of your feelings and let yourself grieve, angry or disappointed. All of your emotions are valid, and you need to give yourself permission to have these feelings. Give yourself some time and be aware that emotions and feelings don’t disappear overnight.

Keep yourself busy

Get distracted by doing things you love and enjoy, whether watching your favorite TV series, painting, spending time with your friends or just find a hobby that you enjoy, it can really help. This way you will not only distract yourself from thinking about this person, but you will also do things that you enjoy and may find new hobbies of interest too.

Working out can also be a great way to feel more positive as it gets your endorphins flowing. By keeping yourself busy, you will start to feel much better, while trying new things and doing hobbies you enjoy.

Reach out to people who care about you

Try to spend more time with your family and friends. Reaching out to people who care about you is a great way to find support and motivation to move on.

Speak to your family about your feelings and then listen to advice they give you. They know they and can treat you much better than you may be treating yourself.  You can also hang out with your friends and the situation becomes a lot easier to deal with when you are surrounded by people who care about you.

Show yourself some self-care

It’s very important to love yourself and practice some self-care to overcome one-sided love. Do whatever it takes to feel cared for and to be happy. Have more “me time”, relax and meditate.

Following these steps can really help you start feeling more positive and confident about yourself and will help you stop putting the blame on you, helping you to live a more fulfilled life.

Interpreting Mixed Signals of Affection

That natural wish to be loved and be given all the attention and affection by intimate partners is something humans were born with. However, love makes individuals think differently due to its strong and exhausting feelings leading to misinterpretation and discrimination of interests.

Once you’re deeply in love you easily misinterpret things (words and habits) differently than you should. You easily ignore clear signals and end up not noticing them just because you’re in love.

Here are some of the actual meaning of signals you might be misinterpreting:


A lot of individuals think being jealous and owning a person is amazing. You may be convinced that your partner’s emotions towards you are the ones making them get envious easily and even have control over you. But the reality of the matter is that they are really wrestling with their own problems and are now trying to put their insecurities on you. Never misinterpret the difference between care and control.

A frantic Plan

Are their moments when your partner has used their busy schedules as a reason as to why they weren’t able to communicate or meet up with you? This is a very unusual behavior and is a very essential sign that shouldn’t be ignored. We can always make time for anything that we treasure because we all have equal time in a day. Therefore, if your companion is not creating quality time for you the reason is they don’t want to, not that they are busy.

Names of Pets

Words like a baby, honey, and sweetie shouldn’t be taken seriously in a relationship since they are just words although they sound good, and it feels awesome when your partner includes them in your talks. These pet names are usually simple methods of showing affection and therefore are frequently used without hesitation. Hence you should seriously take them into consideration not to misinterpret them. They are signs that you need to be interested in.

The motivation that’s not needed

How nice is it to always depend on your partner for motivation and inspiration? Nevertheless, there’s a difference between guiding someone into achieving their goals and trying to change them. An individual should inspire you into becoming better rather than trying to change you to become someone that you’re not.

When you’re in a new relationship it really becomes hard to interpret mixed signals. Actions speak louder than words, therefore if you care for somebody and want to know if they feel the same then you need to take time and observe attentively.

Your instincts should always offer you guidance. In case you feel like there is no equity in effort from the side of your partner then you’re definitely right. The earlier you realize this the better since you’ll be able to move on to someone you deserve.

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5 Signs Your Partner is Ready to Commit

Partner is Ready to Commit

A worthy partner is someone capable of dedicating themselves to you!

Commitment is a descriptive word describing a situation where two people in love are ready to stay loyal and dedicated to one another. It frequently takes place without any activities involved. A dedicated or committed companion doesn’t have to use gestures to prove that their love is true.

Are you wondering which direction your relationship is taking? Our gifted psychics have the answer!

Our talent team of psychics has compiled five commitment signs that you can take into immediate consideration. With these tips, you can learn what commitment look like and enjoy love with a dedicated partner.

  1. There is regular communication

When a partner fosters daily communication with you, it shows that they embrace commitment. No matter how busy they may be, they will constantly think about you. Constant flow of calls and texts is always anticipated. They will perpetually inquire how your day was, always inform you about theirs, and take your feelings into consideration. Individuals in a committed relationship, no matter how busy, will create time for their partners.

  1. Words like “Relationship,” “coupled,” and “Future” are integral in your vocabulary

People who avoid serious relationships seldom use the R-word. Since such words like those listed above promote intimacy, they run from using these terms. People that crave commitment easily use these words since they enjoy discussing future plans with you and expanding your bond.

  1. You Have Fun Doing Nothing

Dedicated couples frequently have fun doing nothing since they enjoy each other’s company rather than focusing on an event like going out on dates. When planning a night together, the right individuals are focused on quality time, and even tasks like meal preparations or running errands become enjoyable.

  1. Making of Long-Term Plans

Apart from having fun doing nothing, committed couples rejoice over their achievements and make long-term plans together. They both see themselves together in the future; therefore, they find it easier to plan activities like anniversary dinners or future day trips.

  1. You Show Up for the Important Things 

When in a dedicated relationship, you never fail to support each other. Events like funerals, family gatherings, and birthdays are those that you can’t just attend with anyone but with a committed companion since you both share a deep, honest connection; therefore, you feel comfortable around them, and they are also able to understand your weaknesses. It is always a great feeling when someone is there to support you both in your happy and sad moments.

If you are still unsure if your partner is ready to commit, reach out to us today! A love psychic can help you discover or retain the love you deserve through a psychic reading. Everyone deserves to be happy when in love. All your relationship queries will be answered, how to find a perfect soul mate and how to ignite a romantic relationship. You are worthy of vibrant, passion, and unconditional love.

Advantages of Breaking Up

Advantages of Breaking Up

The Upside to Breakups

Find out the essence and benefits of your breakup regardless of how bad losing a relationship may sound.

When you breakup with someone, it will be hard but there are good things that come with a breakup such as finding out who you really are and meeting your own needs.

Starting Afresh

Being single again after quite a long time of dating comes with a lot of opportunities and excitement. This means you have the chance to explore, socialize and meet people.

Go out and put yourself out there. Have fun with people around you and learn to be part of different groups. Find new hobbies that you have wanted to try for a long time but just haven’t.

You Become Available for the Right Person

Wasting time in an unhealthy relationship reduces your chance of meeting the right person. For you to find the right person you have to be single and available.

Get dressed up and go out and meet someone new. When they see that you care for yourself and that you are ready to date, they will be ready to take you out.


Relationships make us forget ourselves since they are full of compromises. You need some quality time alone just like you need it with someone else. When single and alone you’re able to think and find yourself without any distraction.

Take time to become a better you. Meditate, go for walks in nature, clean your house, write out your goals and dreams and take care of your own personal needs that you have neglected for so long.

You Become Free

When you’re single you become free and have the opportunity to do anything you want regardless of anybody’s opinion. This is because when dating someone you always have to take their needs into consideration. Freedom enables you to always act on your own desires without being compromised.

Spend Time with Friends

You are able to spend some quality time with the most important people in your life when single. Those friendships that you had put on hold can be rejuvenated and that can be one of the most successful moments in your life.

Living the Single Life

Find happiness with a partner or with yourself. When you are single, it gives you the opportunity to become the best that you can be. Set new goals, start new hobbies, and live your happiest life yet.

Why it is Hard to Say Goodbye

Why it is Hard to Say Goodbye

There are those times in your life you feel the need to be alone and just away from former friends. You may, therefore, have a hard time moving on since you always engaged them in your life regardless of them being harmful to your mental health or the fact that the relationship you had doesn’t exist anymore.  Discover ways you can kiss goodbye to specific individuals with the help of online psychic readings.

Always remember the Bad Moments

Always take note of the bad experiences you had with the person. People tend to only think of good times, and this makes them hold unto relationships forgetting the person had hurt them sometime back without taking their infractions into consideration.

Cease from Yearning the Thrill

Your reason for staying in a relationship or friendship might be because of how excited you used to be when around those individuals. You have finally discovered that the person only wants to use you for their own interests. You shouldn’t stop undertaking your daily activities just to please them but its high time you change this behavior which is not good for your health.

Deal With Your Affairs

Acknowledging your vulnerabilities makes it difficult for somebody to exploit you. Manipulation of your weaknesses especially things that you don’t like may make your partner and friends use such things to upset you. By acknowledging them, therefore, makes you stronger regardless of what they do.

Be able to Trust Others

Regardless of what you’ve experienced always learn to trust others. A violent relationship might make you ask a number of questions about other people in your life and may also make you feel that the other people are capable of treating you the same. However, trusting others makes you open your heart and quickens your healing process especially from a bad relationship.

Ask for Help

Engage with a psychic on phone to be helped get over a bad relationship. Have a close relationship with friends and families do not distance yourself. Undertake those activities that make you feel better. Do not hold onto heartless people but get help from friends and families who can help you kiss goodbye to such kind of individuals. You can as well contact an online psychic and together you’ll be able to move on.

An online psychic can help you to know what course of action is best for you to move on without having anger or hurt feelings. Tell your online psychic what you need to tell them and let them help you to heal and to move forward in your life.

Asking a Psychic for Relationship Guidance

One of the frequently asked questions is “Should I continue being with my boyfriend?” Definitely, no one can help you answer this since you’re the one to decide whether you want to end a relationship or not. However, when you have mixed feelings, you can engage with a psychic who can help you solve your problems by telling you why you are asking that question in the first place.

Understanding the Question Well

You should be able to understand your question. In this case, “Why do you consider ending a relationship”? Maybe you feel like your partner is not serious with you or not husband material or he may not be willing to start a family and for your age is really catching up.

At the same time, you feel it’s possible to just start a family without having a full-time dad and just raise kids on your own. We, therefore, have two incidences here, one is having kids with your partner and him being a fully committed dad and the second is having a kid and raising the kid on your own.  Raising a kid on your own seems to be the best option according to the cards.

There is a possibility of a happy and contented family if you raise your kid on your own unlike doing it with your partner who at times, you’ll have to brush shoulders with every now and then making your relationship unhealthy. Cards therefore always prove something to us. It answers all our questions and decides for us what we actually want.  By understanding the question, we are able to know what the problem is and be advised accordingly.

Discovering the Important Question

Nobody decides for you what to do but rather somebody can help you discover what you think is the best for you. I had this client who had been in a relationship for quite some time and wanted to get married but the boyfriend wasn’t ready.

She, therefore, wanted to move out of the relationship and get a man who was interested in marriage. We came to understand that her getting into marriage was to enable her to keep growing.

After doing the reading it was revealed that she needed to pay attention to other things rather than just the relationship for her own growth. This meant doing anything that interested her. While undertaking these activities she’d be able to recognize if the relationship was growing or not.

She, therefore, decided to stay and grow within the relationship after knowing what she really needed to be helped with. I was able to help her move on, and it came to her understanding that the relationship wasn’t the problem but that the problem lied deeper inside of her.

If you have questions regarding your relationship that need answers then there’s no need to worry since there is a talented relationship psychic who can help you discover them all. They help you understand ways of moving on and helping you also to have the ability to make your own choices.


Signs You’re Experiencing a ‘Twin Flame’ Relationship

‘Twin Flame’ Relationship

Unlike the traditional idea of a soul mate which means perfect matches. Twin flame are perfect mirrors. Twin flame relationships tend to be give and take, hot and cold, black and white relationships.

Twin flames relationships tend to be intensely passionate, and sometimes painful. Twin flames help us awaken and they serve to show us who we really are. Here, a few of the main signs:

You are drawn to them

You feel as though you’ve known this person before, even if you just met, for no reason.

Thinking differently, being with them

You exchange ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and so on. Their love awakens you.

Your differences pull you apart

Although you love each other more than anythingyou may be in and out of one another’s lives, but deep down you know that you are born to be with this person.

You feel like home

Being with them makes you feel like home, and you feel like you met this person before. Your connection is too intense, and you have a deep feeling of familiarity when you’re with them. you know that your relationship is worth the investment and energy to foster. Being together is better than when you are apart.

You complete each other

You couldn’t be more different, yet complementary of each other. They are your other half, the parts of you that were missing, and you have been looking for.

You are more than just lovers

People don’t understand your relationship the way you do, and they comment about how the two of you are soul mates, but you both know that your relationship even goes beyond that, in other words, you’re best friends.

Your relationship moves very quickly

You have that click like you’ve known one another forever. Your relationship grows over time, and the more you get to know each other, the more you are absolutely in love.

You sometimes experience worry and uncertainty in your relationship.

You may ask yourself a lot, whether or not this is really love, or what you want for your life.

You share everything

You share all things: the good, the bad, and the ugly and you’d rather fight with your twin flame than be happy with someone else.

  1. Feeling connected to each other

Despite all the differences, you still feel connected to each other. Both of you don’t care about the commonalities. You love to bridge the gap in your relationship, and you know it’s worth the effort when you have found the person who mirrors your flame for life.

  1. With them, you are yourself

You can always be yourself because you know you’re never judged for being very authentic. You can share your desires or fears knowing they are in safe hands.

  1. You complete each other’s sentences

One partner is more “spiritual” than the other, while the other one is more practical. You complete each other and finish each other’s sentences.

Sex, the Ultimate Cure for All

Are you having a bad day? Nervous about something? Not feeling confident enough? Relax. We’ve got the solution. Researchers have found that sex is the ultimate cure, regardless of your situation.

Orgasm causes the brain to release Oxytocin, making one feel relaxed and energized, according to Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum. So next time you think of rushing out bed in the morning, think twice as it may save your day. Spend some more time with your partner as it might just give you that confidence you need.

Still, on Dr. Teitelbaum, sex has proven to reduce stage fright and anxiety in from of audiences.

Sex also has proven benefits for your skin. sweat that covers your body after a vigorous session is full of nourishing oils for your skin, according to Dr. Caandida Royale, author of How to Tell a Naked Man What To Do. “It’s best not to rush into the shower, to allow the body re-absorbs these natural oils” sex enhances blood circulation within the body.

Whenever you feel unwell, there is no other well-known medication than sex, which stimulates one’s immune system and the more you have it, the less vulnerable you become to colds and flu according to recent discoveries.

Dr. Deborah Anapol says that there are benefits of deep kissing. Its known to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol which therefore stimulates the production of antibodies that in the end helps fight infections. The New York Times recently reported that holding hands is a form of a stress reliever.

“Having sex three times a week will make you look ten years younger” at least according to g to Dr. Teitelbaum.

Dr. Royalle says “A good round of sex will create feelings of well-being and contentment. It can fill your body with positive feelings about yourself, your lover and your life.”

Benefits of Sex

Here are some of the best benefits of having sex:

  • Burns up calories.
  • Helps to boost the immune system.
  • Increases estrogen.
  • Increases testosterone.
  • Increases your sense of feelings and senses such as smell.
  • Gets rid of stress.
  • Lowers the risk of getting diseases such as cancer.
  • Helps the brain to grow new cells.
  • Reduces depression.
  • Increases oxytocin in the body.
  • Helps people to sleep better.

Final Thoughts

If you are thinking that you need to improve your life, try having sex. If you and your partner are not on the same page, spice up things in the bedroom and make it a place of fun and excitement. Having sex has many benefits so let it benefit your life today.

Being in Control of Your Own Relationships

So much is out of our control when it comes to love. As much as we would like to be able to force somebody to fall in love with us, one thing we just can’t control is other peoples’ emotions. Further, as much as we might want a romantic relationship to last, we simply don’t know what the future might hold.

But there are some things in your love life that can be controlled, and then used to help create vibrant, lasting romantic relationships. Here are some of the things you can control:

The amount of effort that you put into your love life.

You get from a relationship what you put into it, just like so many other things in your life. This is true whether someone is still involved in the dating scene or if they’re already in a solid relationship. It’s completely up to each person the amount of energy they’re willing to spend on love.

You and only you get to decide the amount of effort you’re going to expend to go on dates, to respond to messages, or to create an online dating profile. You are also in control of the amount of effort you choose to put into showing your loved one your appreciation and how deeply you care for them.

How low or high you set your standards.

You are the only one who knows the type of partner that would be best for you, and the qualities you look for in others so you can thrive in the relationship together. Don’t let yourself settle for someone who’s less than what you’re looking for out of loneliness, or because you think that they’ll be good enough for the short term and might change for the long term.

Conversely, try to be realistic about what type of person you think you need so you can be happy with them. Remember, nobody is perfect! The way you decide the necessary characteristics in a romantic partner versus what would just be nice to have is one thing you can control. It is something that can have a major impact on the course of your future love life.

Your level of honesty.

We’ve all heard the old saying that honesty is the best policy. Besides being an old saying, it’s the truth. Honesty is a critical component of healthy relationships, especially romantic ones. When you’re involved in a romantic relationship, you have control over discussing with your partner things like how serious you want the relationship to be, what your personal life goals are, and if you want to have kids someday.

It’s also up to you to decide if you’re going to be honest to yourself about your feelings for your partner. Being honest to yourself about what you want and need in the relationship and what you will give in the relationship will help you to know what you want in your life.

Your level of vulnerability.

It can be difficult to really allow someone into your life and your heart. This is especially true if your past includes hurt as a result of relationships. But the level of openness and vulnerability you choose to show in a relationship is totally up to you.

You control which aspects of yourself you want to show, and when you want to show them. You get to decide what you prefer to keep hidden until you’re feeling more certain and comfortable in this relationship. This aspect includes discussions about the number of people involved in your romantic past or revealing information about the challenges and traumas you may have faced.

The amount of love you give.

The main reason for people to find a romantic partner is to receive and to give love. You have control over deciding when to fall in love, and when you’re ready to use words to express your love to that special someone. You also have control over deciding who deserves your love. This should give you the confidence you need to share your heart with somebody who really appreciates and loves you.

Everyone deserves to experience love in their lives. You deserve to be happy and fulfilled.

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