5 Reasons You Might Dream About Someone

Dream About Someone

Have you been finding yourself dreaming about a particular person recently? Dreams are intense and rich with symbolism. When you dream about someone, you connect with them on a liminal level. Just as your mind is conjuring them up, this person might be thinking about you as well! Although it might be difficult to recall past dreams, try to set an intention to be more mindful about remembering your subsequent dreams to more effectively interpret spiritual messages contained within them.

  • Reason 1: You Seek the Approval of This Person

You could be seeking their approval due to multiple scenarios. Perhaps you feel like they have been ignoring you or not engaging with you as much as you would prefer. You also could be working through some inner conflicts with them, and the dreams offer you a chance to plan and process your innermost thoughts. Although this may be a trying experience for you, it ultimately allows you to heal and better comprehend how this person may perceive you or your actions.

  • Reason 2: This Person is Thinking About You

Dreams can serve as a homing beacon for the soul. If you notice this person frequently showing up in your dreams, consider that they are simultaneously dreaming about you. The next time you find this person appearing in your dream, pay close attention to their words, behaviors, and actions. These patterns may provide clues about issues they are privately working through regarding their side of your relationship. For example, if you haven’t seen this person in a while, they may be missing you, and you should expect a call or visit shortly. If they are being critical of you, this person could be working through some issues of self-guilt in regards to your dynamic that they are hoping to transfer onto you.

  • Reason 3: This Person Seeks to Manipulate You

If you wake up in a state of anxiety after encountering this person in a dream, be concerned. They may be preparing to take advantage of you or induce toxicity into your life. Be careful to avoid showing them any sign of vulnerability during any subsequent encounters. Any action can and will be used against you either immediately or later on in the future.

Your anxiety could also be a sign that you have overly guarded yourself against the world. You are concerned that by sharing too much of your innermost thoughts, people can and will hurt you. Instead, harness your unique skills and joys in your life. These will help you avoid absorbing negative energy from people seeking to cause you harm.

  • Reason 4: If Only…

You may be dreaming about this person because you worry that you made the right decision regarding your dynamic in the past. You may be unsatisfied with your current life path and wondering if you did things differently, where you two would be now. You often might find yourself waking up hopeful that this knowledge can give you the power to embolden yourself to make the necessary life changes.

  • Reason 5: You Feel Neglected

You may have unresolved feelings with this person, particularly around processing your sadness. You might feel like you have been used or left behind. You also might not be sure about how they view you and your dynamics. Be careful that you aren’t so fixated on this person and your pain that you are overshadowing other relationships in your personal life. Instead, choose to focus on the present, hope for the future, and forgive your past. These dreams could be a harbinger of healing as this person likely is thinking of you at this moment and seeking to move forward in a healthier manner. If you both choose to focus on the present and take things gradually, you can mend your fractured dynamic.

It is natural to dream about a specific person. If you find yourself having recurring dreams about them, its time to take particular note about any symbolism and patterns. Consider that this person might also be having dreams about you as well, and ponder what lessons you both are supposed to be learning in this given moment. Perhaps its time to reconnect with them and potential heal old wounds.