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Love Tips for Psychics and Healers

Love Tips for Psychics and Healers

One thing about psychics and healers is that they are sensitive, and they have the ability to feel deeper than other people do.  Love can be like two universes colliding and you are not the only one to feel this, but you also feel the lives of others.

Part of being a healer or psychic is that you have the ability to fall into the feelings and emotions that people have.  When you fall in love, you can merge and feel the inner being of who you love.  The bad part is that this is a hypersensitive feeling that can cause you to overreact on things.

When you sense what your partner is going to do then you can feel more understood and feel like you aren’t being invaded.  Sensitive people are easy to please but have a hard time with rejection.


Make sure that you don’t take everything personal.  Everyone has emotions and we have times where our partners are withdrawn.  When this happens, it is not necessarily rejection.  Emotions can get started and if we have a negative feeling it can put on a strain on you and cause you pain.  It is important that you can control your feelings.


Make sure that you have boundaries that are healthy.  These are a good thing to have so that you don’t have to deal with pain.  If you aren’t in a healthy relationship, you are in danger of being a rescuer.  You have needs and feelings just like your partner does and this can give you a deeper love connection.

Being a giver can make you be resentful and can cause you to balance improperly.  This can give you a reason to escape from your own problems that result from a bad self-esteem.


Being with someone all the time can be tiring.  If you are feeling emotional then you might need to leave for a while and get things done for yourself.  You need to make sure that you are comfortable with your partner and that you respect each other’s feelings.

Be honest with each other and share your inner thoughts.  People are hard to understand sometimes but we are all in the same world.

Good News

Psychics are good lovers, and you have the sense to make a connection that stands out with your partner.

Let in Love

Making love is a good thing to do and make sure that you meet your partners sexual fantasies and desires.  Be non-judgmental on what your partner wants and be comfortable with your lover. Share what you want in bed as well and let them meet your sexual fantasies and desires as you meet theirs.

Soul Mates

If you know the relationship is good, chances are you are with your soul mate.  Listen to your inner voice and see if you have bonded and feel safe with your partner.  If you do, then you are in a relationship that is deeper than just friendship and it can be a good thing.

Healing the Heart Chakra Energy

Healing the Heart Chakra Energy

If your relationships, romantic and platonic, are struggling or you are being clingy and obsessive about a crush, then your heart chakra may be off.

Heart Chakra Explained

The heart chakra is a glowing, green energy orb deep in the chest’s center, as believed by energy healing practitioners of an Eastern tradition. The heart chakra is one of seven natural energetic junctions which are life force points that are concentrated. Each separate chakra rules the organs around it with a host of spiritual functions.

An energy healer who focuses on someone who could not speak up for themselves may focus on the throat chakra because it effects the airways and vocal cords, but also a metaphorical voice. So, the heart chakra not only effects the cardiovascular system, but the ability to receive and give love.

Compromised Chakra

Everyone’s energy profile is different so there is no exact way to tell if your heart chakra needs realigned, but there are noticeable signs. If you have experienced the following, you may need a tune-up:

  • A critical view of yourself or others
  • Being or feeling impatient and tense, even after a time to recharge
  • Self-loathing
  • Negative self-talk
  • Behaviors that are self-destructive
  • Unable to feel happy over achievements (your own or others)

However, there are times when you have a bloated or inflamed heart chakra which is evidenced by:

  • Stalking behaviors (social media or obsessive texting)
  • Obsession over a love interest (interferes with life)
  • Feelings of all or nothing

Testing the Chakra

There is an easy way to do a heart chakra assessment. Get into a comfortable position that you can stay in for a bit, close your eyes, and imagine the green, glowing sphere in the center of your chest. Focus on what it is, not on trying to change it. The color of green you observe means something. If it is vibrant, like grass, then you are safe, if it is sickly green then work can be done.

Balancing the Heart Chakra

There are many ways to bring the heart chakra back into alignment, but what works for one person may vary from what works for another. Several options are shared below.

  • In the world of energy work, a simple imagining of a change can have effects, so visualize a white light from the universe entering the space and revitalizing the green orb.
  • Yoga can help to relax and stretch the muscles, opening a clouded chakra. Try the camel and cobra poses.
  • Some scents are associated with the heart chakra, such as jasmine, so lighting some or drinking jasmine tea may help.
  • Meditation focused on loving kindness is healing to the heart chakra.
  • Express your feelings through writing, drawing or discussion, but get the feelings out.
  • Exercise as a form of self-compassion. It does not need to be an over-exertion, but some form of physical activity.
  • Move on from grudges and past hurt, make a conscious choice. Learn to forgive for yourself.
  • Move away from addiction behaviors and relationships by placing strong boundaries.

The heart chakra provides life warmth and love so take care of it. Check in periodically, even when not in crisis, to get the best from your heart chakra. Always keep your heart chakra strong and aligned to have the best life.


Five Tips to Manifest Your Soulmate

Five Tips to Manifest Your Soulmate

Finding a soulmate tops many people’s to-do lists. In a culture that places such significance on love and romantic relationships, it’s difficult to escape the feeling that you should be paired up with your “The One.”

But how can we know if we’ve met our soulmate? They’re not exactly going show up at the front door with a flashing neon sign over their head. Besides, isn’t it just a bit absurd to assume that out of 7.7 billion people in the world, there’s just one single person who’s “The One” for you? If so, then finding them is really going to take a lot of work!

Most people have multiple soulmates in a lifetime. Since soulmates enter our lives for healing and learning, it doesn’t matter if they’re in your life for two weeks, two months, two years, or 20 years. You were destined to experience that deep, special, soul-level connection to them for that period of time.

But whether your heart is set on meeting your soulmate for the short term or the long term, these five tips will help manifest them into your life.

Take Care of Yourself

Your life’s slogan should be “I choose ME!” This affirmation leads to a genuine connection with yourself which, in turn, will help you find your soulmate. Choosing yourself isn’t selfish. It simply is putting your self-care first, so you’re able to become connected to and aligned with what you love and who you are. It causes your energy to vibrate at its highest possible frequency, so you’ll naturally attract someone who matches you.

Be Picky

Choosing yourself and putting yourself first will empower you. You’ll discover you have the strength to heed red flags and to stop settling for less than what’s best for you.

You’ll be able to stop worrying if they’ll reply, even if you thought they looked “perfect” and “this could be it.” On dates, you’ll realize pretty quickly if things are going to work out or not, instead of viewing minimal potential as encouragement to force things to fit. It’s pickiness in a positive way, as you’ll finally be authentic to yourself.

Stop Focusing on “The One”

As much as you want there to be one person who’s perfect for you, this is both unfair and unrealistic. Rejecting others, placing undue pressure on yourself, and remaining inflexible in your viewpoint will get you absolutely nowhere. You need to remove the pressure from the situation, take a deep breath, and shift the focus back onto yourself.

Draw Your Soulmate to You

If you genuinely believe that the Universe listens to us, it’s important to demonstrate trust. The decisions and choices you make will have an impact that echoes through time and space. The energy you generate will certainly manifest significant results. So, have faith. Prophecies are self-fulfilling.

Focus your energy by writing down the feelings and emotions that you want to experience in your ideal relationship. It’s important to do this, because people usually focus on things such as what your soulmate looks like or has in his or her life. It’s more important to consider what it feels like. Shifting the focus back onto the emotions helps you prioritize the feelings you want to experience with the person, and what values they have.

Consult your Spirit Guides

If you haven’t ever worked with your spirit guides before, it’s worth your time to consider exploring in your efforts to attract your soulmate. Your spirit guides not only want you to find that special someone—they’re your own personal cheering squad! They want nothing less for you than to find your soulmate. Spirit guides can send you messages and signs to help you see who you should date and who you should avoid.

To begin, ask your spirit guides to come forward. Spend about five minutes in a quiet place. Close your eyes and say (out loud or just in your head), “I’m ready to listen to you. Please come forward. I want to receive your guidance and messages.” You should soon begin to perceive their presence in the form of sensations or feelings in and near your body.

To do this successfully, it’s crucial to keep your heart and mind open to the possibilities. There’s generally nothing wrong with skepticism, but in situations like this, your heart and mind must be clear and open to adequately receive and accept whatever your spirit guides may have for you.

But don’t just do this once. Make it a habit to consult with your spirit guides. For example, next time you’re swiping away on a dating app, turn to them and ask for their guidance. When you find somebody who interests you, breathe in that person’s energy and see how it feels inside you.

Ask them to show you “yes” or “no.” If they’re telling you “Yes,” your body’s energy will feel tingly and buzzy. If they’re saying “no,” you’ll feel heavy and cold.

Finally, trust the messages you receive. Your Guides want you to rely on your intuition, so you don’t have to go on any more first dates you’d rather forget!

This certainly isn’t the only possible way to attract your soulmate. But no matter which technique you use, the overall theme must be openness. You have no way of knowing when the opportunity to meet your true love will present itself. An open mind and an open heart will help you get there.

When You Hit a Crossroad in Your Love Life

Crossroad in Your Love Life

There’s that point in every relationship where doubts sets in, and you wonder if the relationship is worth fighting for. This can’t be solved immediately, nevertheless before giving up, look at the text below. The honeymoon might seem to be over if you’ve been together for a couple of months. You have deep things to consider if you have been together for years.

Below are things you need to do if your relationship is at the verge of collapsing:

Assess the Factor

Major tensions in relationships are triggered by short-lived scenarios. The stress on a relationship becomes momentary especially when a partner goes through a life change like the birth of a child. Stress in a relationship can be caused by anything uncommon. Reviewing how you reached that point could help you decide whether that relationship is worth fighting for.

Look for psychic aid

You can know the course of your relationship if you visit an online psychic. A psychic won’t decide for you, but they can help you in the decision making the process.

Alter your relationship

When you start dating, everything is new. Dullness eventually becomes a problem as the relationship progresses into a long-lasting dedication. You will have to talk to your partner about altering things up if monotony is leading you to a crossroads in your relationship. You can try going on a date night and doing something fun.

Explore self-independence

A healthy relationship consists of a healthy balance of independent interests and interests that you do together. If you enjoy doing something that your partner doesn’t, don’t offer it just because it isn’t shared. Do what interest you by yourself and see how that will strengthen your relationship and give you new things to engage in. This change can be used to solve crossroads that originates from self-satisfaction.

Seek help

Every problem is not quickly fixed. Larger problems such as extra-marital affairs don’t mean the relationship is over, nevertheless, this kind of situation often needs the help of others. Seeking help from a professional psychic or counselor will help you overcome difficulties and guide you towards healing.


Keep your relationship strong by doing new things, taking time to do things on your own, being honest, loving, respectful and caring and by making sure that you keep honesty and trust in your relationship.

If you feel that your relationship is on the rocks, talk to a psychic to see what you can do to better yourself and your partner both separate and together.

Find Your Soulmate Using Your Intuition

Find Your Soulmate Using Your Intuition

Using your intuition is something that tends to be generally frowned on by our society. Most decisions are made with our reasoning, rather than our gut instincts. Sure, sometimes there are so many decisions to make throughout the course of the day that we go into autopilot mode, use our instincts and hope for the best, but it’s not often that we use our gifts. And that’s a shame because intuition is a finely crafted tool, honed by millions of years of evolution.

But when you meet someone for the first time, no amount of reasoning will help you to determine if they’re “the one”, or even if you like them or not. This is when that tool, your intuition, can be the most useful. It’s really the only tool you have available to use because even the best conversation with the person doesn’t mean that you know them. You left relying on your gut instinct, and that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

Here are a few tips on how to use your intuition to find “the one”.

Vibes and nonverbal cues

One study stated that at least 93% of communication is nonverbal. Now, the study itself was a bit flawed, so it’s very likely that this number isn’t quite accurate. Rather than focusing on the number, let this be your take away: the way that we determine whether we like someone or not and what sort of vibe we get from them is through nonverbal communication. The first impression is made with things like posture, clothes, and hair. From there, you’ll get a vibe.

Interpreting vibes can be tricky. When you first meet someone, you could notice that your nerves tingle and your face is flushed. Of course, this COULD mean that this person is your soulmate, but it could also be some other signal, such as a warning. So understandably, it can be hard to read the initial signals that your intuition puts off.

One thing you can do to make your intuition’s meaning clearer is to flip a coin.

This method isn’t about chance. But while it’s in the air, you will notice that you’ll hope for a specific outcome. Whatever you’re hoping for is how you feel. That’s your intuition talking. Go with it.

Why does this work? Well to answer that, you’ll first need to know more about what ancient people believe about soulmates. Many ancient people thought that soulmates were actually one soul that was split into, as is exhibited in Plato’s twin flame separation theory. They thought that logic, thought and reasoning could actually keep a person from finding and being reunited with their soulmate (which probably sucked for Plato). So, forcing yourself to make a decision forces you to use your intuition and trust your gut, rather than reasoning.

Write it out

After a date, you’re left wondering if you’re actually falling in love with them, whether it’s just lust, or if it’s something else entirely. Since we know that obsessing over it isn’t the answer, what can we do instead?

Sit yourself down and write it out. Write down everything you feel about the date, and the person in question. Is this a person you want to spend as much time as possible with, or just sleep with on occasion?

This is a free writing exercise with no structure or intention outlined. Just write down whatever comes into your mind, even if it’s embarrassing. This will let you figure out what your intuition is saying. But don’t plan it out, censor, or edit yourself. Otherwise, the point of the writing is lost.

Pay attention to warnings

Your intuition can act as an instinct to warn you about danger. If something feels wrong or you feel panicked, this is your intuition speaking to you. You can use this instinct when it comes to dating and relationships, too. It doesn’t matter if you’re with a person who seems great, if something feels “off” with them, pay attention to that feeling.

Don’t just go tell the person that something is off with them, as this could obviously be confusing and hurtful to them. Instead, think about your interactions with them. Your intuition is likely throwing up flags about something that you’ve missed. If you think about it long enough, you’ll probably be able to determine what it is that feels “off”.


People tend to think of instincts as something primal, something that we don’t use thought and reasoning with. But it’s more like that intuition kicks in before reasoning. In order to find your soulmate, you’ll need to use both your intuition AND your reasoning to weed through some of the people who aren’t right for you. You’ll have a lot better chance of finding your soulmate if you use your intuition properly!

Phone Clairvoyant Love Readings

Phone Clairvoyant Love Readings

You will be able to get into a good relationship and leave the bad relationship, find love and much more through the help of love psychic readings. There are many positive impacts of love clairvoyant readings; they will help you with compatibility, romance, marriage, and fidelity as well as other important things in your love life. When you are trying to figure out your romance and intimacy journey, know that our trusted love clairvoyants are the best possible sources.

What’s a love reading?

gifted psychic that pays much attention to you and has instincts when it comes to the feelings of love and emotions is the one who conducts a psychic love reading. They will guide you on how to find true love, how to control your feelings of love and give you support and advice plus much more.

Clairvoyant love readings are for which people?

These readings are for individuals who are confused about their love life. You might be looking for answers for:

  • Is there a possibility of an ex coming back?
  • Can I trust my partner and are they loyal?
  • Is he my dream partner?
  • How can I know ii have the right individual with me?

Above are just some of the questions you might be curious to find answers for and you can ask a love clairvoyant anything. How you deal with your romantic life on a regular basis can depend on your love psychic, so you need to find one. Love clairvoyants can be trusted even if you’re already married, in love or still single and looking forward to finding someone to spend the rest of your life with.

Ways in which love clairvoyant readings work:

Although we are very curious to find out what happened in our lives, love clairvoyants will be able to help you understand how you can work on certain areas so you can realize that there’s happiness in a relationship. You can find your romantic path through love readings which can be done by one of our mediums. They can analyze your emotional condition and your feelings about things:

  • Do you think you are lovable enough to be loved by another individual?
  • Are you ready to get into a relationship?
  • Are you ready to love again or to be loved?

If you are currently looking for love, then love clairvoyant readings will give you relevant and effective pieces of advice. You can also be given words of wisdom, encouragement, and tips just how you want them to be given.

Types of love readings

There’s quite a number of distinct types of love readings. You can choose them from angel cards, cartomancy, tarot, or past life readings. They can at times be very intense and our trusted psychics are accurate and personal.

Here are some ways in which the zodiac signs are well paired with partners:

Aries and Aquarius

They make relationships very interesting; they don’t make any dull moments. They are always ready for anything and are very adventurous. They like having a good time and enjoying new things.

Taurus and Cancer

They work well together and seriously attract each other. They have a connection physically and emotionally helping each other grow while making the relationship grow too.

Gemini and Aquarius

They both have extreme connections emotionally and physically. On a regular basis, they bounce off each other. While they love their being on their own just as they like hanging out together. And being alone does not affect their relationship.

Cancer and Pisces

They are water signs with an impulsively extreme connection. They know each other well of course and are very proud of that. They form a solid bond between themselves since they have a strong sense about them.

Leo and Sagittarius

They enjoy life by loving others who feel the same. They are sure of what they want in life and are always giving hope to each other so that they can achieve their dreams.

Virgo and Taurus

They are both earth signs. Very calm and cool. They are true and sincere with each other hence they can stay in a serious and long-term relationship.

Libra and Gemini

They are both into mental stimulation and their relationship revolves around strong intellectual connections. The mind is the most interesting and sexiest thing according to them.

Scorpio and Cancer

They are very cautious of their emotions, and this makes them more compatible. They are very exceptional, and this is because having a pair like those won’t necessarily make a long-term relationship work. They work best when together due to the fact that they feed off each other’s fervor.

Sagittarius and Aries

These are fire signs, they, therefore, reflect a serious hot passion in a relationship. They give relationships life and make them bloom.

Capricorn and Taurus

They make the most chemistry in a pair, unlike all other astrological signs. They have an ever-ending admiration which is daydreamed by most people.

Pisces and Scorpio

They can comprehend each other’s mind and know what the other is speaking. They can understand their partners forever.

All About My Own Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading

Are you afraid to get a reading? Here is a journey into my own reading that may help you to choose to get a reading of your own.

A while back, I received a psychic reading. At one point, the reader told me that my next love adventure would be with a quirky Virgo. He also said I already knew this person, but that he wasn’t a constant in my life yet.

That fall, I made a love potion with a friend who, quite honestly, perfectly fit the psychic’s description. By the new year, our relationship changed to the point where it wasn’t as platonic as it had been. Things ultimately didn’t work out for us, and we went back to being just friends. But I kept thinking about what the psychic had predicted.

So, I decided recently to have a tarot card reading in hopes of changing my perspective on relationships and dating.

My Tarot Card Reader

To start the process, I wanted to find the best tarot reader. That ended up being Tina the Tarot Lady, affectionately known as Miss Tina.

When I arrived at her studio, I was greeted by a friendly tortoiseshell cat that led me right where I needed to be. Miss Tina invited me to have a seat on her couch. Her cat hopped up into my lap, and my reading began.

My Reading with Miss Tina

Miss Tina sat next to me and anointed my third eye with sandalwood oil. Then Miss Tina explained how each suit in the tarot deck corresponds to an element and either the physical, spiritual, mental, or emotional component of us.

I began shuffling the deck and asked Miss Tina when I should stop. “Listen to your gut,” she said, “and keep shuffling until you feel the cards are ready.” While I shuffled, Miss Tina removed individual cards and set them aside. When I stopped, she laughed and told me, “That was definite!”

The first card— the Indicator—represented the element of me that the cards would address in this reading. Miss Tina turned over the “Man of Cups,” which confirmed that I handle my emotions in a superficial way, without ever seeking to explore them more deeply.

My Present Life

Then she turned over two more cards that symbolized situations I was dealing with at the time. They both were cups: one was the Sage, and the other was the Child. The Sage card meant I felt confident about my beliefs and knowledge. But Miss Tina said, “If there’s dryness in your spectrum of emotions, give it water. Allow yourself as much as you need. Don’t expect somebody else to do it for you.” She said that the child card was telling me to acknowledge all of my emotions and to let myself feel them, even if they weren’t the pleasant ones.

She continued turning cards, showing more royal cards and major arcana cards. She explained, “The major arcana cards involve all of the above. So, they’re weightier. They affect a more significant portion of your being than one single card or suit.”

My Past and Future

The Sun card symbolized my past. It showed that I’ve previously learned the lesson that I need to find happiness and accept love even in the darkest times. Miss Tina then brought the reading back to my current situation, telling me about the new lessons I’ll be facing. She turned over one with two symbols: a diamond on the top, and broken crystals on the bottom.

“This card means you should concentrate not only on the diamond you’ve become so far, but also on the diamond that you yearn to become,” she said. “The broken crystals are thoughts that will hold you back from accomplishing that.”

My Hopes and Fears

The card that symbolized my hopes and my fears was the Love card. This shook me a bit! I began this quest hoping to learn how to change my perspective on love. “Nothing in this reading accentuated your fears,” Miss Tina said. There’s a lot that supports love and hope.”

My outcome card was a crystals card. This shows that what I’m ultimately seeking at the end of my journey is harmony.

My Reading Results

After my reading, I felt so surrounded by love. It was like I’d received confirmation that everybody important to me actually cares for me, too. I’m not sure I ever doubted that, but when it comes to interactions with other people, I tend to overanalyze, so I often worry that what I’m feeling isn’t truly being reciprocated. Which is what the diamond card confirmed. I learned I need to stop focusing on self-deprecating thoughts, and instead perceive and focus on the positivity that I already know is surrounding me.

After the Reading

I thought the reading might inspire me to begin seeking new relationships, focusing on any possible romantic love in my life. But it didn’t exactly do that.

Since the reading, I’ve been thinking about what I really want for myself and for my relationships. I haven’t exactly gone out of my way to meet new people and to form connections with them, but I have been focusing more intentionally on my existing friendships.

I do still worry sometimes that my loved ones aren’t as invested in me as I am in them, but I learned from my tarot reading that my concerns stem from allowing my self-doubts and my insecurities take control.

Ultimately, my reading gave me the perspective I needed to nourish the existing love in my life. It was eye-opening to see how each tarot card built the narrative I see playing out in my own life. I definitely recommend a tarot reading to anyone seeking a fresh perspective on their own lives!

Finding True Love with a Psychic

Finding True Love

When it comes right down to it, isn’t everybody in search of true love? True love is among the genuine basics of what it means to be human. Solo existence can get lonely. It’s totally normal to yearn for a partner to journey with through life.

People describe true love in different ways. But nearly everyone would agree that it’s a state of mutual care with someone else. It also encompasses the passion and contentment you share with someone you love.

Stories can help people understand true love. People who are truly in love would do anything for each other and support each other without regard for what is said or done. True lovers share a powerful connection that is absolutely and totally right. People truly in love will live happily ever after.

Genuine psychics will tell you that you and your true love will find each other when the time is right. What they won’t always tell you is that even if you’re yearning for true love—you need it, you wish for it, and you feel like you can’t live without it—it may not be the right time. That type of guidance is the most valuable service that psychics provide.

Physical And Spiritual

A qualified psychic is able to read your future based on your physical characteristics, body language, emotional disposition, and other spiritual and psychological signs. A person with a centered soul, a strong core, and a good understanding of self is very likely to find love. Karma exists, so having a good heart is a necessity when it comes to finding true love. Though it may initially be difficult to spot on the surface, a psychic will be able to discern if you have a good heart or not and should let you know right away.

A psychic will know if it’s the right time for you and can propose different and helpful things you can do to discover true love, such activities you could participate in and places you could go. But it all depends on the condition of your psyche. If you have a lively, fiery spirit, you may find your true love in athletic activities.

If your spirit is quieter and calmer, a better approach for you may be to join a book club. To improve the possibilities of finding true love, a psychic may also provide suggestions like which gemstones you should purchase, what colors you should wear, and what meditations you should practice.

True love is unpredictable. Sometimes it may seem like people just want to play games. Psychics can suggest things that could direct you into the path of your true love. They may suggest that you travel places where you could meet a person and develop a strong connection to. Remember that although you may be quite happy that you have fantastic times traveling to different places with somebody, that doesn’t mean that it’s true love!

To sum up, you must be in the right place, both physically and spiritually, to find your true love. And different people take different paths. But if you love yourself and appreciate the forces that are at work in this realm, then it’s likely that a psychic can help you find the true love that you’ve been looking for!

How to Find Out How He Feels About You

How to Find Out How He Truly Feels About You

Have you begun a new romantic relationship and need to know if he’s in love with you? Do you worry that he just wants to be your “friend with benefits”? Is he hard to read? Are you looking for encouragement that you’ll get the commitment he’s promising?

If you’re feeling uncertain about your significant other’s feelings for you, you may be considering a tarot card reading to gain some insights. But tarot cards can’t read minds. Neither can tarot readers. But what they can do is give you a general sense of what energy is present.

As an example, positive cards in a spread, like The Lovers or the 2 of Cups, could be a good sign that he’s into you. Negative cards, like the 9 of Swords or The Tower, could be an indication of problems.

To be honest, if you’re looking to tarot cards to see if he’s in love with you or not, all you’re going to do is to drive yourself a little crazy.

So instead of using tarot cards to take a sneak peek into what he’s thinking and feeling, it would be wiser to use common sense to analyze the signs that he’s giving you. And yes, these signs are quite easy to read!

Signs that he is in love with you:

  • He wants to be with you often.
  • He regularly communicates with you.
  • He returns your texts and calls in a timely fashion.
  • He makes romantic gestures.
  • He expresses genuine interest in you and what’s important to you.
  • He’s proud to introduce you to his friends and family.
  • He’s seeing only you.
  • He comes right out and says, “I love you.”

Signs that he may not be in love with you:

  • He often does not return your texts or calls.
  • He ghosts you for days (or even weeks) at a time.
  • He only calls you and wants to see you late at night (just in time for a booty call).
  • He refuses to be exclusive with you and is seeing other women.
  • He gets angry with you if you look at his phone, like he’s trying to hide things from you.
  • He talks about his ex like he hasn’t quite gotten over her yet.
  • He doesn’t make romantic gestures or engage in PDAs with you.
  • He doesn’t take you out to events.
  • He won’t take you to meet his friends and family.
  • He wants to see other people, and also wants you to.
  • His profiles on dating sites are still active.
  • He doesn’t want you at his place and doesn’t let you keep any of your things there.
  • He introduces you to other people as “my friend.”
  • He doesn’t mention you on social media, and his relationship status is still “single.”
  • He doesn’t say that he loves you.

These are just signs, and it is possible to misread them. So, the best thing to do is to be honest. Try asking him directly. Communicating openly and honestly with your significant other will yield far more dependable insight than anything else possibly could.

If your partner seems to be unable to give you a clear answer, or if he is a poor communicator, there may be more significant issues that you need to address. In those cases, it’s best to seek a relationship counselor to find healthy ways to communicate with each other about your feelings.

So next time you think about turning to tarot to try to discern if he’s in love with you, keep this in mind: common sense will serve you better than trying to pry into someone else’s thoughts and feelings. Psychics and tarot readers can’t see everything. So don’t pin your hopes exclusively on tarot cards. Place them on your abilities to read the signs, and work to develop honest and healthy communication.

Don’t waste your time on a guy who makes you wonder about his feelings for you. Don’t give your heart to a guy who can’t be honest and open with you. If he really cares about you and loves you, you don’t need psychics and tarot cards to see that. It will be as clear to you as your nose on your face.

Are You Compatible with Your Moon Sign?

the moon

Sometimes when we are in a relationship, we can be attracted to someone who doesn’t seem to have an emotional attraction back to us.  This doesn’t mean that all hope for successful relationship is lost.

There may just be some conflicts in the signs of their birth charts. This is especially true when the moon signs don’t understand each other.  The moon is in charge of security and emotions. When you understand you own Moon sign, you will know how to ask for what you need in your relationship and how to support yourself emotionally.

Moon in Aries

This particularly placement needs clear and direct speech and lots of passion. The direct approach is very important.  They may even take the upper hand when it comes to fixing things.

Moon in Aries works well with Leo, Gemini, and Sagittarius.  Moons in Cancer or Scorpio is almost impossible.

Moon in Taurus

This Moon wants the best from the world. This sign needs to be connected and lots of affection and contact.  They tend to get emotionally tied down because they don’t want to move on and Taurus gets along with most signs but doesn’t enjoy any of the volatile or moody signs.

Moon in Gemini

Gemini Moon hates to be bored. There will be many things tried for entertainment.  This sign flies from one thing to the next and will have different levels of different interests. The best signs for this are Libra, Aquarius, and Aries.

Moon in Cancer

Cancer Moons desire patience and understanding. They want someone to pull them out of their shell. This Moon needs to learn to depend on herself emotionally to avoid co-dependent relationships. She is best with Capricorn, Taurus, and Pisces

Moon in Leo

These Moons need attention This isn’t difficult because they are lovable. This Moon craves space to express themselves but they have a tendency for drama. Leo is good with fire signs.

Moon in Virgo

This sign needs to be encouraged and revered for their work.  They can be insecure and critical. This sign works with every sign except Leo and Aries.

Moon in Libra

This moon is good with different energies. Harmony makes this sign thrive.  This sign can be hard to pin down as they can be indecisive.  They will have conflict with Aries and Sagittarius. They are good with moon signs.

Moon in Scorpio

This sign is a good friend and lover but is also very hard to satisfy. This sign can be misled if you they are not secure in themselves.  There is a lot of intensity involved with this sign. Almost every sign works with this one except the fire signs.

Moon in Sagittarius

This sign wants freedom and space.  This is intriguing but can be a challenge as this sign doesn’t like to be wrong.  All of the moon signs except Cancer are compatible.

Moon in Capricorn

This sign is practical and sensitive.  There is a lot of loyalty in this sign, but they will turn away if betrayed. This blend can help bind them to Scorpio and other earth moons. Pisces are also a good match.

Moon in Aquarius

A moon in this sign wants to talk and discover. They can be objective and distant.  This can be off putting to some signs, but they will get along with Gemini and Libra moons.

Moon in Pisces

This moon needs safety when they get overwhelmed.  Calm environments and spiritual life will help.  This sign loves to help and needs to learn to say no to stay happy.  This moon works well with Virgo and Capricorn as well as Cancer.

Does Incompatibility mean doom?

In a word, no. Opposing moons don’t always mean that the relationship won’t work. Knowing the signs just means you will know why and how someone acts or reacts to things. You can make any relationship work. but sometimes it takes more work. But it may even be a bit easier once you know what you are looking for.