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10 ways to Detox and Declutter Your Life

Detox and Declutter Your Life

Now is the perfect time to re-evaluate important facets in your life. Most people like to use it to declutter their homes, but consider taking it a step further and detox and declutter your entire life. This includes the areas concerning your mind and soul.

There are 10 things you can do to clear your life of inertia and toxicity and make way for blessings and positivity:

  1. Clear your social circle.

We pick up many different people throughout our life, and sometimes we need to redefine our social circle. Namely, we need to get rid of toxic people and spend more time with positive people and cheer you on. Toxic people may not just be friends but could be family too. While we can’t disregard family completely, we can distance them and keep them from daily life and business. You will find that doing this will lower the drama and lower your stress. Positivity breeds positivity, so hanging out with optimistic and supportive people will do much for your soul.

  1. Take time out for a walk.

Walking daily will not only help you physically and build your heart but will reduce stress and clear your head. Want to make it even better? Walk outdoors. Find a local park or a hiking trail. Stanford University released a study in 2015 that indicated a 90-minute walk or hike in nature left people happier, relaxed and lowered their risk of depression.

  1. Declutter your home.

It will surprise you how much this one thing can work wonders to relax you. If the thought of a complete overhaul causes more stress, try it one project at a time. Start with your closet. Doing one project could motivate you to choose another; soon, you will be living in an improved environment for you to enjoy.

  1. Limit your social media, tech, and phone.

Numerous studies show that high use of social media and cell phones causes depression and narcissism. Plus, scrolling through all your social pages is a time-waster than can be spent taking a class or picking up a hobby. Along with limiting social media, also look to limit phone use in general and computer use and television. All can be time wasters that keep you from being productive and distract you from important things like your family and friends. The worst social media network for mental health, according to a 2017 survey, is Instagram. It consistently made users feel depressed and anxious.

  1. Quit comparing.

One of the reasons for the anxiety and depression problems is that social media promotes a sense of competition amongst users. Remember, what you see isn’t always reality. It is a picture of what other people want you to believe about them and their lives. Quit comparing.

  1. Limit negative information.

It is crucial to keep up with things. Yet, just like it is vital to eliminate pessimistic friends, you must also purge toxic information. This means news and some entertainment shows. News can be warped depending on who is producing it. It tends to be negative. Some entertainment shows, like crime dramas, legal dramas, reality shows, and the like, can also be harmful. This is too much for your brain to handle if you are trying to remain positive. There is a saying, “garbage in, garbage out.” What you put into your brain matters. Choose wisely to input things that help you live a better life rather than negative information.

  1. Learn to cook and improve your diet.

Having a healthy diet will do wonders for your outlook, brain function, and productivity. Incorporate more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and other good things. Along with that, learn to cook these things and try new items. Getting creative with a recipe, whether it is your grandmother’s green bean casserole or a new one using a vegetable you never even heard of, will get your creative juices flowing. It will help you learn to love good food too. Don’t forget to treat yourself occasionally. Bake that banana nut bread!

  1. Do something just for you.

People tend to put themselves on the backburner for families, friends, or work. Take some time out to do something just for yourself. That can be an at-home facial, time for yoga, a spa day, or a class that you’ve always wanted to try. It could be putting on your favorite music for an hour. Whatever it is, take time to enjoy your moment.

  1. Be quiet.

The world is filled with noise, from television and live streaming to people constantly expressing their opinions. It’s okay to be quiet for a while. Fred Rogers, the well-known personality of Mister Rogers Neighborhood, often had quiet moments during his show. That was unheard of in television, even today. He said it was okay to have a moment of stillness. So, give yourself permission to take hit pause, it’s okay. Some people like to meditate, and others pray. Some read the scripture of their faith, while others read poetry. However, you spend your quiet time, get away for a few minutes during the day to enjoy peace.

  1. Prioritize rest.

People today, as proven by several clinical studies, don’t get enough rest. So, we push it, staying up late to work, watching a movie, going out, and even remaining on the phone or computer. A lack of rest will make your head foggy and drain your energy. This can lead to irritability, bad decisions, and an overall a lack of motivation. Start valuing your rest. Make it a priority because your health is a priority. Go to bed at a set time every night. Set a nighttime routine to wind down. Don’t get on your phone or computer after 8 p.m, and never take your technology to bed.

Making changes in your life isn’t easy, but it is essential to your overall health and mental state and your spiritual being. Don’t feel like you have to modify yourself completely overnight. You can implement one change every few days, so things feel less imposing. Doing lifestyle and behavior modification will detox your life and make you more relaxed, happier, and less stressed. Seize this moment, and begin your journey towards a more organized and peaceful life today!

Energy Vampires You Love

Energy Vampires You Love

When an energy vampire is someone that you care about or love, it can be a hard thing to deal with.  There are people that come in your life that are dramatic and they make you feel that you are drained emotionally.  These people can make you feel overwhelmed or tired after you are around them.

People that are energy vampires are easy to find because they are always complaining or crying but they never do anything to help themselves and they can also be someone that gossips about other people or that criticize you for all that you do.

It is hard to deal with these people, especially if you love them and are close to them, but there are ways that you can learn to shield yourself.

Dealing with Energy Vampires

Keep in mind that there are different kinds of energy vampires and how they drain you can be different per person.  Some things that might drain you are:

  • When they complain all the time.
  • When they are jealous and insecure.
  • When they don’t take responsibilities for their actions.
  • When they can’t find their own joy.
  • When they judge other people.

We have all met these people in our lives and these people have dominate traits that can cause you to be stressed and aggravated.  They can take away all of your energies and hurt your feelings.  There are triggers that you have that can be pushed and so you have to figure out what your triggers are.

Once you figure out what your triggers are and why they aggravate you, you need to come up with a strategy and figure out how you can beat these energies.

Find Positive Energies

Think about someone that is critical of you and how tired and bad it makes you feel.  Before you visit them, think about the good qualities that they have.  Even if this is hard, dig deep until you find what you can think positive about them.

For example, even if they always pick on you, at least they are telling you things from love, or you know that they don’t mean to hurt you and they are kind to people that you love.

By doing this, you can have a positive frame of mind and you can focus on things from a whole perspective and see that they mean good but just communicate things wrongly.

Imagine White Light

Try to surround yourself by white light.  You can do this by imagining that a white light is surrounding you and getting rid of all of the negative energies in your life.

Things Not to Do

Try to make sure that you do not argue or take things personally.  An energy vampire is normally negative, and they probably aren’t attacking you on a personal basis.

Vibrational Frequency

When you are energetic and full of energy, it means that you are a person.  You have high emotions and when they are positive, they can increase your vibrational frequencies.  The higher that your vibrations are, the easier it is to deal with people that are energy vampires.

There are ways that you can increase your frequencies and you can do this by:

  • Meditating
  • Listening to your favorite kind of music.
  • Look for good in the world.
  • Look for good in others.
  • Learn to journal your feelings.

Remember that if you are usually happy that you will send this into the universe and get love and happiness back.  Each day you will experience emotions and they can be negative and positive, but you will bring the best out of others.


Everyone has to have boundaries, and this is especially important when you are around energy vampires.  There might be times when you have to set firmer boundaries, and this happens when you are around others that are always letting off negative energies.

Be helpful and let your heart center around your love and your kindness.  This is part of your journey.

Finding a Good Man

Finding a Good Man

People will always complain about how hard it is to find a good man.  Even though it might be hard to find someone or meet someone new, there are good men out there.

Show Who You Are

Men love to know who you are.  Show your depth or what is in your soul.  Be real and be beautiful. Be opened to communicating and telling others about your life.

Women are able to connect and to meet new people.  Most women are compassionate and caring and men love this.  Depth looks like love and when you feel love in your heart, it will be deeper when you care for someone.  Let that space inside of you show others what love looks like.


Never go into a relationship without setting boundaries.  You can say no anytime you want to.  It is that simple. Boundaries are something that people are afraid to set because they don’t want to turn people off. Saying no and making someone treat you with respect is okay.

Men actually like to hang out with women that have boundaries.  They want to respect you and if you have boundaries, you can tell if you are meeting a good person by how they act.

Accept Him

If you meet a new guy, you have to make them feel important.  You have to make them feel like you want to accept them into your life. Talk to them, listen to them, engage with them.  By doing these things they will want to be close to you.

Playing hard to get is fun but it also causes men to be afraid of you.  They feel manipulated because they will not want to be with someone in that type of setting.

Be Real

Men find it interesting when a woman can be who she is and not try to impress them.  We all know that people can be who they are, but who do they want to be?  Women need to learn that they can let off a vibe and make guys want to follow it.

Being real feels good but it is not always easy.  Try your best to be real with others and if someone likes you for who you are, you might have a winner. It is a good thing in life when you can meet someone and be happy and they can celebrate who you are.


Love yourself if you want others to love you.  Self-love is the foundation of happiness and if you don’t’ love yourself, no one is going to really be able to love you.

You have to practice being happy on your own before you find a man to try to be happy with.  Men cannot make you happy if you have not learned to love who you are and to accept yourself.

Do things in your life that promote self-love such as exercising, eating healthy, meditating, writing in a journal, meeting new people, being positive and being thankful.  You can be loved with or without a man and when you can love yourself, you will be inspired to love others.

When you are talking to men and meeting new people, remember that a guy likes a girl that can love herself.  There are great guys in the world, and you can meet them when you are ready.

Feelings of a Twin Flame Journey

Twin Flame Journey

When you find our twin flame, you will have a lot of information that you are trying to work through at one time.  The goal of the twin flame is so that you can find unconditional love.

The problem with a twin flame is that we have a lot of wounding, and this can be because our souls are incarnations, and we have to have a wounded heart in order for the souls to bond.


The love of a twin flame is something that we want to be unconditional.  When you wait for your twin flame, you excuse them no matter how they behave.  You learn to understand them even if it crosses what you believe.

You will often feel that your heart is broken and that they take advantage of you.  This will happen over and over again. This is not love and this is a behavior that comes from having a wounded heart.  This is also part of the karmic cycle that is a pattern of situations that you have experienced in your soul throughout your lifetime.

There are times that your twin flame will be stuck in the same pattern and will keep trying to find unconditional love.  Sometimes it doesn’t work because of karma.  There can be deep pain and wounds, and these can make it hard to move forward.

Karmic Cycle

The twin flame journey is about getting healed and bettering your life.  It is about you figuring out how to be honest with yourself and finding reasons to accept love.  You have to learn to have self-love even if you have had traumatic experiences.

You will see a pattern in your life and your twin flame can help break this cycle.  They hold a mirror to your soul and can help you to see what your true meaning in life is and what you need to let go of.

Unconditional Love

When do you fall in love with your twin flame?  First, you have to learn to love yourself deeply.  You have to love yourself so that your twin flame can learn to love you. When you learn to love yourself, you will learn to be respectful of who you are, and you will love the changes that you have went through.

When you are a twin flame, you might need to meditate and to learn about how to channel your feelings about your twin flame so that you can get messages to them.  This is important so that you can learn to soul connect with them and to make the twin flame relationship stronger.


Remember, when you are looking to journey to your twin flame, all of the things that you have went through in your past life can affect your relationship with your twin flame.  If you were kind and loving in your past life, chances are you will find that your relationship with your twin flame is loving, and kind and you will have less things that you have to work through to be able to find unconditional love with them.

If you have a lot of negativity in your past life, you will have to work towards self-forgiveness and self-love so that you can call your twin flame to you and your souls can unite.

How Chakra Energy Changes Aura Colors

How Chakra Energy Changes Aura Colors

Soulmates’ energy differs physically from the energy of lovers drawn together by karmic ties, or who work as a couple to mature and grow. The energies of each partner transform and their auras change color when they’re near each other or thinking intently of the other person.

Spiritual relationships, also referred to as twin flames, soulmates, or karmic mates, are often the result of people with similar or matching aura colors who find each other and build a relationship in which each individual’s aura enhances the relationship by blending with or complementing each other.

Often in relationships that don’t work out, the partners’ aura energy colors were not compatible. People’s auras are shaped like an egg and have seven energy centers, or chakras, along the spine and neck and up to the top of the head. These chakras are always in motion. Even if they’re blocked, they pulse. They show the colors of a person who has evolved spiritually or at least has worked on that area along their spiritual journey.

Your chakra colors from your root chakra at the base of your spine to your crown chakra at the top of your head are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. There are many different shades of each color.

Each person’s aura is unique and is influenced by spiritual lessons, past lives, spirit guides, and other supernatural beings. A person’s aura can include portions in other colors and may even be composed of multiple colors. A genuinely spiritual person who’s seeking a relationship may have a sky-blue aura with green energy sections in the center of the egg shape, with light orange at the lower portions. An aura or energy reader would construe the orange as evidence that the person is spiritual, possesses a passionate personality, and is seeking a relationship.

Connecting Auras

When two strong auras connect, the partners may form a soulmate relationship. Soulmates may be completely opposite when it comes to physical appearances and their personalities. But when they’re together in the same room, their auras will change into the same bright, positive, strong color. They may be any one or combination of the seven chakra colors listed above, or white, or pink.

Ironically, when soulmate partners aren’t in the same room together or aren’t thinking of their partner, their auras will change into opposite colors. This is one of the most obvious ways for an aura energy reader to discern if their subject has a soulmate. Their heart chakra will exhibit itself and will be a quick chameleon-style change of color when they or their spirit guides are asked if they currently have a relationship with the soulmate.

Spirit Level Bonds

It’s important to note at this point that people can share spirit-level bonds in this incarnation without being soulmates, so their heart chakra’s color won’t change into the same color as the other person’s. If the relationship isn’t a soulmate relationship, the partners may share more of a karmic bond, and they were drawn to each other to learn a specific lesson or help the other in a spiritual journey.

Generally speaking, successful relationships involve aura colors from the upper chakras toward blue and violet, rather than the lower orange and red chakras. Red and orange energy generally correlate to higher likelihoods of conflicts of interest. The partner’s lives are so contrasting that when they come together, their auras conflict and the relationship is eventually torn apart.

For example, people with dark brick-red auras are usually primal and live on survival instincts. They are usually diligent workers without college degrees because their instincts led them to leave home at an early age. Perhaps their entrance into the workforce made it impossible for them to finish technical school or college. Others have bright fire-engine red auras. They’re more likely to finish high school and complete at least some vocational training.

Similar Colored Auras

If two individuals with these similar-colored auras meet, they’ll likely experience strong physical attraction at first, because the similar red tones of their auras are conducive to physical contact and draw them together. They find it easier to become physical than to be verbal, and the urge to procreate is natural between them. But the closeness and passion of the similar aura energy forces the energy between them to drift more orangish-red, leading to conflict and jealousy.

First Meeting Couples

When a couple like this first meets, the male in the relationship may thoroughly enjoy the fact that the couple enjoyed dinners in nice restaurants, and other people noticed his attractive companion. For the female, the relationship began as a positive experience. She enjoyed attending social gatherings, the nice dinners out, and the significant amount of time they spent together.

The relationship quickly becomes intimate, causing the orangish-red aura color to evolve between the two. As a result, the partners’ perceptions change, too. The man initially felt proud that the beautiful woman was with him, but he soon comes to believe that she’s demanding attention from everybody in the room. The woman feels that the man is growing more and more possessive and doesn’t seem to be giving her as much attention as he was giving her before. This leaves her feeling as though he’s discontent with her.

Nothing fundamentally shifted in the relationship. Only their perceptions turned negative. The contrast of the relationship plays out in emotional yellow hues of instability and insecurity. The color fades from a vibrant red to a tarnished shade of burnt orange.

Same Color Auras and Compatibility

The energy in a relationship indicates many things about you and your partner. If your auras are the same color, you’re highly likely to be compatible. If the relationship clashes or there are problems in the relationship, your aura colors can change quickly.

When a Soulmate Relationship Ends

Soulmate Relationship Ends

Soulmates are sent to us so that they can help us to change our lives and to learn lessons.  When a soulmate relationship is part of your journey, when it ends, it can be hard to let go.  Ending a soulmate relationship can bring about sadness and hard feelings.

Both souls in a relationship will start out great and will click fast.  This happens so that you can find your soulmate and know that you are meant to be together.  When things start to go bad though, this can be a time when we have to learn to move on.

Some people will not want to face this and will be worried about having to end the relationship.  They might think that the soulmate relationship should be stronger, and they will feel that there are personal and emotional challenges that come along with this.

There is always a choice to stay or a choice to try to work things out.  When a soulmate relationship ends fast or too soon, chances are that they will reconnect later down the road on a spiritual or emotional level.

Sometimes, there will be a person that you connect with that is very similar to your soulmate and it will be like you are learning a lesson from your new relationship that you should have learned from your soulmate.

The important thing to know is that when a relationship is supposed to end, even a soulmate relationship, you have to allow it to end and be ready to move on without holding grudges or being angry.

When you end any relationship, it can be hard.  When there is a soulmate relationship, this can be on a different level and can be harder to deal with than a regular break up.

When you struggle to move on from your soulmate, here are some things you can do.


Each person is connected through some type of energy and these energies are strongest when you are in a relationship with someone. When you and your soulmate are strong energy fields, there will be a cloud of energy that will cause you to be able to communicate and these can bring issues that show other points of view.

Take time to picture the energy of your soul in your mind and allow it to be cleansed and clear.  Imagine a light around you. You can strengthen your communication with each other and feel better about the relationship.

Heart Chakra

Whatever is causing you to feel bad, you need to send out love and care.  If you find it hard to let go of your soulmate, you need to think about a pink light coming down to your heart chakra.  When you sense the light getting stronger, you can get rid of the pains and move forward.

While seeing the light, ask the universe to help you and to make you love again.

Soul Contract

Each soul contract with your soulmate is a contract that will help you learn a lesson.  When you are meditating, as the spirit guides to help you connect with others and to show you what lesson that you need to learn.

You might see things from a different angle and be able to understand why the contract was there and why it was a time for you to connect and disconnect. No contract can be longer than it is meant to be, and this is part of free will.  You can form a new contract if you choose to.


It can be hard when your soulmate wants to leave, and you want to stay.  Even if this happens, let the person go without judging them. If they want space, give them space without being upset.

If you are having a hard time letting go, you can know and trust that your choice is right.  You can allow the universe to help you surrender this and to help you let go so you can heal.


Soulmates will come and go, and the universe will make sure that you have many different soulmates over the term of your life.  Never forget that this will happen and don’t get upset when things don’t go the way that you want them to.

You might feel like your relationship is destined to be forever and you might see challenges and face things that will cause you to learn something.  Remember that there is another soulmate out there that will come in your life when the time is right.

Release Anger

When something doesn’t work out with your soulmate, you will have negative feelings.  When these come at the end of your relationship, you have to push them back and work towards healing. It is not helpful when you are angry and the path that you are leading will need time to heal from any breakup.

Ask your spirit guides to help you to not be angry and to not be attached to your soulmate.  If you feel guilty, ask the guides to help you to end in a happy and healing way.  Keep your vibrations high.


No matter why your soulmate relationship ended, know it isn’t personal.  It is not either persons fault, but it is just a thing that happens. Each person has their own journey, and it is a time where things will start, and things will end.  Each person will see different paths on their journey.

When it comes to a soulmate, when the relationship ends, you have to learn to be healed and to forgive.  This is part of the journey. When you struggle with positive energy, you need to ask the spirit guides to help you move forward.  Meditate and let your partner know how you are feeling so that you can give and get compassion.


The universe will tell you that things are over.  Always stay open to the signs and listen to what they are saying. Ask the spirit guides to send you signs and let you know when you should move forward.   Trust the signs and let your mind know that you are making the right choice.

If you and your soulmate are awakened, you will feel and hear the same things from the universe.  Don’t ignore the signs and be upset, just know that you are doing things at the right time and that the universe is sending you a message on your journey.

Close It

When you have realized it is time to go your separate ways, do this without hurting each other.  Think about the things that you have learned together. It might not be easy to have a friendship with this person at first but work on it and remember the good times that you had.  Always be thankful for your lessons.

Spend time with your soulmate and pray for them.  Allow them to be happy on their journey. Ending a soulmate relationship can be hard and can make you sad, but trust and know that everything happens for a reason.  Pay attention to your signs and know that everything will be okay.

Loving an Energy Vampire Without Stress

Loving an Energy Vampire

Sometimes when we love someone, they can drain us of all of our energies.  Not all people we are with will do this but sometimes, in some relationships, we find that some people will use up all of our energies.  Maybe at the end of the day, they come home in a terrible mood, or they might want to argue or say hurtful things.

When you date an energy vampire, you need to know how to handle things to keep the relationship alive.  When a person makes you feel this way, chances are they are an energy vampire and there are different kinds of energy vampires. You need to know how to address the situation so that it does not keep you drained and aggravated.


Do you think you are in love with an energy vampire?  You can know if you are always tired when you are around them and sometimes, they will make you feel like you need a nap after just talking to them.  When things come up, you might always feel drained and like you can’t deal with their behaviors.

Being Drained

There are signs that your partner is always keeping your emotions drained and some of these include that you are ready for a nap and have heavy eyes, that you never feel that they appreciate you, they don’t listen when you are talking, you feel like you cannot be open with them and you want to eat and stuff yourself so you can get rid of some of those emotions.

Nagger Energy Vampire

A nagger energy vampire is someone that asks you to do things for them over and over again.  When you don’t do it, they will ask you a thousand times just to get on your nerves.  They will always have silly demands and will scold you if you don’t meet their needs.

When you are dealing with a nagger vampire, you have to learn to set limits and to be kind but firm.  Do not let them nag you or force you to do things for them.  They have to be trained to do things for themselves and that can change this disruptive behavior.

Victim Energy Vampire

The victim energy vampire will always feel sorry for themselves.  They will always have a reason why they are not happy, and it will normally be someone else’s fault.  You find that you don’t even want to talk to them because the conversations are always the same and negative.  You feel overwhelmed around them.

You need to learn to sympathize but not stay in the moment.  Give them a moment to feel sorry for themselves but then you need to make them find a solution to their problems.  This allows you to love them but not to always have to be overwhelmed with them.

Criticizer Energy Vampire

The Criticizer vampire is one that always makes you feel bad for anything you do.  They always see something wrong and can spot a flaw in you and others, a mile away.  They will always critique you and make you feel bad.

Always stay calm and learn to address the way that they are talking to you.  Tell them how they criticize you and that they need to help more with the situations instead of talking about them.  Get rid of the negativity by being positive and loving.

Self-Centered Energy Vampire

The Self-Centered vampire will never listen to your needs, and everything is always about them.  Even when you are talking about yourself, the self-centered vampire will make sure the conversation turns to them.  They will be obsessed with themselves and will never make things about you.

Everyone goes through points where they are self-centered, but this has to just be a phase and has to go away.  Point out to your partner that they are being obsessive and let them learn to care about others, including you.  Most people don’t realize they are all about themselves until someone tells them

Overwhelming Energy Vampires

Sometimes people that are closest to you can be overwhelming vampires.  These are people that come home and tell you all about their day and their problems, most of which are negative.  They want you to be attentive and to care but they don’t take into account that you had a long day as well.

When you deal with an overwhelming vampire, you need some me time.  Take small breaks from them and go listen to music or take a hot bath.  Communicate with them after you get done and show them that you love them but that you need space, as well.


When you are in relationships, you need to make sure that you show care and that your partner cares for you.  Take time to interact but protect yourself from being overwhelmed.  Don’t feel bad if you need time for yourself or if you need to take a break.  Loving your own energy can keep you healthy and strong.

Finding Your Twin Flame Relationship

Twin Flame Relationship

If you have ever instantly connected with someone, agreeing with them, thinking about them, enjoying your time with them, and wondering what they are doing, you might have a special kind of relationship.

This kind of relationship is called a twin soul’s relationship which is like having a soul mate.  These relationships are built on trust and are giving and taking and they are relationships where people share similar feelings and thoughts.

These relationships bring joy and a feeling of someone new coming home to you.  They can be brought to you from a higher calling and in the early stages, there will be two energies that are balanced.  These twin flames can have a healthy relationship and can have a magnetic connection that is not easily broken.  They might even share physical and spiritual energy and be loving, but they can also be filled with pain and turmoil.

Once you reach your equilibrium with your twin flame, the relationship will become something that is unimaginable both physically and spiritually.  Make sure though that this relationship is healthy and that you are in it with kindness both given and received.  Make sure there are healthy boundaries in these relationships and that you do not feel trapped or confused.

Twin flame lovers can be a great relationship and can develop into an amazing relationship and you can know by these different signs that you have this type of relationship:

Deep Connection

If you have a deep connection and you are comforted by your twin flame, this can be a good thing.  This can be a bond from mother nature and can make your vibrations increased and they can get faster.  This can be energetic, and you can be opposite of each other while still having the connection.

You might find yourself loving them deeper and feel that you have pure love.

Mental Connection

When there are twin flames, there is a mental connection that can run deeper than blood. This is when both people in the relationship are electrically charged, and they connect right away.

They are interested in each other, and the relationship is stimulating, and it brings out the talents and the good things so that goals and dreams can be reached.

Physical Connection

The physical connection of twin flame is powerful and can make you feel as one.  It is energy that is stored within each of you and brings new light.  You become aware of their flaws, but you have a deep awareness that you are meant to be together.  Once they show dysfunctional behaviors, it can cause a stress in the relationship.

Physical attraction is not enough and there has to be an exchange of energy and there has to be respect.  The physical connection is not based on sexual attraction, but it comes from nature.


The spiritual connection is also strong, and it controls the emotions and moods of both people.  There is an unconditional love that comes, and this is rare for most people.  Each partner must get rid of their spiritual problems in order to keep the relationship strong without pain.

In order to have a perfect union, there can be no one that depends on the other and there has to be expectations that are clear and easily met.  If you want to have this union of unconditional love, there has to be more than just attraction.

Signs of a Twin Flame Relationship

  • Being attracted to each other-you always feel that you are pulling each other home.
  • Think differently-when you are together, you look at things differently.
  • Come and go-you might be together all the time and then separate for a while, this is normal, and they will come back if they are meant to be.
  • Everything is right-When you are together, you feel that the world is right, and nothing can be wrong.
  • Balanced-you feel that your Yin and Yang are balanced, and you are happy and full of joy.
  • Life changed-you don’t realize it, but you become a different person.
  • Rationality-you become rational in your relationship, and you aren’t blinded by your experiences.
  • Immediate connection-you find that you can connect immediately, and you don’t have to work at it.
  • Keeping you together-you can’t explain it, but something is keeping you together.
  • More than friends-you find yourself loving them stronger than friendships.
  • Want to be near each other-you feel that you cannot go on if you don’t see them and you aren’t around them, even for a day.
  • Connection-You know that you are connected, and you don’t ever feel misunderstood.
  • Passionate-You love what they desire, and you want them to live their life well and you are passionate about what they want.
  • Things can be shaky-Sometimes you feel that your relationship is shaky, but you still love each other even when things aren’t so good.
  • Spiritual love-you find that you are whole when you are with them both physically and spiritually.
  • Family-You feel that you are part of their family, and they won’t judge you.
  • Sharing-you fight sometimes but you are always happy with them, and you share everything with them.
  • Commonalities-you don’t care if you are different from each other, and this makes your relationship stronger.
  • Traveling-you love going places with them, especially new places. You feel a strong bond everywhere you go.
  • All friends-you are friends with their friends, and they are friends with your friend. You stay away from people that are toxic.
  • Understanding-you understand each other in all ways. You are a team through everything.
  • Love cuddling-you find that you could lay in bed all day just holding each other.
  • Alone time-you know that each of you needs alone time, and you have no problem giving them this.
  • Sentences-you find that you are always finishing each other’s sentences. You know exactly what they will say.
  • No jealousy-you never get jealous wherever they are or who they are with. You know that you have true friendship and that this will not be broken by anyone.


Twin connections are not rare, and they are sometimes misunderstood because people do not always believe in finding a soul mate.  If you can figure out this relationship and see what it looks like from the inside, then you will understand that you are meant to have a twin flame.

Even if you don’t understand this relationship, run with it, and keep it in mind and know that it can work.  These relationships don’t always mean that there will be romance, and they can be just someone that you need in your life to love you and to stick up for you.

True love doesn’t always mean that you will be romantic, it means that you want to be together and that you want them to be there for you.  These relationships can help you to be authentic and to find people that you know are real that bring out the best in you.

When you are with your twin flame, you will not doubt, and you will see that your connection is deeper.  You will be able to be your true self and they will always encourage you to be who you are.  These relationships are immune to what the world says, and they are made of trust and care.

Attract Romance After Pain

Attract Romance After Pain

Those who find themselves alone again sometimes get stuck. They are relieved to be out of a bad relationship, but find it difficult to move on. It is scary to open up your heart again after such tremendous hurt or betrayal, but it can be done if you apply the right strategies.

Carolyn Harrington, a founder of Maty’s Healthy Products, as well as being a holistic health practitioner, energy healer, and medical intuitive, said there are simple steps you can take to bring new love into your life.


Forgiving those that hurt you is vitally important to a healthy future relationship. It’s also important for your well being. Relationship experts state forgiveness does more to help you than the other person. Harrington said it helps you get to break down emotional blocks that keep you from real love.

Besides forgiving your ex, you must also forgive yourself for any role you played in the break-up. This is sometimes hard to do because we, being human, want to analyze what we could have, should have done. That does no good and isn’t something you can change, so you should just forgive and let it go.

A key to this is to stop blaming yourself for failed relationships. Relationships take two people and breakups also involve two people. It isn’t fair for you to place all the blame on yourself. Along with that, stop blaming yourself for things you did that were wrong in the past relationship. It is important to accept responsibility and apologize for any hurt you’ve caused, but then it is time to forgive yourself and learn from your mistakes.

Giving Up the Past

One thing forgiveness does is help you let go of the past. Harrington said harboring angry feelings cripples you more than it hurts them. The other person may move on quickly and won’t even be aware of your hostile feelings. Yet, they become a burden for you to carry and weigh you down. They prevent you from finding new love or excitement in your life.  Harboring negative feelings only builds a wall around your heart to protect yourself. That may prevent hurt from overtaking you, but it also prevents love from flowing.

There is another reason to release negative emotions. Bad energy makes you tired and could leave you with depression. This lowers your health and well being.  Harrington said negative emotions drag your system down. The key thing is to shift your thoughts.

Shifting Thoughts to Love

Harrington said thoughts have a huge impact on reality, so they should be carefully considered. There is a lot of talk about vibrational frequencies of positive and negative thoughts, but it can be viewed in much more practical ways.

Those who are happy and optimistic tend to attract other happy, optimistic people. Those who are negative tend to attract other negative people. Negative people don’t make for good relationships. Shifting your thoughts to a more positive tone will improve your outlook and that will show on your face, in your tone, and your actions. That will attract others to you.

Love Yourself

There is nothing wrong with self-care. You can’t love someone else until you learn to love yourself. Harrington said learning to love yourself attractions more loving situations to you. It is similar to the law of attraction. Those who focus on something tend to attract it into their lives. So, focusing on loving yourself will not only make you happier but will attract others to love you too.

Plus, you will be more content and happy. The good vibes you are sending out will be a signal that you are ready for real love.

Learning and practicing these will lead to a more fulfilling life with lots of opportunities for love, so make a plan to create your love life now.

Signs Your Love Life Needs Psychic Help

Signs that your love life need psychic help

Falling in love is such a nice experience. You just feel good and better than you have ever felt before. Nevertheless, there is a saying that goes “falling in love is easy but staying in love is the hard part.”

There comes a time you will realize that things between you and your partner aren’t working as you expected. You may start asking questions and even doubt yourself. The most important thing is to know how you can save your relationship once it has reached this point.

Below are indications that you love life needs the help of a psychic:

It’s not exhilarating anymore

There may be times when you recall the early days of your relationship. When you first met your partner remember how you first felt butterflies in your stomach just at the sight of meeting that person. Did it feel awesome back then?

Nevertheless, you realize that things aren’t like that anymore. As time went by, things started becoming abnormal. While this may seem normal, this might be a warning sign that something is not right. A psychic reading will help you understand what’s going on.

You start getting irritated

When you met your partner back then, you could stand their mannerisms and behavior since you paid attention to things that you loved about them so much. But now, you can’t stand them anymore. Everything they do seems to be getting on your nerves every time.

You get jealous

It’s normal to get jealous. We have all been jealous if not once or twice in our relationships. This is okay since getting jealous is an indication that you love that individual. Nevertheless, you are likely to be indeed of further attention if jealousy is beginning to get out of hand.

Are you always getting jealous for no reason? Do you overreact over simple things? Know that if you feel like things are getting out of hand then they are.

You fight over small things

You used to understand each other in the past. You both new that you are not perfect and may make mistakes. You knew that the journey would have ups and downs and you accepted that reality. This sounds good, doesn’t it?

But then, things just change abruptly. You begin colliding with each other. What could have happened to just change everything? You need to ask a psychic this and get help.

You have less physical attraction

Although physical and sex is not a total measure of love and affection, it is one of the biggest facts that strengthens a relationship. However, what if everything changes in your relationship and you are not getting intimate anymore? You might try to justify this by saying some couples are dealing with long-distance relationships anyway.

Although this is true with some people, it can’t be the same with your case. You are here with your partner and yet both you behave like you are not here. This tells a lot about the status of your relationship and needs immediate help.

Final Thoughts

If you are having problems in your relationship, you need to get help. Talk to a psychic today and let them help you to find out what the bottom line problem is so that you can make your relationship stronger and happier once again.