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What is the Opposite of an Empath?

What is the Opposite of an Empath?

There are people that are sensitive and there are people that are really sensitive. If you are one of those people that are sensitive, chances are you could be an empath. Being an empath can have a downside, but it can also be a great gift that you can use to help yourself and others. Being an empath means you pick up the emotions of others but there is an opposite of an empath and that is a narcissist.

A person that is an empath will attract a narcissist easily because they are so giving and kind. A narcissist is almost the exact opposite of an empath. If you are an empath and you are in this kind of relationship, you might need to let it lose so you can have a happy life.


A narcissist is someone that will be there to hurt you and cause you pain in your life. Even though there is a diagnosis for being a narcissistic person, most people are not diagnosed even if they have these toxic behaviors.

Pattern of Behavior

Someone that is diagnosed with a pattern of grandiosity means that they are someone that thinks they are better than others and they normally show this by:

  • Exaggerating how important they are.
  • Lie about things so they look better.
  • Pretend to have no flaws.
  • Obsessed with being the best and prettiest.
  • Believe that they are more special than everyone else.
  • Are very arrogant.

This does not get confused with someone that is confidence because someone that is confidence knows that they have flaws. A narcissist does not believe they have flaws, and there will be little people that do.

Here are some actions of a narcissist:

  • Need more attention from others.
  • Want you to admire them.
  • Need to feel entitled.
  • Want to feel special.
  • Make expectations that are not reachable.
  • Exploit other people so they look better.
  • Always feel better than everyone else.
  • Will discard those that love them or forget them.
  • Have no empathy for others.
  • Do not care about the feelings of other people.

A narcissist will pretend to be nice and will show love at the beginning. Right when they become familiar with someone, they will show their real self.

A narcissist cannot truly love anyone but themselves and here is why:

  • They are always jealous.
  • Very insecure.
  • Want things to be about them.

This person can suffer with NPD which is a diagnosis of narcissism.

Empath and Narcissist Relationship

Narcissists are not the same as empaths and most of them have had traumatic events happen to them in their life such as abuse or pain. This could be from a parent or caregiver. Most of them are also usually depressed, addicts or mentally ill.

Empaths and Narcissist Match

People that have went through traumatic events wants to be with people that can help them. An empath that has had hard events will take their emotions and use them to save others. An empath will become overwhelmed with things around them and will need to have boundaries and a narcissist does not believe in boundaries.

A narcissist will be affected by their past and will not be able to cope with their abuse. Instead, they will treat others worse than they are treated and will always want to be the center of attention. A narcissist will be aggressive and will want to be admired and have supporters that will support whatever agenda they have.

If you are a narcissist and you want someone to admire you, an empath is the best because they are loving and caring and giving to everyone they meet.

Toxic Relationship

An empath and a narcissist will be a toxic relationship because the empath will always be giving their time and attention to the person that is just always taking. An emotional vampire is often called a narcissist because they feed on the prey of empaths.

Even if you are an empath, you need to get some kind of emotional and physical support from your partner. You cannot make someone else love you and you cannot heal them if they have problems in their life. People often believe that a narcissist will change but the truth is, this happens very seldom.

Break Up with a Narcissist

If you are an empath and you have fallen for a narcissist, you need to be careful. A narcissist needs to be healed and even if you think that they will change, this is very slim. If you have a relationship with a narcissist and you feel abused, you need to do something about it. Do not let them harm you. Here are some ways you can get out of this bond:

Learn about the Narcissist

There is a lot of information online and in books that you can learn about a narcissist. Learn about their personality and about their traits. Look for signs of abuse.


Recognize that you are being abused and know this is never okay. You have to stop being susceptible to this kind of connection. Ask yourself:

  • Was I abused or mistreated by a caregiver?
  • Does the narcissist have the same personality as this caregiver?
  • Am I repeating patterns from my past?
  • Am I dependable for others when they are not there for me?
  • Do I have problems with boundaries?
  • Do I have low self-esteem?
  • Am I an empath?
  • Do I want to help everyone?

Look at these traits and see if you have them. This can help you to be more aware of who you are and who you attract.


If you answered yes to the traits above, you can be healed. Talk to a therapist or a counselor and let them help you. Meditate each day so that you can balance your chakras. This can help you to find strength and to be one with yourself. Be the best you can be so that you can make healthy decisions.

No Contact

If you are with a narcissist and they are abusive, get away from them. You cannot heal others and you will need to find healing if you are in a toxic relationship. Learn to walk away and have peace in your life.

If you have to say no contact to this person, do it. If you have children with them, talk to the courts. This is hard for some people, but you can be strong so that you can heal and have self-love.


What will you do for yourself so that you can be healthy and whole? If you are an empath and you are in a narcissistic relationship, you need to end this connection so that you can be successful in your life. If you aren’t sure where to start, talk to someone and get the help that you need to move on.

Having an Overactive Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra

Are you finding that you are questioning your relationships, but you keep making bad choices? Do you feel that people that you meet are not showing themselves to you right away when normally you have strong discernment?

Relationship situations and love are all based around the heart chakra or the Anahata. This is where people are able to have unconditional love, how they relate with others and where they feel love and compassion.

When your heart energy is overactive or too fast, it can cause you not to be able to see boundaries and it can cause you to not use love in the right way.

Overactive Heart Chakra

The way that you relate to who you are and to who others is has to do with your heart chakra. Your heart is the center of love and when you have strong emotions, or you feel that your emotions are taking over your life then something is going on. Not being able to let go of past pain and being unforgiving is another sign or symptom that your heart chakra is overactive.

Here are some things you can look for to know if your heart chakra is overactive:

  • You love without thinking.
  • Missing boundaries in your relationships.
  • Missing boundaries in your intimacy.
  • Taking too much from others.
  • Allowing yourself to neglect who you are.
  • Not discerning others.
  • Forgetting who you are.
  • Giving to people without restraining yourself.
  • Not able to say no.
  • Doing anything someone asks you.
  • Being codependent.

When you have blocks in your energy cycle, it can cause you to begin to have bad habits and it can leave you feeling sick or tired. You do not have to continue down this path and there are ways that you can balance your heart chakra and cleanse the energy to make it strong again.

Here are some physical things you might be feeling if your heart chakra is overactive:

  • High Blood Pressure.
  • Heart Attacks.
  • Lung Issues.
  • Circulatory Issues.
  • Heart Problems.

Balancing Your Heart Chakra

You need to balance your heart chakra when you feel that your energy is blocked or weak. If this isn’t done the right way, then your imbalances can continue and can cause your other chakras to become blocked as well. All of the chakras work together to handle your energy and to keep you healthy and strong.

A chakra might become overactive because it is compensating for other chakra energy that is blocked and you have to make sure that all of your chakras are healthy and strong so that you can be completely balanced in your body, mind, and soul.

Focus on your heart chakra right now though and take a few minutes to meditate. Be quiet and focus on healing your heart chakra and letting the energy run completely through your heart.

Green and Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is associated with green and so when you meditate, you need to imagine a green ball of energy coming into your body and stopping at your chest. When this happens, you will see that you are balancing your heart chakra.

Since green is associated with the heart chakra, you can go outside in nature to help with an overactive heart chakra center. Nature is filled with green and will help to balance your energy.

Go out and go barefoot in the grass or sit by a tree. Breathe in the smell of the air and let the sun shine on you. If it is a nice day, open your windows and let nature come in.

You can even wear something that is green to help balance your heart chakra or use some meditating crystals such as Jade, Emerald, Rose Quartz or Malachite. All of these things can help you when your heart chakra is overactive. Be balanced so that you can continue to grow and be strong in your mind, body, and soul.

Learning to Surrender to Your Spiritual Life

Learning to Surrender

Going to a psychic or a medium can change your life. You can get a reading or even do a reading for yourself. When you are doing these readings or getting a reading done on yourself, you need to make sure that you are receiving the message that is meant for you.

You have to release yourself to the universe. If you want to find the answers you are looking for, you have to learn to be open minded and to connect with the universe with your mind, body, and soul.

Some people will do the opposite of this, and they will choose to connect with people instead of the spirit world. They will ask their family and friends for advice when they are struggling.

Finding the Right Answers

They will not be successful most of the time because they will not get the answers they are looking for from their loved ones. These people might also feel that their readings are unsuccessful because they are not hearing things they want to hear. They might ask things such as:

  • Was my mother disappointed that I wasn’t there when she died?
  • Could I have stopped my wife from killing herself?
  • Does my father agree with my choice of a boyfriend?
  • Did I pick the right career for me?
  • Will I find happiness?
  • Can I be financially secure?

The more questions that you ask the less likely you will get the answers that you want in your reading. You will find that even if the answers are what you want that you will trust them very little because they will leave you guessing if they are being truthful or not.

These readings will make you wonder where the answers came from and if they were from the spirit world or from their own thoughts.

Do not push your thoughts and your feelings at your reading. Allow your psychic to tell you what he or she is thinking. Allow it to be an opportunity that you can experience the spirit world without questions and without expecting anything. Let the answers come as they may.

You might find this hard to understand because we all want to be in control. Giving in is hard for some people and it takes time. Here are some things you can do so that you can have an open mind and make way on your journey:

Love and Spirit Guides

Close your eyes and meditate. Imagine the space around you being only for you. Think of who you are and surround yourself with light. Take deep breathes and imagine the light healing you. When you let the light out, let the healing light stay in. Release anything negative that is holding you back.

Use your mind to cover yourself in golden light. Use your mind to picture trees and flowers around you. When you spend time with your mind, look at the light that is coming close to you and this will be your guide. Sometimes, people will recognize their guides while other times they will not.

Your guide will take you someplace that you created in your soul. This place will be beautiful to you because it is yours. Invite them to come in and sit with you.

You might be surprised at who shows up when you invite them, but this is a time to connect with their soul. Ask them about their mission in life and what they have been doing. Do not talk about who you are but just learn all that you can learn about them. This will be a journey that you surrender and learn.

What Makes You a Medium?

What Makes You a Medium?

Sometimes, you might have questions about your psychic gifts and what they mean. Maybe you feel that you have a gift, but you aren’t sure what it is or how to use it. Everyone can connect with the spirit but not everyone can be a medium.

Mediumship is different than someone that can talk to or interact with a spirit here or there. Some people want to know if they can be a stronger medium or if they can reach the level of mediumship. The truth is, you can raise your vibrational frequency and connect with spirits, and this is what makes you a medium. When you want to practice this, you can learn teachings and learn from other psychics on how to use your powers.

Psychic Powers

Being a medium is hard sometimes and the challenge is to be able to connect with spirits. The first thing that you have to do is to build your power. Building your power means that you do not have to control it or use your muscles like you would think you would have to. But building your power means that you are connecting with the powers that you have inside of you.

If you want to reach the power inside of you, you need to stop letting the noise come into your mind. You need to stop judging people and situations and you need to stop expecting things to be the way that you want them to be. You need to learn to go deep inside of yourself and to figure out what you believe and what you are feeling.

When you choose to meditate and be still, you can begin to believe and to understand what you are experiencing. You might have a human experience on the earth, but you can have a psychic experience when you reach your energy. You can concentrate on what your soul is saying to you and learn to connect with the universe.

Building your power has a certain feel and here are some things you might feel when you do this:

• Peace.
• Excitement.
• Support from your spirit guides.
• Hearing voices.
• Strong intuition.
• Getting messages from the spirit world.
• Connection to all souls.
• Feeling of pure love.
• Quiet and strong.
• Joy.
• Potential.

Once you have learned to reach into this power, you can learn to trust yourself and learn to feel connected in the spirit realm. You can use your gift and take it to the next level.

Using different techniques can help you to develop your gifting and encourage you to share your light with others.

Trusting Your Intuition

Trusting Your Intuition

You live in a world where things go fast, and you are always needing to have an answer immediately. Having business and working a lot can affect you in your mind, body, and soul.

You become rewarded and admired when you are able to get things done such as your work, losing weight, making more money and more. You do things to reach your goals and you prepare yourself for the next thing you want to do in your life.

Sometimes though, your mind creates anxiety about the future and the reason for this is because you are not listening to your intuition, and you are not living in what is going on now. How can you stop this from happening over and over again? You can do this by taking your life back and slowing down. Think about what you want and learn to slow down and ask the spiritual guides to help you.

Listen to your intuition and let it guide you. Leave room for feelings and senses and let things happen in the moment. This is not about visualizing things but about allowing your mind to see the imbalances that you face and to work together with your mind, body, and soul.

Slow Down

You can never listen to what your intuition is telling you when you are constantly full of thoughts. If you are always busy and you have no time to pay attention to what you are thinking, you have to slow down.

Learn to focus on what is going on in your body and how your emotions are. Learn to be present with your mind, body, and soul. Let your breaths come into your body and learn how you are fighting off germs and what your body is reacting to.

When you learn to slow down, your body will slow down with your mind, and it will give you a healthier overall being.


Use your senses to help you to know what is going on. This can help you to concentrate on your intuition and to be mindful to what is going on around you. Get sensory information and focus on it. This is the now and not the past or the future.

If you need to ground yourself, start by counting down from 10. Doing this will help you to pause and to think deeper. You can allow your mind to relax, and you can even do this when you meditate.

Question It

If you are stressed or you are upset about something, ask yourself questions. Figure out what you need and not in the future, but right now. Slow down and ask your mind, body, and soul answers. Listen to what your intuition and your spirit guides are telling you.

Your body, mind and spirit will talk to you once you learn to slow down and listen. When you are not speaking and you are focusing your mind on what you need, your soul and spirit will let you know.

Find out what you need in the moment and change what you need to so that you can be healed in both your mind, body, and soul.

Your Aura Color and Your Sexual Feelings

Aura Color

When you look at your lover for the first time, it is something that cannot be put into words. You will feel things that you have never felt before. You will be enticed, and you will have strong attachments and feelings.

This is what your sexual aura looks like. This is the form of it where scientists have tried to figure out why your brain reacts the way that it does when you are falling in love.

When you focus your attention on new things and see life in a different perspective, it can be your sexual aura that shows what you feel when you fall in love and why you are drawn to others.

People have studied sexual auras for years and it has been discovered that the color of your aura can show what kind of sexual partner you will be.


Someone that has a red sexual aura has energy and this energy will come from your bodies center. This means you are bold and exciting, and you will try anything.

You are sexual and you do not try to hide it and you are easy to offend others. Sometimes you fantasize about what you want in bed, and you have a hard time focusing on what life is dealing you.

You are close with your sexuality and when you desire something, you want it now. When you have a red aura, it can mean you are going to go after what you want, and you are not scared of it.


Having a purple sexual aura can mean you are kinky and that you want to have sex that is not normal. You want to try weird things and you have different fetishes.

Maybe you want to do things that seem strange or dangerous, but you want to remember your sex and you want to be able to share what you experienced with others.

You are more open with your sexuality, and you do not hide what you want. You will have sex anywhere and anytime. Even though you like to try new things, you do not tell everyone about it, just people you are close to.


Having a pink aura means you are kind and gentle and often times overly emotional. You will be with people that want to love you deeply in bed and out of bed.

You want to express your feelings and you want to have unconditional love. You will be sensitive to your lover, and you will be loyal. This kind of love will last for your whole life.


A blue aura is someone that is rare. They are people that want to communicate with the world, and this is someone that can express their emotions and someone that does not see things very clearly. You might touch someone and capture their heart immediately and not really know why.

You will be someone that is smart and respectful and someone that has boundaries. You will be a perfect match for someone and the most important thing to you is someone that is faithful to you. You will be a strong communicator and you will want to reach your lover’s heart.


A golden aura means that you are attractive, and people find you exciting. This means you have a true heart, and you will not hide things.

You will be able to figure out what you want in your sex life, and you will be surrounded by love and comfort, and you will give this same thing to your lover.

When you have sex, you want to have fun and you want to do fun things even out of bed, like eat dinosaur cookies. You will be looked at as a smart and honest person and you will be very open.


Silver auras are some of the most known people. They are true right to the bone, and they will want to have fun sex with you, but they will also want to give you their deepest secrets.

These people are attractive, but most people admire them because of their good traits. They love others and are very giving. This aura will keep you happy your whole life.


Having a green aura means that you will work hard in the bed. You will look at the beauty of people and you will love your surroundings. You will find life beautiful, and you will be secure and balanced in what life gives you.

If you want to have sex, the green aura is going to call you out if you are being fake or if you aren’t really being passionate. You have to treat someone that has a green aura with care because they will want to have the interests of their hearts met.

Never Let your Soulmate Go

Never Let your Soulmate Go

Many different cultures believed in different things with the human body such as Zeus who thought that the body needed to be split in two halves because he thought it was too strong. When this happened, the man and the woman became separated because Zeus did not want them to rebel.

According to the legend, when these two were separated, they roamed around until they found each other, and this was their other half. When they do find each other, they will unite, and they will be joined.

When you find your soulmate, it is not always easy because there are so many people that live in the world. Your other half could even be on the other side of the earth. Finding your soulmate is not always hard either and sometimes the soulmate can be there and can help to make someone a happy life with a great relationship.

Some call a soulmate a powerful bond that is between two people. Here are some signs that can mean you have found your soulmate:


One thing about finding your soulmate is that they can make you feel safe. You find it easy to talk to them and they do not cause you to be anxious or fearful. You love having them around you and they make your day better when you are feeling bad. You never have to worry about them making you feel better, they always do.


Maybe you meet someone that you totally understand. It could be that they even understand your emotions, your jokes, and your bad cooking.

This can be the person that is there for you because you complete them, and they complete you. If you are an introvert, chances are they will be extroverts and together, you make a whole person. The differences that you have with this person will only bring you closer and you will balance each other.


When you have a soulmate, it does not mean you will not fight, chances are you will fight more because of your personalities. Even if you fight though, you will be able to solve your problems. You will forgive them and not make them feel bad.


When you have someone that is a soulmate connection, you will see that you will do whatever the other person wants. You will feel comfortable with them, and you will love them no matter what.


Finding your soulmate means that you are respectful of the other person. This does not mean you will always agree with each other, it just means that you are open minded with them, and you allow them to have their own opinions.

Alone Time

Having time for you is one of the things in your relationship that are often overlooked. Everyone needs to have some time alone.

When you tell your soulmate that you want to be alone, they will let you without complaining. You will do the same for them because when they need alone time, you will let them without constantly checking on them.


Your soulmate will protect you and will do whatever they can to keep you safe no matter what. They will protect you in big and small ways. Men that are in a soulmate relationship will protect their woman with their life and it is called the hero instinct.

When a man wants to be a hero, he will do this with someone that he loves. He will feel that he is protecting you and this will attract you. When a woman has this instinct, she will be the hero because she is rescuing her soulmate. Both men and women need to feel like a hero.

One truth is that soulmate relationships will sometimes trigger things in a man, and it can cause women to make him act like a hero. This is more than just carrying bags and it means that they want to protect her emotions, her feelings and be attentive to her.


Having a soulmate relationship means that you are wanting the same things in life. You will not have the same feelings on everything, but your life will likely be similar to each other. You might have the same goals, and this will help you have respect for one another. You will learn to support each other and make a strong connection.


Since you will have differences, you will complement each other in the relationship. You will love their family and friends and you will not want to change who they are, even with their flaws. Both of you have things that are not perfect, and you will get to know this about each other and not accuse or fight over it.


When you are with your soulmate, chances are that you will feel like they are telepathic. You will connect and know what they are thinking before they even say it. When they talk, chances are you will have inside jokes and you will know what the other is thinking before they even speak, and even when they do, you will finish their sentences.


You will know what your soulmate is feeling, and you will care about that. You will want to protect them and watch out for them. You will have empathy for them in their hurts and you will always be compassionate with them.

Gut Feeling

You know that this person is the right person for you, and you know they are enough. No matter what you are both doing, you will know that you are meant to be together, just because you have a real feeling.

Listen to your intuition and find your soulmate.


Chances are if you are not with your soulmate, you will find that you are going to the same places and you are often times bumping into each other.


Even if you are with them or not, you will see that you are meant to be together at this perfect time. The universe will align for you to find your gift in your soulmate.

Feels Right

You never ask about how good or bad things are, and you know you have found the right soulmate that you are meant to be with.

They Get You

No matter how you feel, you know that this person values you and will support you no matter what.


A great thing with soulmate relationships is that you will feel like you have known this person for your whole life. You will feel like you have known everything about each other, and this could be because you were with them in their past life.


When you have a soulmate that is essential to you, chances are you will fall in love. You will not doubt your soulmate and you will feel that they are useful, and you need them. You will desire to be with them in a deeper way and you will feel that they are perfect for you.

Men have a drive to feel needed and the woman is there to help care for him and love him. Men are not hard to understand, sometimes they are just not easy to get. When you are with your soulmate and your male partner does not want to commit, it can be because he has a hard time letting go and feeling essential to you.

Show him that he has a purpose and give him strength in the relationship. Let him know that you need him and learn to make him love you. Respect him and let him be satisfied and your relationship will never sour.


You will not be able to see yourself without the other. You get them more than other people and you are able to make it through hard times with each other.


Everyone has something wrong with them and no one is perfect. You accept your soulmate no matter what kind of flaws they have. Maybe you even see their flaws as unique.


No matter what goals you have, your soulmate will cheer you on. Not everyone wants to marry a doctor and there are many gifts that are attractive to other people.


Your soulmate will understand you no matter what stage you are going through in your life. They do not care about what you are going through, they just want to support you.

They will not try to take away your joy when you are doing something good, and they will cheer you on when you accomplish something. No matter how far you are from your soulmate, they will be there to raise you up.

Whole Person

You will know that you met the right person when you love them for who they are, and you do not try to change them, and they don’t want to change you. Loving someone means that you are happy with them no matter what is wrong with them.

Tough Conversations

When things get hard, you do not have to worry about your relationship ending. If you are comfortable with each other, you will trust each other.


No matter what kind of topic you are talking about, if you believe in something, your soulmate will be intense with you. This can be hard for some people but when you are with your soulmate, you will not be upset with them because you understand each other.

Alone Time

You allow your soulmate to have their alone time because everyone deserves that.

Don’t Care

You never get jealous of your soulmate because you know you are meant to be together no matter what.


You can tell your soulmate that something they are wearing is ugly and they will not get mad.


No matter what, you and your soulmate are comfortable with each other. You have each other’s backs, and you will protect each other. Sometimes you feel like you and your soulmate are against everyone else.


You will never make your soulmate feel bad or that they are not good enough. You will never make the relationship hard.

Finding Happiness

You do not need anyone to make you feel happy except your soulmate.


Your soulmate will make you feel safe no matter what. They will call you or be with you whenever you need. them.

Remembering a Before Them

When you have your soulmate, you will not remember a before them. You will feel like you have always been together and even though you might have only been together for a little time, you will feel like there was never a time apart.

Listening to Each Other

You will know you found the perfect person for you when they will listen to you, and you listen to them. No matter what you are talking about, your soulmate will be there to listen.

Think About Them

You will think about your soulmate, and they will always be special to you. They will want to be with you and will not be upset with you when you are together.

Apology Always

Pride will not get in the way of a soulmate relationship. When you need to say sorry, you will.

Do it Again

You would start over and do it all over again with your soulmate if you had the choice.

Meant to Be Together

You will never doubt that you and your soulmate are meant to be together.


Your soulmate will take away your stress and will support you in everything you need. You will know you met your soulmate for this reason.

Soulmate and Life Partner

When you want to know if you have met your soulmate, you have to understand the relationship. A soulmate will often not stick around forever because once they help you to learn your life lesson, they sometimes leave.

Some soulmates come into your life so that you can learn a lesson and be challenged, and they help you to move forward. Your soulmate is not supposed to be there for your whole life, but they are there for a purpose.

A relationship with your soulmate can be hard and intense and even though this is a good feeling, the truth is the relationship can leave you feeling drawn to them and when the universe is ready for them to move forward, they will. They are not meant to be there forever.

A soulmate does not have to be a romantic partner for you, they can be family members or friends. Sometimes they are teachers or counselors that you meet. When you find your soulmate, do not expect them to be romantic because it might not be what the universe wants.

If you are waiting for your soulmate to get you and sweep you off your feet, you might just need to find a friend to connect with.

Finding Your Soulmate

If you are looking for your soulmate, you will see signs that the universe is ready to send them to you. It is not about finding someone to make you better, you have to be someone that is whole before you meet them.

People that know who they are will know their own habits and will know what they want in love. If they are already feeling that they are loved by themselves, they can go out and find love.

Know Yourself

One of the best things you can do if you want to find your soulmate is to figure out who you are. Do not let other people tell you who you are, or you will be disappointed in your life.

People do not want to be in a relationship where they have to be the only one responsible. Take time to figure out who you are and then offer yourself for someone.


Look for love but first figure out your habits. Everyone has flaws and someone will know you do as well. Understand things about yourself that limit you and learn to be yourself no matter what.

Like Whom You Are

We are the only ones that are our worse enemies because we say mean things to ourselves. We act like we are not good enough.

When you want to find love, you have to love who you are first. If you don’t love or like yourself, you cannot find someone to fill that in for you. When this happens, you never believe that someone can love you. You have to know how to love who you are and then you can let other people love you.

Living Now

One of the hardest things about being single is that you do not want to be alone. When you are ready to find someone to be with, you have to realize that you can entertain yourself better than other people. You have to learn to be able to be comfortable and know that no one can fill this void except you.

People who have found soulmates will spend a lot of time alone and they have to spend time loving themselves before things get too seriously. When they find what they like about themselves, they realize they are fun and that they are worth it. They realize life is great and worth living.

When you find that you are alone, it is okay. You can know what you like and have fun without being in a relationship. Figure out what you want in life before you move forward, and someone will come along and fall in love with you.

Signs a Plague Happened in Your Past Life

Signs a Plague has Been Part of Your Past Life

The Covid-19 scare has affected everyone in some way, but some may appear more affected than others. This could be because a plague has been part of a past life and the chaos is a trigger for painful memories that you may or may not be tapped into.

For most, the flashes of past memories come and go. That is if we can remember anything. However, when we do get flashes, it is usually related to some form of trauma that occurred in the past life. Most of the time it is related to a death, our own or that of a loved one.

For those individuals that suffered a death or watched loved ones die in a past lifetime plague, the tragedies of today could be too familiar for comfort. There are likely to be many people who have these types of memories because past plagues took so many lives. As an example, the Black Death killed approximately 50 million in the 1300s. If the Covid-19 chaos, has you on edge, here are some signs you may have experienced a plague in your past life.

Interested Before Others

If you found that you had an interest in the Covid-19 virus long before it actually came out of China, checking social media for updates while others were focused on their day to day lives, then there is a good chance you were part of a previous plague. Even if you felt an acute interest in listening to the latest news as it swept across the globe or stocked up on supplies prior to the rush, you may have a past life connected to a plague. It is likely you recognized the familiar in what was happening because it was not your first experience.

Moved by History

If you find yourself drawn to some historical event for no real reason or even just feel an emotional pull toward it, you could have once lived it. Living through a plague in a past life could have caused you to be overwhelmed, have fear, anxiety, and grief meaning these emotions have left an imprint in your subconscious. This then causes you to feel moved about events that are similar.

Fears About Past Plagues

Plagues mean germs so if you are a germaphobe and you are showing heightened fears around Covid-19, then it may be associated with a past life experience. It may not be as clear as just germs. Some may fear rats and mice which were largely involved in the Black Plague. The fear may seem irrational now but was important then.

Interest in Medicine

For some, fears from a past life may be inspiring instead of haunting. These people may feel a strong urge to prevent what happened in the past. This may be what is behind those that feel compelled to fight Covid-19 with all that is in them. This could be why, even before Covid-19, someone chose the public health or epidemiology field. Career choices can actually show a great deal about past lives.

Past lives are valuable because they come complete with lessons that may have been missed but we are having a second chance to learn and comprehend. They further remind us that even when faced with tragedy or death, we can continue our spiritual journeys and grow from each.

How the Universe Communicates with You

How the Universe Communicates with You

The universe is always trying to talk to you and to help you. It is trying to connect with you and to give you insight. There are signs that you can see but if you are not looking or listening then chances are that you will miss something.

You might not even know what to look for and even when you wish that you had a sign, chances are that you will seek an answer and will sometimes feel that you have no support, and you are all alone. When you tune in though, you have a chance to listen to what the universe wants to tell you. You can feel that you are more connected and that you are not as limited to what the world is offering you.

Stay in tune with what the spirit is saying to you and learn to slow down and to live a good life. Take whatever information that you can get and allow it to stop you from worrying or overthinking things. Stop judging and being angry and learn to concentrate on what the world has to give you.


You might see that you get a sign when a miracle is going to happen. This can help you to communicate with your guide and to experience good things. When miracles happen, you will see them in a non-physical way, and you will get signs from your guides that can help you.

You might see these signs in your everyday life and most of the time they will be very gentle. The sign can come when you are bathing or when you are stuck in the car. There can be a sign that does not seem large but can change your life. The message will be unique to what you need, and they are not going to be the same as the signs that go to someone else.

The Universe Connects with You

There are signs that the universe is connecting with you such as:


Some guides will connect with you through people. You will meet someone you didn’t know or someone you haven’t seen in a long time, and it will trigger something inside of you. This could be a call or a text or you might overhear something someone says.

This can be a sign and when you are looking for an answer, listen for there to be signs and do not take something random as just a random act but as a sign. If you are listening for an answer and you get a weird text message or you get something said to you from a random stranger, know this is a sign.


When something random happens, this is not accident, but a coincidence and it can be a sign. If you see a red balloon, for example and then someone gives you a balloon for your birthday, you will see this is an act of synchronicity and it is one great way that the universe will connect with you.

This is a direct connection from the spirit and is important to give you a good path in life.


When you see patterns of numbers repeat themselves, chances are this is a sign. If you see the numbers 111 or 222 or so on, these can be signs from the universe. Each number sequence has a meaning, and you can figure out through numerology what your number means.


Maybe you are in the car and a song pops into your head and then it plays on the radio. This can be a sign that the universe is trying to connect with you. This can remind you of good things and be a good connection.


When you have a random thought pop in your head, think of it as a sign. Pay attention to it and see what it means. Maybe it will make you think of someone you need to connect with.

Physical Sign

Some signs can be physical like a billboard or a real sign to give you a message. If you have been depressed and you see a sign about depression, let this help you and know that it is time for you to wake up and make a connection with the universe.


Dreams are a big way that the universe will connect with you. What happened in your dream?  Think about it and figure out how it will affect you.

If you have the same dreams over and over again then you need to face your fear and figure out what the universe is trying to tell you.


Nature can help the universe to give you signs because it can be made up of colors, animals, feathers, tress, and crystals. They all have meaning, and you need to pay attention to who is trying to connect with you and what is being drawn to you.


When you just know something is right, it is a sign from the universe directing you. When you hear a message or read something that is deep inside of you, accept it as a sign and let the universe awaken you.


Objects can leave you messages. If you have lost something and you find it and come across something else that causes you to have deep feelings, chances are the universe is trying to give you a new idea.

If you are going on a nature walk and you see a baby toy on the ground, maybe it is time to start a family.


When your internet goes out, this can be a sign. This can help you to realize that you are needing to take a break and you shouldn’t be working right now. Maybe you need to take some time and reflect on things other than work and spend time with your family.


If your body has issues, then you need to change your lifestyle and become more active. The universe will show you things through sicknesses and help you to realize when you are on the wrong path.


When a delay comes, chances are you are being forced in a different direction for a reason. Take time to slow down or go a different way. Chances are you are being protected by something that is dangerous. Be thankful when doors close.

Falling Apart

When things are hard and seem to be falling apart, do not get upset. Sometimes when things are hard, we learn to let things go and to be more thankful for what is going well. Let things point us where we should really be going.


Life can flow smoothly and can leave you feeling good and inspired. When this happens, you are connected and aligned in the spirit. This can be your true path and can help to keep you where you should go.


When you connect with the spirit when you are meditating, chances are you will get answers and learn new things. Meditating deeply can be a good experience and can help you to understand who you are.

Doing Things

When people around you are doing things that you know you should be doing, chances are you need to get on board. Learn to live a happier and healthier lifestyle and stop doing things that are dangerous to you. Take the signs and let them work out well for you.


You need to listen to the signs that the universe gives you and learn to do what the universe leads you to do. The universe will give you good advice and lead you down the right path because it always has your back.

You will be guided, and you will be protected. Each moment that you have can help you with your needs and help you to be more trusting on what is needed to be done.

Let timing be important and trust that the universe knows what to do and when to do it. Use your own self to guide you along with the help of the universe to make good decisions.

10 ways to Detox and Declutter Your Life

Detox and Declutter Your Life

Now is the perfect time to re-evaluate important facets in your life. Most people like to use it to declutter their homes, but consider taking it a step further and detox and declutter your entire life. This includes the areas concerning your mind and soul.

There are 10 things you can do to clear your life of inertia and toxicity and make way for blessings and positivity:

  1. Clear your social circle.

We pick up many different people throughout our life, and sometimes we need to redefine our social circle. Namely, we need to get rid of toxic people and spend more time with positive people and cheer you on. Toxic people may not just be friends but could be family too. While we can’t disregard family completely, we can distance them and keep them from daily life and business. You will find that doing this will lower the drama and lower your stress. Positivity breeds positivity, so hanging out with optimistic and supportive people will do much for your soul.

  1. Take time out for a walk.

Walking daily will not only help you physically and build your heart but will reduce stress and clear your head. Want to make it even better? Walk outdoors. Find a local park or a hiking trail. Stanford University released a study in 2015 that indicated a 90-minute walk or hike in nature left people happier, relaxed and lowered their risk of depression.

  1. Declutter your home.

It will surprise you how much this one thing can work wonders to relax you. If the thought of a complete overhaul causes more stress, try it one project at a time. Start with your closet. Doing one project could motivate you to choose another; soon, you will be living in an improved environment for you to enjoy.

  1. Limit your social media, tech, and phone.

Numerous studies show that high use of social media and cell phones causes depression and narcissism. Plus, scrolling through all your social pages is a time-waster than can be spent taking a class or picking up a hobby. Along with limiting social media, also look to limit phone use in general and computer use and television. All can be time wasters that keep you from being productive and distract you from important things like your family and friends. The worst social media network for mental health, according to a 2017 survey, is Instagram. It consistently made users feel depressed and anxious.

  1. Quit comparing.

One of the reasons for the anxiety and depression problems is that social media promotes a sense of competition amongst users. Remember, what you see isn’t always reality. It is a picture of what other people want you to believe about them and their lives. Quit comparing.

  1. Limit negative information.

It is crucial to keep up with things. Yet, just like it is vital to eliminate pessimistic friends, you must also purge toxic information. This means news and some entertainment shows. News can be warped depending on who is producing it. It tends to be negative. Some entertainment shows, like crime dramas, legal dramas, reality shows, and the like, can also be harmful. This is too much for your brain to handle if you are trying to remain positive. There is a saying, “garbage in, garbage out.” What you put into your brain matters. Choose wisely to input things that help you live a better life rather than negative information.

  1. Learn to cook and improve your diet.

Having a healthy diet will do wonders for your outlook, brain function, and productivity. Incorporate more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and other good things. Along with that, learn to cook these things and try new items. Getting creative with a recipe, whether it is your grandmother’s green bean casserole or a new one using a vegetable you never even heard of, will get your creative juices flowing. It will help you learn to love good food too. Don’t forget to treat yourself occasionally. Bake that banana nut bread!

  1. Do something just for you.

People tend to put themselves on the backburner for families, friends, or work. Take some time out to do something just for yourself. That can be an at-home facial, time for yoga, a spa day, or a class that you’ve always wanted to try. It could be putting on your favorite music for an hour. Whatever it is, take time to enjoy your moment.

  1. Be quiet.

The world is filled with noise, from television and live streaming to people constantly expressing their opinions. It’s okay to be quiet for a while. Fred Rogers, the well-known personality of Mister Rogers Neighborhood, often had quiet moments during his show. That was unheard of in television, even today. He said it was okay to have a moment of stillness. So, give yourself permission to take hit pause, it’s okay. Some people like to meditate, and others pray. Some read the scripture of their faith, while others read poetry. However, you spend your quiet time, get away for a few minutes during the day to enjoy peace.

  1. Prioritize rest.

People today, as proven by several clinical studies, don’t get enough rest. So, we push it, staying up late to work, watching a movie, going out, and even remaining on the phone or computer. A lack of rest will make your head foggy and drain your energy. This can lead to irritability, bad decisions, and an overall a lack of motivation. Start valuing your rest. Make it a priority because your health is a priority. Go to bed at a set time every night. Set a nighttime routine to wind down. Don’t get on your phone or computer after 8 p.m, and never take your technology to bed.

Making changes in your life isn’t easy, but it is essential to your overall health and mental state and your spiritual being. Don’t feel like you have to modify yourself completely overnight. You can implement one change every few days, so things feel less imposing. Doing lifestyle and behavior modification will detox your life and make you more relaxed, happier, and less stressed. Seize this moment, and begin your journey towards a more organized and peaceful life today!