Your Aura Color and Your Sexual Feelings

Aura Color

When you look at your lover for the first time, it is something that cannot be put into words. You will feel things that you have never felt before. You will be enticed, and you will have strong attachments and feelings.

This is what your sexual aura looks like. This is the form of it where scientists have tried to figure out why your brain reacts the way that it does when you are falling in love.

When you focus your attention on new things and see life in a different perspective, it can be your sexual aura that shows what you feel when you fall in love and why you are drawn to others.

People have studied sexual auras for years and it has been discovered that the color of your aura can show what kind of sexual partner you will be.


Someone that has a red sexual aura has energy and this energy will come from your bodies center. This means you are bold and exciting, and you will try anything.

You are sexual and you do not try to hide it and you are easy to offend others. Sometimes you fantasize about what you want in bed, and you have a hard time focusing on what life is dealing you.

You are close with your sexuality and when you desire something, you want it now. When you have a red aura, it can mean you are going to go after what you want, and you are not scared of it.


Having a purple sexual aura can mean you are kinky and that you want to have sex that is not normal. You want to try weird things and you have different fetishes.

Maybe you want to do things that seem strange or dangerous, but you want to remember your sex and you want to be able to share what you experienced with others.

You are more open with your sexuality, and you do not hide what you want. You will have sex anywhere and anytime. Even though you like to try new things, you do not tell everyone about it, just people you are close to.


Having a pink aura means you are kind and gentle and often times overly emotional. You will be with people that want to love you deeply in bed and out of bed.

You want to express your feelings and you want to have unconditional love. You will be sensitive to your lover, and you will be loyal. This kind of love will last for your whole life.


A blue aura is someone that is rare. They are people that want to communicate with the world, and this is someone that can express their emotions and someone that does not see things very clearly. You might touch someone and capture their heart immediately and not really know why.

You will be someone that is smart and respectful and someone that has boundaries. You will be a perfect match for someone and the most important thing to you is someone that is faithful to you. You will be a strong communicator and you will want to reach your lover’s heart.


A golden aura means that you are attractive, and people find you exciting. This means you have a true heart, and you will not hide things.

You will be able to figure out what you want in your sex life, and you will be surrounded by love and comfort, and you will give this same thing to your lover.

When you have sex, you want to have fun and you want to do fun things even out of bed, like eat dinosaur cookies. You will be looked at as a smart and honest person and you will be very open.


Silver auras are some of the most known people. They are true right to the bone, and they will want to have fun sex with you, but they will also want to give you their deepest secrets.

These people are attractive, but most people admire them because of their good traits. They love others and are very giving. This aura will keep you happy your whole life.


Having a green aura means that you will work hard in the bed. You will look at the beauty of people and you will love your surroundings. You will find life beautiful, and you will be secure and balanced in what life gives you.

If you want to have sex, the green aura is going to call you out if you are being fake or if you aren’t really being passionate. You have to treat someone that has a green aura with care because they will want to have the interests of their hearts met.


  1. As entertaining as this article is, it reads more like a horoscope than a legitimate scientific study. Are we really supposed to believe that eating dinosaur cookies is a hallmark of someone with a golden aura? Quite amusing!

  2. The notion of ‘sexual auras’ is quite fascinating, although I would love to see some rigorous scientific analysis or studies that further validate these assertions. The descriptions appear to be generalized and could benefit from more detailed explanations.

  3. Oh, great! Now I can just tell people my sexual aura is gold and they’ll think I’m a dinosaur-cookie-loving genius!

    • Exactly! Next time someone asks about my love life, I’ll just say, ‘I’m green, so I work hard in bed!’

  4. This article provides an intriguing perspective on how our sexual auras can influence our relationships and personal interactions. The detailed descriptions of different aura colors and their corresponding traits are both enlightening and thought-provoking. It’s fascinating to consider how our inherent characteristics might shape our romantic lives in such unique ways. A captivating read that blends science with a touch of mysticism!

  5. What an intriguing article! The notion that our sexual aura can dictate our romantic and sexual behaviors based on its color is quite fascinating. While I’m not entirely convinced by the scientific rigor behind this, it certainly makes for an interesting read.

  6. The exploration of sexual auras and their impact on our romantic lives was truly fascinating. The nuances of each aura color provide a new lens through which to view our intimate relationships, adding depth to our understanding of ourselves and our partners. It’s remarkable to think that our energy can be so telling of our desires and interpersonal dynamics. I thoroughly enjoyed the insights presented in this piece.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Beanpole! The way the article tied our sexual auras to our behaviors and desires was truly enlightening. It made me reflect on my own experiences and how they align with the descriptions. A very engaging and thought-provoking read indeed!

  7. The article offers an interesting perspective on how aura colors might correlate with one’s approach to sexuality. While the concepts seem intriguing, I’m curious about the scientific grounding and empirical evidence supporting these claims.

  8. While the article presents an engaging theory, the concept of auras affecting sexuality would benefit from a more empirical approach. It would be useful to see how this fits within the broader context of personality psychology and behavioral science.

  9. This seems extremely pseudoscientific. Where is the empirical evidence? It’s a bit disheartening to see such claims about aura colors and their connection to sexual behavior presented without any substantial proof or research references.

  10. Ah yes, because nothing says ‘scientific breakthrough’ quite like the color of your aura determines your sexual proclivities. Next, we’ll probably learn that carrying a lucky rabbit’s foot will enhance our romantic relationships too. Classic pseudoscience!

  11. The idea that aura colors can define sexual behavior seems more metaphysical than scientific. It would be interesting to explore how these interpretations align with psychological theories and existing research on human sexuality and relationship dynamics.

  12. The concept of sexual auras providing insight into one’s romantic inclinations is not entirely new. However, it’s crucial to approach such ideas with a critical mind and seek corroborating evidence from reputable sources.

  13. The article does an excellent job of intertwining scientific concepts with the mysticism of auras. It’s refreshing to see a nuanced perspective on a topic often dismissed as pseudoscience. Well done!

  14. So, if one doesn’t fit into these neat color-coded boxes, does that mean they don’t have a sexual aura? The article oversimplifies human sexuality and emotions to an absurd degree.

  15. It’s a unique take on understanding relationships and sexual dynamics. However, it leaves me wondering about the methodology behind determining aura colors and their meanings. A more comprehensive dive into the scientific research behind these findings would be enlightening.

  16. I can’t believe people still buy into this aura nonsense. Colors determining your sexual preferences? Give me a break. This is pseudoscience at its finest.

  17. Interesting read! It’s fascinating to see how different aura colors are linked to distinct sexual behaviors. I’ve always wondered why some connections feel so intense; maybe this explains a part of it.


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