Learning to Surrender to Your Spiritual Life

Learning to Surrender

Going to a psychic or a medium can change your life. You can get a reading or even do a reading for yourself. When you are doing these readings or getting a reading done on yourself, you need to make sure that you are receiving the message that is meant for you.

You have to release yourself to the universe. If you want to find the answers you are looking for, you have to learn to be open minded and to connect with the universe with your mind, body, and soul.

Some people will do the opposite of this, and they will choose to connect with people instead of the spirit world. They will ask their family and friends for advice when they are struggling.

Finding the Right Answers

They will not be successful most of the time because they will not get the answers they are looking for from their loved ones. These people might also feel that their readings are unsuccessful because they are not hearing things they want to hear. They might ask things such as:

  • Was my mother disappointed that I wasn’t there when she died?
  • Could I have stopped my wife from killing herself?
  • Does my father agree with my choice of a boyfriend?
  • Did I pick the right career for me?
  • Will I find happiness?
  • Can I be financially secure?

The more questions that you ask the less likely you will get the answers that you want in your reading. You will find that even if the answers are what you want that you will trust them very little because they will leave you guessing if they are being truthful or not.

These readings will make you wonder where the answers came from and if they were from the spirit world or from their own thoughts.

Do not push your thoughts and your feelings at your reading. Allow your psychic to tell you what he or she is thinking. Allow it to be an opportunity that you can experience the spirit world without questions and without expecting anything. Let the answers come as they may.

You might find this hard to understand because we all want to be in control. Giving in is hard for some people and it takes time. Here are some things you can do so that you can have an open mind and make way on your journey:

Love and Spirit Guides

Close your eyes and meditate. Imagine the space around you being only for you. Think of who you are and surround yourself with light. Take deep breathes and imagine the light healing you. When you let the light out, let the healing light stay in. Release anything negative that is holding you back.

Use your mind to cover yourself in golden light. Use your mind to picture trees and flowers around you. When you spend time with your mind, look at the light that is coming close to you and this will be your guide. Sometimes, people will recognize their guides while other times they will not.

Your guide will take you someplace that you created in your soul. This place will be beautiful to you because it is yours. Invite them to come in and sit with you.

You might be surprised at who shows up when you invite them, but this is a time to connect with their soul. Ask them about their mission in life and what they have been doing. Do not talk about who you are but just learn all that you can learn about them. This will be a journey that you surrender and learn.


  1. This article beautifully encapsulates the profound and transformative potential of engaging with the spirit world. It emphasizes the necessity of openness and surrender, which are indeed fundamental to receiving genuine insights. By allowing ourselves to connect deeply with the universe and our spiritual guides, we can transcend the limitations of earthly advice and find answers that resonate with our true essence. The guided meditation techniques are particularly illuminating, offering a serene pathway to fostering inner light and wisdom. A highly enlightening read!

  2. What a compelling exposition on the significance of spiritual readings and the importance of being receptive to the universe’s messages! The author astutely points out the common pitfalls of seeking answers from loved ones who may inadvertently project their biases. Instead, the article advocates for a more spiritually attuned approach, which, when practiced with sincerity and openness, can yield profound insights and healing. The meditation practices described are exquisite and serve as a powerful tool in aligning oneself with the energy of the cosmos. Truly, a transformative guide for anyone on a spiritual quest.

  3. The article emphasizes the importance of openness and the need to release control during psychic readings. The advice to meditate and visualize light as a means of preparation is quite practical and can be beneficial for mental clarity.

  4. While the discussion on the importance of being open to the universe is quite enlightening, it’s important to balance this with a level of skepticism. Blind faith without critical thinking might lead to unverified conclusions.

  5. Interesting perspective on the importance of mental preparation before a reading. The described exercises of meditation and visualization could indeed help in achieving a more receptive state of mind.

  6. The recommendation to not push thoughts and feelings during a reading and let the psychic lead is a good one. This can help in obtaining a more genuine experience and possibly more truthful answers from the spirit world.

  7. This article offers a fascinating perspective on spiritual growth and the importance of openness. By meditating and connecting with the spirit world, one can find unique answers that differ from the conventional advice given by friends and family. It’s an intriguing journey of self-discovery.

  8. I find the notion of releasing oneself to the universe to be somewhat naive. True growth and understanding come from introspection and knowledge, not from vague spiritual experiences. Relying on psychics seems like a way to avoid taking responsibility for one’s own life decisions.

  9. Oh great, another article suggesting we close our eyes, imagine golden light, and talk to spirit guides. What’s next? Conversing with unicorns? The audacity to claim that seeking advice from friends and family is less effective is laughable.

  10. How enlightening! I tried the golden light meditation and guess what? My spirit guide revealed that I should eat more vegetables. Profound, isn’t it? But in all seriousness, blending metaphysics with daily life is a charming idea, even if a bit whimsical.

  11. While the emphasis on openness and surrender is commendable, it is fundamentally flawed to suggest that seeking advice from loved ones is ineffective. Human relationships are invaluable, and counsel from those who know us intimately should not be dismissed so lightly.

  12. The notion that psychic readings can provide answers that loved ones cannot is intriguing. It suggests a deeper, possibly spiritual aspect to understanding life’s complexities, which might be worth exploring.


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