What Makes You a Medium?

What Makes You a Medium?

Sometimes, you might have questions about your psychic gifts and what they mean. Maybe you feel that you have a gift, but you aren’t sure what it is or how to use it. Everyone can connect with the spirit but not everyone can be a medium.

Mediumship is different than someone that can talk to or interact with a spirit here or there. Some people want to know if they can be a stronger medium or if they can reach the level of mediumship. The truth is, you can raise your vibrational frequency and connect with spirits, and this is what makes you a medium. When you want to practice this, you can learn teachings and learn from other psychics on how to use your powers.

Psychic Powers

Being a medium is hard sometimes and the challenge is to be able to connect with spirits. The first thing that you have to do is to build your power. Building your power means that you do not have to control it or use your muscles like you would think you would have to. But building your power means that you are connecting with the powers that you have inside of you.

If you want to reach the power inside of you, you need to stop letting the noise come into your mind. You need to stop judging people and situations and you need to stop expecting things to be the way that you want them to be. You need to learn to go deep inside of yourself and to figure out what you believe and what you are feeling.

When you choose to meditate and be still, you can begin to believe and to understand what you are experiencing. You might have a human experience on the earth, but you can have a psychic experience when you reach your energy. You can concentrate on what your soul is saying to you and learn to connect with the universe.

Building your power has a certain feel and here are some things you might feel when you do this:

• Peace.
• Excitement.
• Support from your spirit guides.
• Hearing voices.
• Strong intuition.
• Getting messages from the spirit world.
• Connection to all souls.
• Feeling of pure love.
• Quiet and strong.
• Joy.
• Potential.

Once you have learned to reach into this power, you can learn to trust yourself and learn to feel connected in the spirit realm. You can use your gift and take it to the next level.

Using different techniques can help you to develop your gifting and encourage you to share your light with others.


  1. The guidance on meditation and quieting the mind as a method to access psychic power is insightful. It aligns well with various spiritual and mindfulness practices that emphasize inner stillness.

  2. While the notion of raising one’s vibrational frequency to connect with spirits is intriguing, I must contest that such practices require a significant amount of skepticism and critical thinking. Spiritual experiences are highly subjective and can often be attributed to psychological factors.

    • I agree, Rosie. Although the article is fascinating, one must always maintain a healthy level of critical thinking. It’s easy to get lost in the romanticism of spiritual practices without concrete evidence.

  3. This is an excellent and enlightening article. The way it explains the process of connecting with one’s psychic abilities is both comprehensive and accessible. It’s refreshing to see such a positive and encouraging approach to spiritual development.

  4. This article beautifully elucidates the nuanced differences between general psychic abilities and mediumship. It provides an encouraging and insightful guide to understanding and nurturing one’s psychic gifts. The emphasis on inner peace and self-awareness resonates deeply. Truly a splendid read for anyone on their spiritual journey!

  5. Honestly, this entire concept of mediumship and connecting with spirits sounds like a bunch of pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo. There’s no empirical evidence to support these claims, and it feels like it’s preying on people’s vulnerabilities.

  6. I am thoroughly impressed by the depth of understanding conveyed in this piece about mediumship and psychic powers. The advice to meditate and attune to one’s inner self is profoundly wise. This is an invaluable resource for anyone aspiring to elevate their psychic capabilities and connect with the spirit world. A truly enlightening article!

  7. The list of sensations and outcomes that one might experience when building psychic power is quite comprehensive. It’s beneficial for those who are new to this field to know what to anticipate on their spiritual journey.

  8. The distinction between general psychic abilities and mediumship is well-articulated here. It’s fascinating how the article suggests that anyone can develop mediumship skills by raising their vibrational frequency.

  9. The article presents an intriguing perspective on mediumship and the development of psychic abilities. It’s interesting to note the emphasis on inner peace and self-reflection as a pathway to connect with the spirit world.

  10. Oh great, so now not only do I have to deal with the demands of daily life, but I also need to ‘stop letting the noise come into my mind’ and ‘meditate’ to potentially become a medium? Super helpful advice—next, you’ll tell me to communicate with unicorns!

  11. I appreciate the detailed explanation of building one’s power by connecting with internal energies and emotions. The outlined feelings associated with this process, like peace and strong intuition, add a practical dimension to the concept.

  12. The article provides some interesting insights into the different sensations one might feel while building their psychic power. It’s informative to know the distinctions between general spiritual connection and mediumship. Understanding the subtle differences can be very valuable.


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