When a Soulmate Relationship Doesn’t Last

Soulmate Relationship

Not all relationships involving soulmates have a fairy tale ending.   Just because you are in a relationship with your soulmate doesn’t mean it’s perfect.  No relationship is perfect.

You and your soulmate have a cosmic connection and things flow together seamlessly, but in time your life’s journey with its challenges and lessons may create problems because of your other relationships.  If you and your partner cannot move past the past, it will be too hard to keep moving forward together in the future.

Healthy Relationships

If you have the three c’s- chemistry, compatibility, and communication you can have healthy relationship. Just one block of just one of these components can create a rift in any romance. Your soul connection may be able to recover from this rift, but you have to face that it may not.

Knowing When Things Go Wrong

Not every relationship will be healthy and not every relationship will be good. Learn to take time and sit back and see when things are starting to go sour. Do not expect every relationship to be perfect but when there are more bad times than good times, it might be time to move on.

Moving On

If the partnership with your soulmate dissolves, how can you move on? Take the time to focus on yourself away from the relationship. Don’t let regret and pain hold you back. Let yourself heal alone and perhaps in the future you will be able to mend the rift. If you put yourself in charge of your soul and your own journey, eventually you will see the sense of it.

Finding the Real You

As you learn to heal and move forward from a relationship, find out who you really are. People often get stuck in a relationship and think that they have to be who their partner “created” them to be, and this is not so. You are your own person, be your own person and find out what you like, and you don’t like as a single person.

Some Hope

If you take the steps to protect and heal your soul, your partner may see the problems honestly. They may gain the clarity to work on their own journey which may be just what leads you back together.  Don’t let them go to heal your relationship, let your partner go to heal yourself.  The distance may help your relationship, but you should put yourself first.

You Can Have Soulmates

It is largely unknown that a person can have more than one soulmate.  When people refer to the love of their life, they forget what a journey life can be. You can have more than one great love and you can have more than one soulmate.  If your life isn’t over, you can go on to find another love and find another mate that will help nourish your soul on your life journey.

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  1. I found this article to be deeply enriching and thought-provoking. It eloquently presents the idea that not all soulmate relationships have a ‘happily ever after,’ but that doesn’t diminish their significance. The advice on recognizing when things go sour and the importance of individual healing is poignant and practical. Moreover, the notion that we can have multiple soulmates throughout our lifetime adds a liberating dimension to our understanding of love. This article is a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone navigating the turbulent waters of romantic relationships.

  2. The article offers an incredibly insightful perspective on the complexities of soulmate relationships. It is a refreshing reminder that even soulmates can face challenges, and emphasizing the importance of the three C’s—chemistry, compatibility, and communication—is critical. The guidance on moving forward and finding oneself is invaluable, encouraging personal growth and self-awareness. This piece thoughtfully underlines that life is a journey and learning to navigate its nuances is essential for healthy, fulfilling relationships.

  3. So, we’re supposed to believe that even our soulmates, who are cosmically destined for us, can’t guarantee a happy ending? Isn’t that just delightful. What a comforting thought – looks like ‘happily ever after’ is just another fairy tale we should outgrow.

  4. This article provides a lot of valuable insights about relationships. It’s refreshing to read something that acknowledges the complexities and doesn’t just push the fairy tale narrative. The concept of multiple soulmates is liberating!

  5. The notion that you can have more than one soulmate over a lifetime is intriguing. It makes me ponder on past relationships and the lessons learned. Maybe they weren’t failures but stepping stones to personal growth.

  6. The insight provided in this article resonates with a profound understanding of relationships. It highlights the essential elements of a healthy relationship – chemistry, compatibility, and communication – and this triad is crucial for any lasting connection. The focus on self-healing and personal growth is both refreshing and necessary. Kudos to the writer for this enlightening piece.

  7. While the article sheds light on the realistic aspects of relationships, it seems to overlook the fact that not all ‘soulmates’ are worth the effort. Sometimes, moving on is not just about self-healing but acknowledging that the connection was perhaps never meant to last. The piece could benefit from addressing the importance of recognizing toxic ties.

  8. What a load of nonsense. Soulmates are just made-up concepts to romanticize relationships. If you can’t handle challenges, the problem isn’t the lack of ‘cosmic connection,’ it’s immaturity.

  9. Ah, the classic ‘focus on yourself’ advice. Because clearly, the universe is taking a coffee break while we sort out our existential mess. If we have more than one soulmate, perhaps the second one comes with a manual? Just kidding… or maybe not.

  10. The idea that one can have multiple soulmates is both intriguing and comforting. It aligns well with the notion that life is a journey, filled with numerous meaningful connections. This perspective can be quite liberating for individuals who feel bound by the societal expectation of a ‘single great love’.

  11. An interesting take on relationships. However, it’s crucial to remember that every relationship is unique. While some part ways, others grow stronger through adversity. The key is understanding your own and your partner’s journey.


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