Advice for the Newly Married Couple

Advice for the Newly Married Couple

It is very easy to get married. It is much more difficult to be married. As regular life takes hold with its accompanying responsibilities, newly married couples often have to work harder to keep the fun and excitement of the relationship alive.  Here are a few tips to keep your newlywed happy!

How problems begin.

Let your partner know if something is worrying you.  Don’t let the problems build up. Even if you think they will be offended about what you say (such as that you don’t like the fact that he leaves he socks on the bookshelf in front of your college diploma) tell him right away and as calmly as possible. It is much better to face this calmly now rather than scream about it ten years down the road.

Let the small problems go.

People who live together get on each other’s nerves.  This is a fact.  Don’t let the insignificant day to day issues enrage you. Choose your battles and let the little things go.

Talk about finances and family issues early in the relationship.

If possible, discuss your financial and family details before you get married.  Having the details of bills and budget ironed out before you settle in will help avoid big misunderstandings later.  Also discussing the details of how your families will fit in to your lifestyle will save you a lot of headaches later.

Don’t air your dirty laundry.

If you are having problems with your partner, address it privately.  Don’t put them down in front of others. It is a truly bad idea to give anyone a negative view of your spouse while you are fighting.  This will only backfire on you down the road.

Fight Fair

If the two of you are having a disagreement, avoid dragging in old business or past problems. Don’t belittle each other and don’t run away from the fight.  Take a breath and time to think before you speak.   Don’t forget to apologize when the problem is settled.

Don’t Take Them for Granted

Appreciate your partner.  Always remember to be grateful for everything they do for you.  Everyone loves a compliment.

You can keep the romance in your life alive by treating each day as if it were your first date.  This constant care of your relationship will help your love survive anything.

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  1. The guidance on financial discussions is particularly sage. Many couples overlook this crucial aspect, leading to significant conflict. By addressing finances and family dynamics early, much heartache can be avoided. This practical advice is invaluable for newlyweds.

  2. This article truly encapsulates the essence of sustaining a healthy marriage. The advice on addressing small problems and choosing battles wisely is particularly insightful. Maintaining open communication and financial transparency, as well as showing constant appreciation, are foundational principles that many often overlook. Kudos to the author for these pragmatic and deeply thoughtful pointers.

  3. A well-rounded article with valuable advice. It’s important to remember the little things that keep a relationship strong, like treating each day with the enthusiasm of a first date. These tips could definitely help couples navigate their early years of marriage.

  4. An exceptional read! The emphasis on not airing dirty laundry and addressing issues privately resonates profoundly with me. It’s truly refreshing to see such practical advice that doesn’t shy away from the hard truths of married life. The tips on keeping romance alive by treating each day as if it were the first date is a lovely sentiment that every couple could benefit from. Highly recommended for both newlyweds and seasoned couples alike.

  5. Good pointers for maintaining a healthy relationship. Taking time to discuss finances and family issues early can indeed save a lot of trouble down the line. The advice about showing appreciation is a nice touch.

  6. The suggestions here are quite sensible. Addressing problems calmly and privately makes a lot of sense, as does not taking your partner for granted. Overall, a useful read for those new to marriage.

  7. Oh, right! Because talking about who should do the laundry and paying the bills before you tie the knot magically makes everything perfect! What a revelation! Maybe next they’ll tell us that love is the secret ingredient. Thanks for the profound insights!

  8. Honestly, this article reads more like a list of trite platitudes than genuinely insightful advice. Real life is messier, and marriages require more nuanced solutions than just ‘talk it out’ or ‘be grateful.’ The complexities of human emotions and relationships deserve a more in-depth approach.

  9. A thoughtful and constructive piece, indeed. The article underscores the importance of effective communication and mutual respect in a marriage, which are fundamental to any successful relationship. I appreciate the practical advice given, particularly the emphasis on addressing issues calmly and privately.

  10. The advice given in the article is practical and straightforward. It’s true that communication and addressing issues early can prevent a lot of misunderstandings later on. I especially appreciate the emphasis on financial discussions before marriage.

  11. This article provides essential tips for newlyweds. I agree that small issues should not be allowed to fester and that open communication is key. The point about not airing dirty laundry in public is particularly important.

  12. This article is like a marriage manual for dummies. I mean, who knew that keeping dirty laundry private or appreciating your partner could actually help maintain a relationship? Absolutely groundbreaking! We can all throw away those relationship self-help books now.


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