Finding Love This Year and Beyond

Finding Love This Year and Beyond

Have you ever said to yourself, “This year I want to do things differently.  I want things to change.  I want clarity and love?” If this sounds like you, do you know how to go about finding what you want?

Clarity is valuable

Although the world has created a familiarity with the greater universe and it’s powers, this familiarity has led to a gross misrepresentation of the Law of Attraction.  One of the most basic steps of manifesting what you want is clarity.   Clarity in this case means knowing exactly what you want.

If you don’t have clarity, you may not be able to focus on what you truly want and need. If you focus on the wrong thing, you will receive the wrong thing. Make sure that you have clarity in all things in your life, but especially in love.

Creating clarity

A good way to gain clarity is to write a letter to your spirit guide.  It is entirely up to you who you choose. Make sure the letter is sincerely written. Write as if you are already in the relationship.  Be as descriptive as possible as you experience the romance with every one of your senses.

Next describe your feelings.  Are you happy? Do you feel free? Do you feel joy?  Create a thorough picture. No one will ever see this but you, so don’t hold back.

Once you have written your letter, read it out loud to yourself every night before you go to sleep and then visualize the person you want to be with in the morning. Don’t get too caught up in physical details of your romantic partner. Instead focus on how the person makes you feel.

It is important that you write down the things that you love and value and what you really want when you are looking for love. Beyond the physical, find the personality traits and the things that you want but don’t forget the things that you don’t want in your life. For example, if you don’t want to be with someone that smokes, make sure that you put that in your letter so that the universe is clear in what you want and need.

The next step

Ask yourself what is holding you back from getting what you want. To streamline this process, focus on what you believe is holding you back.  This will involve some self-examination and/or meditation to get to the root of what you really want and need. Once you have identified your blocks and asked the universe you can attract what you desire.  You may want to consult an advisor or life coach to help you get to what you truly want and need.

Get your love psychic reading with an accurate, honest, ethical love psychic reader can let you know when your soulmate will enter your life. Stop wasting time with the wrong love when you can find the right love!


  1. I find the concept of achieving clarity through specific, self-reflective exercises incredibly compelling. The advice to detail both what you want and what you don’t want in a romantic partner is practical and powerful. Moreover, the suggestion to identify and address personal blocks through self-examination or with the help of a life coach is a great reminder of the importance of personal growth in the journey towards finding true love. This article is a valuable read for anyone serious about transforming their romantic life.

  2. This article was incredibly eye-opening! I’ve always struggled with finding clarity in my desires, but the suggestion to write a letter to my spirit guide is such a novel idea. I’m genuinely excited to try it out and see how it transforms my life. Thank you for this insightful guidance!

  3. What a delightfully uplifting and practical guide! I’ve always believed in the power of clear intentions, and this article beautifully articulates how we can harness that power for love and clarity. Writing to your spirit guide is such a unique approach!

    • Absolutely! I tried writing to my spirit guide once, and it was transformative. It’s amazing how much clarity you can gain by just putting your thoughts on paper.

  4. This article offers an insightful perspective on the significance of clarity in manifesting desires, especially in the context of love. The notion of writing a heartfelt letter to a spirit guide as a means to crystallize one’s intentions is both innovative and profound. It encourages a deeper understanding of one’s true desires and the inherent value of focusing on the right attributes in a partner. Highly recommended for those seeking a fresh approach to realizing their romantic aspirations.

  5. This sounds like a load of nonsensical drivel. Writing letters to an imaginary spirit guide won’t bring you closer to true love. People need tangible advice, not this pseudo-spiritual advice that lacks empirical evidence.

  6. Isn’t it ironic how modern society turns to ancient practices for solutions in love? We pen letters to spirit guides in the age of digital dating apps. The juxtaposition is almost comical!

  7. It’s fascinating how the concept of clarity is used here. The idea of visualizing and articulating our desires to manifest them isn’t new, but the structured approach—writing detailed letters and daily visualization—adds a practical methodology to the abstract notion. Quite informative.

  8. This article offers a detailed approach to gaining clarity in one’s desires. The idea of visualizing the emotions rather than physical attributes is a profound shift. It would be beneficial to explore how different cultures approach similar concepts.

  9. While the article makes some valid points about clarity and focus, it assumes a tad too much about the universe’s role in personal happiness. Perhaps a bit more emphasis on actionable self-improvement and less on cosmic intervention would make this advice more grounded in reality.

  10. The emphasis on self-examination and meditation is noteworthy. It is essential to identify personal blocks, but I would like to know more about practical steps to overcome these obstacles. What role do professional advisors play in this process?

  11. A thorough and intriguing guide on finding clarity in love. The suggestion to write down what one loves and values is a practical step. However, the reliance on psychic readings is contentious; how does one balance spiritual guidance with rational decision-making?

  12. The concept of clarity is indeed crucial in achieving one’s goals, be they in love or other areas. Self-reflection and clear articulation of desires can immensely aid in personal development. However, the suggestion to consult a love psychic could be considered dubious advice by some.

  13. The concept of clarity in manifesting desires is indeed crucial. Writing a letter to a spirit guide seems like an interesting method. I wonder if there are alternative ways that might be equally effective for different individuals?

  14. So let me get this straight: we’re supposed to meditate, reflect, and then call a psychic to tell us when our soulmate will arrive? Oh yes, because nothing screams ‘true love’ like seeking advice from someone who reads crystal balls.

    • Indeed, Braniac. The irony of seeking scientific precision in love through mystic means is amusing. Perhaps the next step is consulting star charts or reading tea leaves!

  15. This article brings to light the importance of specificity in manifesting desires. The practice of reading the letter aloud nightly is an interesting ritual. It would be helpful to understand the psychological mechanisms behind such practices.

  16. Ah, yes, I’ll just pen a letter to my ‘spirit guide’ and wait for the universe to serve me love on a silver platter! Clearly, the author has never navigated the treacherous waters of online dating. Still, it’s amusing to think that my perfect partner is just a heartfelt letter away.

  17. Oh, please! Another sermon on the mystical nonsense of the Law of Attraction. Clarity? Spirit guides? Writing letters to imaginary entities? This is just more pseudo-spiritual fluff that distracts from actually working on real relationship skills and personal growth.


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