Decode what Your Dreams Mean


While some dreams are mysterious, understanding the meaning of our dreams is more than a mystery–it can be downright baffling. What we’re dreaming about can suddenly change. Our dreams can include outrageous elements. Our dreams can be very scary and terrify us with frightening images. The fact that dreams can be so rich and compelling is what causes many to believe that there must be some deeper meaning to our dreams.

Whether you get to know your dreams more intimately through understanding the messages that come from the subconscious to the conscious mind or not, dreams are an important part of your being, and can contribute greatly to your health and to your happiness.

Dreams are a valuable source of information that’s available to anyone who desires to decode their symbolism. Dreams are a place where you can learn about yourself. Some say that dreaming is more honest than our waking consciousness and that in our dreams we reveal our true feelings—especially about the most important issues in our lives.

Finding the meaning of your dreams is a very personal exercise. Once you can understand how your own associations work, you will have the ability to interpret your dreams. Many people believe that a single dream can have multiple levels of meaning woven into it.

Keep a Dream Journal

If you are interested in figuring out the meaning of your dreams, create your own dream journal and dream dictionary. Keep a journal next to your bed with a pen and write down everything you remember about a dream as soon as you awaken from it.

Be sure to leave plenty of space so you can later add impressions and interpretations of what the dream may have meant. With the added impressions and interpretations, this journal becomes your own personal dream dictionary.

But when it comes to decoding dreams, professionally written dream dictionaries can help, too. So can dream interpreters, who have both psychological and metaphysical knowledge of dreams and their meanings.

But in the end, you are the only one who will be able to decide what you think your dreams really mean. Each person has their own symbols and connections that their own mind thinks about and uses to communicate via dreams. So only you can know for sure what your dreams mean.

Humor and Happiness

Enjoy dreaming! Your dreams can be a place of entertainment where you can enjoy yourself. It’s been said that the healthiest people are those who are happy. Use your dreams as a means to achieve that happiness. Dreaming can put you into a positive mood that can last all day. That positive mood can affect your psychological structure and lead you into all kinds of positive experiences.

Use your dream journal in a way to have fun with what you’ve written, and even laugh at what you’ve written! Let the dreams and your accounts of them amuse you. The dream world is limitless. You may even be able to learn how to lucid dream, which means that you’re aware you’re dreaming and can be in control of your dreams.

Pay close attention to your dreams. You may gain a deeper understanding of yourself and of your feelings. Look at it this way: dreams can act as keys to the doorways you have within yourself. Open those doors!


  1. What an enlightening perspective on the role of dreams in enhancing our overall well-being! The idea that dreams can act as a bridge between our subconscious and conscious minds is beautifully explained. I appreciate the emphasis on personal interpretation and the encouragement to find joy and amusement in our dream journals. This approach not only demystifies the process of understanding dreams but also adds a delightful and uplifting dimension to it. A wonderfully insightful and inspiring article!

  2. It’s fascinating how the article outlines the potential for dreams to act as a mirror to our true feelings. This could be particularly useful for those interested in psychological self-analysis or cognitive behavioral approaches.

  3. This article eloquently captures the significance of dreams in our lives. The notion that dreams can be a profound source of self-discovery and happiness resonates immensely with me. Maintaining a dream journal is a brilliant idea, as it provides a tangible way to decode the rich symbolism embedded in our nocturnal narratives. I am particularly intrigued by the concept of dreams being a more honest reflection of our deepest feelings. Truly, a fascinating read!

  4. This article offers a fascinating perspective on dreams. I appreciate the emphasis on the personal nature of dream interpretation. It’s intriguing to consider that our subconscious minds might be more honest than our waking consciousness.

  5. The suggestion to maintain a dream journal is a practical recommendation. It makes sense that documenting and reflecting on dreams could provide deeper personal insights and possibly uncover hidden emotions or desires.

  6. The article does a good job highlighting the significance of dreams in our personal development. Keeping a dream journal indeed seems like a promising method for self-discovery and understanding subconscious messages.

  7. I appreciate the balanced perspective on dream interpretation. The emphasis on personal symbolism over universal meanings aligns well with current psychological theories. The article presents practical steps for engaging with dreams.

  8. Dreams as a path to happiness? Seriously? If my dreams were to dictate my mood, I’d be living in a constant state of chaos and horror. The article seems overly optimistic and somewhat out of touch with the nature of many people’s dreams.

  9. I enjoyed the suggestion to keep a dream journal. It’s a practice I’ve found immensely useful in understanding myself better. Has anyone else tried keeping a dream journal?

    • Yes, I’ve kept a dream journal for years! It’s astonishing how much you can learn about your subconscious mind. The added interpretations can indeed be enlightening.

  10. Ah yes, because there’s nothing better than waking up, frantically scribbling down that dream where your boss turned into a giant pineapple. Truly, dreams are the key to happiness and not just random nocturnal nonsense. Thanks for the laugh!

  11. The mention of using humor and happiness in dreams is quite intriguing. It suggests a positive psychological strategy for utilizing dreams to enhance overall well-being. The concept of lucid dreaming also adds a layer of control and creativity.

  12. While the article does highlight some interesting points, I find it overly simplistic. Not everyone has the luxury of time or mental bandwidth to keep a dream journal meticulously. Moreover, the idea that dreams can lead to happiness seems a bit far-fetched and lacks scientific backing.


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