Focus on Your Career Before Starting a Relationship

Focus on Your Career

Being older might make you feel that you have to worry about getting married and starting a family, but even though you have a good reason to be concerned, you need to learn to be happy and to focus on your career before you get into a relationship.

Do you feel that you are working too hard, and you feel down about other people that are starting a family and you aren’t?

One thing to know is that if you focus on your career, it doesn’t mean that you will not be able to meet someone in your life. If anything, focusing on your career will help you to meet someone because you are out in the world along with everyone else.

Some guys might be threatened by your career, but most guys will be happy that you are a go getter, but remember, you cannot focus what you do on everyone and you aren’t going to be able to please everyone.

There are many men that love the idea of women that focus on their careers. They love the dedication, and the drive that ambitious women have, and these are people they want to settle down with later in life.

Once you go out with them, they will introduce their family and friends to you and talk about how great you do at your job. They will give you a big ego and will build your self-esteem.

A man that sees you in the workplace will see you dressed up and confident and this will be a huge turn on. Men will love that you work hard and that you have a career idea.

When you focus on your career, you will see that this is good, as long as you are not obsessing with your career. This is when it becomes a problem.

Having a successful career is a good thing but you need to also have fun. Have balance in your life and focus on your job and on your fun. Don’t stop doing things that are fun outside of work just because you are in a career, this will turn men off.

Men will know when your life is all about your job and when they feel thing, they might not want to commit to you because you are too career minded.

If you want to meet someone in your life, you must find balance. You have to go out and meet new people. You have to change your thought pattern.

Balancing your life means that you are able to be relaxed and you are able to have fun. If you only care about work, you will not be that person.

There is a huge difference between:

  • Focusing on your job
  • Your job being the only thing you can focus on.

Men are attracted to women that are focused on their job, but they get turned off by women that only focus on their career.

The lady that is focused on their career will work hard, reach their goals, and will attract the right person in their life. They will do volunteer work, join clubs, make hobbies, and try new things.

The person that is only focused on their career will never have the chance to settle down because this can be stressful, and it will be hard to meet that special someone. Be a girl that chases her dreams because that is sexy.


  1. Interestingly, the author highlights that being career-focused can be attractive, yet warns against becoming ‘too career-minded.’ This dichotomy is worth exploring further in the realm of social psychology.

  2. What a compelling read! It’s reassuring to know that prioritizing one’s career does not equate to missing out on meaningful relationships. The point made about men appreciating ambitious women is particularly inspiring. It’s crucial to remember that a well-rounded life includes both career achievements and personal happiness. Kudos to the author for highlighting the importance of balance and the attractiveness of ambition.

  3. While I agree that a successful career can be attractive, the notion that men are universally turned off by women who are highly career-focused seems overly generalized. People are diverse, and so are their preferences.

  4. So, let me get this straight: To snag a man, I need to be career-driven but not too career-driven? Got it. Time to update my life blueprint.

    • Exactly, Pansy! It’s like walking a tightrope. One misstep and you’re single forever. Enjoy the circus act!

    • Don’t worry, Pansy. Next up: How to juggle flaming career goals while riding a unicycle of personal life balance!

  5. This article has offered me an enlightening perspective on the societal pressure to start a family over focusing on personal growth. It’s incredibly empowering to hear that dedication to one’s career can be an attractive quality rather than a deterrent. The idea of balance is crucial and I appreciate the emphasis on integrating fun and personal time with professional pursuits. It’s a refreshing reminder that meeting someone special doesn’t mean sacrificing one’s ambitions and aspirations.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Lulu. The emphasis on balance really resonates with me. Often, the narrative around career-driven women lacks this nuanced approach. This article provides a well-rounded perspective that’s empowering and realistic.

  6. This article oversimplifies the complexities of balancing career and personal life. Not everyone has the luxury to find balance so easily. It feels dismissive of those struggling in high-pressure careers.

  7. The advice on balancing work and personal life is practical. It’s important to enjoy life beyond work and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment, which can ultimately make one more attractive to potential partners.

  8. I appreciate the perspective that career-focused women are appealing. This counters some societal stereotypes and encourages women to pursue their professional goals without fear of being less attractive.

  9. The article makes some valid points about the importance of balance in one’s life. Focusing on a career is beneficial, but it’s crucial not to neglect personal relationships and social interactions.

  10. What a refreshingly positive take on balancing career and personal life! It’s empowering to hear that focusing on career aspirations can still pave the way to meaningful relationships. Kudos to the author for giving hope to ambitious women.

  11. The emphasis on not obsessing over a career is important. It’s easy to fall into the trap of overworking, which can lead to stress and burnout, but maintaining a healthy work-life balance is key.

  12. The idea that men would find a woman ‘being dressed up and confident’ a huge turn on is laughably reductive. It’s 2023, and we need to move beyond these superficial notions.


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