Boost The Fire Of Romance

Boost The Fire Of Romance

Do you need more zip in the bedroom? No? Well… sometimes it’s easier to fall into a sexual rut. A busy life can take its toll in the bedroom… things like work, family, and just everyday life. You feel you don’t have the time, or energy, for a healthy sex life.

Here are some great tips that can help you to keep the love alive in the bedroom and help your romance to be on fire!

  • You are what you eat! Many foods are aphrodisiacs — used for centuries to arouse sexuality. Add these unique ingredients to your diet and soon your relationship will be heating up! Need more excitement in the bedroom? Start with a spicy meal! Several foods will make you hot and horny — ready for a night of romance.
  • Try chili powder. The active ingredient in chilies—called capsaicin—releases endorphins, raises heart rate and stimulates nerve endings; all are perfect to set the right mood.
  • Spicy foods not your thing? No problem—almonds are another food that provides a little zing to your love life. The Vitamin E content in almonds is famous for boosting the libido. The same holds true for the juice of goji berries, an ancient Asian sex tonic.
  • No discussion of luscious foods would be complete without oysters. Studies have shown that oysters as an aphrodisiac is more than a myth—the high zinc content boosts progesterone levels in men, positively affecting the libido.

You got the look!

Setting the mood for love is more than just candles and spicy foods. To play the part, you have to look the part. Sexy clothes—like lingerie, stockings, and high heels—can put both you and your partner in the right frame of mind. Start your romantic evening with a trip to the adults-only store. Make it part of your date!

Love is in the air

And the stars! Ever since man has looked upward to the night sky, the cosmos have been part of our romantic—and sexual—history. Why do you think that is? It’s easy! The moon and stars have always had a significant impact on our passions, even more than earthly hearts and minds.

PsychicOz believes “the only way to know true love is to look to the heavens. It’s all there!” Sign up for a Free Horoscope and find out daily what your sign says about your love and sex life.

Replace love spells with psychic love readings

For a healthy love life, don’t overlook the power of the psychic universe! If you have lost some of your enthusiasm, meet with your trusted spiritual advisor. As an expert—and a friend—they can show you how to use the flow of psychic energy in your sex life.

If something in the universe is holding you back, your psychic can assist you. They will help you break free so  that you and your partner can go back to an exciting sexuality!


  1. Great, so we’re now looking at the night sky to rev up our sex lives? I suppose the stars might align just right for an ‘exciting’ night. Really, what has this world come to?

  2. I found this article to be remarkably enlightening and a breath of fresh air. The connection between dietary choices and libido is often overlooked, and yet here it is presented in an accessible and compelling manner. The recommendations, from indulging in spicy meals to using the psychic universe as a guide, offer a multi-faceted approach to keeping the romance alive. I particularly resonate with the concept of looking to the heavens for guidance in our love lives; it’s a perspective that underscores the interconnectedness of our human experiences with the greater cosmos. Bravo on an exceptional piece!

  3. This article provides a fascinating insight into revitalizing one’s intimate life with practical and scientifically-backed tips. I particularly appreciate the detailed explanation of how certain foods can influence our libido. The notion that something as simple as incorporating spicy foods or almonds into our diet could enhance our romantic experiences is both intriguing and actionable. Moreover, the idea of engaging with the cosmos and incorporating astrological insights adds a unique and holistic dimension to maintaining a vibrant love life. An excellent and enlightening read!

  4. The correlation between diet and sexual health is well-documented. Foods like chili and almonds have been shown in studies to affect libido positively. This article offers some intriguing suggestions worth exploring.

  5. Including astrology and psychic readings as elements to enhance one’s love life adds an interesting dimension. While this may not appeal to everyone, those who believe in the influence of cosmic forces might find it beneficial.

  6. Ah yes, because nothing screams romance like a trip to the adults-only store and a spicy chili dinner. Next, let’s get a psychic love reading to top it all off. Absolutely foolproof plan!

    • Don’t knock it till you try it! Sometimes those quirky ideas can reignite the spark. You never know until you give it a shot.

    • Ha! You nailed it! I can already see the movie montage: hot sauce, lingerie, and a psychic hotline call. Truly the trifecta of modern romance.

  7. Oh, because nothing says romance like a trip to the adults-only store followed by a side of spicy chili and a psychic reading! Next, they’ll suggest a Ouija board for pillow talk. While we’re at it, maybe a séance to summon the spirit of Eros?

  8. This article provides some intriguing suggestions! Utilizing aphrodisiacs to spice up one’s love life is not a novel concept, but the detailed examples and explanations are quite enlightening. It’s clear that the author has put thoughtful consideration into these recommendations.

  9. Are you seriously suggesting that spicy food and horoscopes will solve all bedroom issues? This reads like an infomercial for pseudoscience and snake oil. We need more evidence-based advice on this topic.

  10. The suggestion of visiting an adults-only store as part of a date night might seem unconventional, but it does highlight the importance of creativity and novelty in sustaining a relationship.

  11. As someone deeply interested in both nutrition and astrology, I find this article fascinating. It’s amazing how ancient wisdom about foods like goji berries and oysters is being recognized for their benefits. Moreover, the link between our romantic lives and the stars is captivating!

  12. What a refreshing read! It’s essential to remember that sexual health is a part of overall well-being. I appreciate the practical tips on foods and setting the mood. Definitely going to try some of these ideas!

  13. Honestly, this article seems like a desperate attempt to cling to outdated ideas. Relying on aphrodisiacs and psychic readings to maintain a healthy sex life? It’s almost laughable. Maybe focus more on communication and less on chili powder.

  14. The idea of integrating aphrodisiacs into one’s diet is not entirely devoid of merit, but the segue into psychic readings feels rather disjointed. It’s crucial to balance such whimsical approaches with practical and evidence-based strategies for maintaining a fulfilling intimate relationship.

  15. The overarching theme of the article is clear: keeping a love life exciting requires effort and creativity. Whether through diet, attire, or even spiritual guidance, there are various avenues to explore.

  16. The idea of incorporating spicy foods to enhance a romantic evening is quite novel. While not everyone might enjoy spicy food, the suggested alternatives like goji berries and almonds offer practical options.

  17. This article provides an interesting perspective on maintaining a vibrant love life. The connection between diet and libido is particularly intriguing and worthy of further exploration.

    • Indeed, Donut. The various foods mentioned, such as almonds and oysters, have historical significance as aphrodisiacs. It’s fascinating how traditional knowledge intersects with modern scientific findings.


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