Being Clairvoyant and Seeing Symbols

Being Clairvoyant and Seeing Symbols

There are three different kinds of categories that you can link the clair giftings into such as clairvoyance is seeing with your soul, clairaudience is hearing with yourself, and clairsentience is sensing things with your soul. All three of these giftings are part of psychic giftings.

There are some psychics that have all three of the gifts, but most people are only able to have some of the gifts.

A person that is clairvoyant is able to see the faces of the spirits that they talk to. They can also see symbols such as dates, names, information, and other things in the form of visions or dreams. They also can see these messages written places. According to some, this is different than normal seeing or hearing and this can even go a far as being able to see into the past, present or future.

When someone is able to develop their clairvoyant gifs, they can use the symbols that guides give them to understand what is going on.

The psychic will learn what these symbols mean, and they will be able to get a message because of it.

A psychic, for example, might see something that is green with the sun close to it and instead of seeing what normal people see, they will see this to mean something that is successful. They would be able to see things as successful to someone that they were giving a reading to.

A person that has a clairvoyant message will be able to know when things are going to happen in other peoples lives. They are not sure when this will happen, but they will be able to know that it will happen in the future or it did happen in the past.

You have to remember that the spirit world does not decide a time or space of something happening and that this can change with free will.

Things a Clairvoyant can “see”

  • Future things.
  • Past things.
  • Present things.
  • Can access Akashic records.
  • Can know the energies of things around them.
  • Are able to speak to the spirit world.
  • Can follow whatever the spirit guides tell them.

Things a Clairaudient can “hear”

  • Music in their mind that has meaning.
  • The spirit guides saying their name.
  • The thoughts other people have.

Things a Clairsentient can “feel”

  • Spirits when they come into the room.
  • Different energies from people and places.
  • Things that are different or that are out of place.


People have different giftings and depending on their gift will depend on what they can see, hear, and feel.


  1. It’s noteworthy that the article mentions the variability in psychic abilities among individuals. The idea that not everyone possesses all three clair giftings but may have some combination of them is a realistic perspective.

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed this exploration of psychic gifts. The explanation of how clairvoyants, clairaudients, and clairsentients experience their abilities was both comprehensive and engaging. It is remarkable how each gifting offers a different perspective on the unseen world, and the examples provided make it easier to grasp these abstract concepts. This piece does an excellent job of demystifying the esoteric nature of psychic phenomena, making it accessible for those eager to learn more about the metaphysical aspects of human experience.

  3. This article provides a fascinating insight into the various psychic abilities, delineating each ‘clair’ with clarity and depth. The differentiation between clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience is articulated exceptionally well, emphasizing the unique ways individuals can perceive the world beyond our ordinary senses. Moreover, the mention of the Akashic records and the idea of timelessness in the spirit world adds an intriguing dimension to the understanding of these abilities. Truly, a well-rounded and enlightening read!

  4. Fascinating read! It’s intriguing to think about how these different clair gifts could overlap. The specificity and depth really make me want to learn more.

  5. Wow, so clairvoyants can see past, present, and future? If only they could see my future lottery numbers, I’d be set for life! What a ‘gift’ indeed!

  6. Oh sure, because hearing ‘music in their mind’ isn’t just someone having a catchy tune stuck in their head. Next, you’ll tell me clairvoyants can predict lottery numbers too.

  7. I find this quite problematic. The notion that people can access ‘Akashic records’ or know another’s thoughts seems far-fetched and lacks scientific grounding. I would prefer more evidence-based discussion.

  8. The categorization of psychic abilities into clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience provides an interesting framework for understanding these phenomena. The distinctions between seeing, hearing, and feeling seem to offer a comprehensive approach to psychic experiences.

  9. The explanation of how a clairvoyant perceives symbols and uses these to understand messages from the spirit world is quite intriguing. It’s a fascinating notion that these symbols can provide detailed information about an individual’s past, present, or future.

  10. The breakdown of the abilities that a clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient person can possess is very methodical. This structured approach makes it easier to understand the nuances and specific capabilities associated with each type of psychic gifting.

  11. To complement the article, it would be useful to explore how these psychic abilities could be empirically tested. Are there any notable studies on this subject?

  12. The concept of clairsentience, or sensing energies, adds a unique dimension to the understanding of psychic abilities. The ability to feel the presence of spirits or detect different energies could potentially explain various unexplainable sensations people experience.


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