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Introduction to Chakra and Aura Energy


Today, we are going to explore aura cleansing as well as define what an aura is and why it may need cleansing, then how to do it. Many people are pretty familiar with the classic chakra system. The chakra is found with seven distinct points on the body.

There is plenty of information and even meditation tracks that help people clear their chakra and balance them for better health, healing, and energy. The chakras are energy vortices located inside the body.

Auras are energy as well, but energy that surrounds the body unlike the chakras that are inside of the body. Some would describe the aura as a type of net that encases the physical being. The aura then emanates, collects, and exchanges energies both inside and outside the body. Some also see auras as a network of electromagnetic fields. Whether it manifests as actual physical pain, a gut reaction, a vibe, or something else, we all experience things as a result of communications and reactions that we are unable to see.

Aura Colors

Though most people cannot, some believe they can see auras and much like chakras, they come in a variety of colors. This can reportedly be seen when using specific types of photography. Even those who do not believe in auras and chakras are often curious to know what color aura they carry.

The truth is that your aura is not likely a single color. It is said that the aura is composed of layers with each layer representing the energy that you have picked up. The different colors can also indicate your emotional, physical, and mental condition at the time. Generally speaking, the different aura colors have different meanings, both positive and negative connotations. These are shared below:

  • Blue – Truth, loyalty, guarded nature, or frostiness
  • Green – Nurturing, healing, or jealousy
  • Yellow – Sunny, creative, or unpredictable
  • Orange – Confidence, joy, or laziness
  • White – Pure, ascended spiritually, naïve, or foolish
  • Red – Strength, willfulness, or anger
  • Indigo – Pure, spiritually ascended, or foolish
  • Purple – Ambitious, indulgent, or moody

With just a bit of research you can find what different combinations of colors mean. Auras are a topic that come with many different opinions and fall into different schools of thought. Some of these beliefs are rooted in old traditions and beliefs. No matter what you learn or believe about auras, the concept of an energy net makes it easy to see why it may occasionally require cleaning.

How to Cleanse the Aura

The good news is that aura cleansing is pretty straightforward when compared to other types of energy cleaning. Many of the methods used to clear negative energy from the home or the chakras, can work on the auras as well. Below are several ways to cleanse the aura.

  • A bath with herbs, essential oils, or crystals
  • A singing bowl bath
  • Chanting with affirmations or personal mantras
  • Meditation in which you visualize your aura color shifting
  • Breathwork using slow breaths or classic pranayama techniques

Once you feel that the aura is cleansed, maintenance prevents negative build-up. Excess negative energy can leave you tired, distracted, or irritable without a known cause. Keep your aura strong and healthy.

How to Break Soul Ties?

How to Break Soul Ties

Soul ties can happen with family, friends or even partners. They can be very powerful, and they can really hold you back. So, what happens when you break up with someone or you move on, and you are still connected to them?

The connections that you have will leave you with a feeling that is strong and hard to get rid of and this is a soul tie. The effort that these kinds of ties can leave you fighting about can be hard and you have to know a healthy way to get rid of them.

Soul ties develop and you can learn to identify them so that you can change your life for the better. You will learn to break the soul ties and to get over relationships that come to an end.

What are Soul Ties?

A soul tie is also a spiritual connection that you make with someone that you are intimate with. This means that you want to be close to the person.

There are positive and negative soul ties and the connections to others don’t depend on how good they are. Sometimes though, we have to get rid of soul ties in order to feel better in our own lives.

Knowing You Have a Soul Tie

The good news is that there are also positive soul ties that are people that are there to support you and that are there to love you forever.

No matter if your soul tie is healthy or unhealthy, here are some signs that they exist:

  • You feel sad whenever the person leaves.
  • You know what someone is thinking.
  • The person knows you deeply.
  • You make connections easily without putting in effort.
  • You always think about this person.
  • You cannot imagine your life without them.

Problems with Soul Ties

Having bad soul ties can come and they will not be good for you. When you have negative soul ties then you will see that the breakup will cause you to hurt for years and years.

You might believe that you have a better life without this person, but chances are that you don’t believe you can ever really move forward.

Soul ties that need to be broken can include:

  • Having a hard time making new friends.
  • Dreaming constantly about your ex.
  • Wondering if the relationship could have been saved.
  • Wanting to talk to them even when it’s a bad choice.
  • Feeling like you have no sense of being yourself.

A good soul tie will make you feel happy and peaceful in your life.

How to Break Soul Ties

You can break soul ties and learn to move on in a healthy way. This can help you to love yourself more.

You will know that it is time to move on when you no longer need the person, but you feel a fear of loss with them. There are different connections that you can make that will be deep as well and they can be healthy.

Discover the Action

The first thing that you have to do is accept that you are holding on to a toxic relationship and that you want to make changes. There are different reasons that you might not admit this, and it can be because you are afraid of being alone or afraid of the unknown.

Soul ties can be an addiction to you, and it can be something you become dependent on. You can control your emotions and feel better and make strides to move forward in your life. Sometimes you might need to see a counselor or even begin writing in a journal.

These are ways that you can know what you are feeling, and you can break the soul tie. You can learn to discuss what you are feeling and take action to get rid of this person in your life. Delete them from social media and take their number out of your phone and follow some of these other tips as well.


The biggest reason that you stay upset is that you are not able to forgive them for hurting you. You have to forgive them and yourself.

You need to get rid of the emotional debts of soul ties that live in you. Write down what you forgive them for and what you haven’t moved past yet. Figure out if you feel that you have wasted too much time on someone that hurt you and learn to forgive these things.

Letting Loose

You have to let go of this person. Remove the soul tie and get rid of anything that reminds you of them such as gifts, pictures, or other things. Let go of them and do not be with them anymore. You might want to avoid dating for a while and learn to know yourself better.

Using the Law of Attraction

Getting rid of a soul tie can be hard and you need to use the Law of Attraction sometimes to help you. You can do this by thinking positively and by inviting new relationships in your life.

The Law of Attraction says that whatever you put out there you will get back. Visualize things that you love and deserve and let love come to your life.

Avoid Being a Victim of an Energy Vampire

Energy Vampires

We all encounter energy vampires every day.  These people lack emotional control and empathy, and often can be quite narcissistic.  They drain your energy regardless of their awareness of the toxic situation.  Interactions with an energy vampire leaves you feeling exhausted, sad, anxious, annoyed, and overwhelmed.  They can occur in a variety of situations from the work place to your family to the vulgar stranger at the gas station.

Energy vampire traits

  • Difficulty letting people feel like themselves
  • Tendency to blame others for their problems
  • Drama kings and queen
  • Constant one-upmanship
  • Overshadowing your problems to focus on how to solve theirs

It isn’t always easy to identify energy vampires because every situation is different.  You may notice when your friend is acting out, but other times it can be a culmination of years of events to spot an energy vampire in your family.

Dealing with energy vampires

Become an observer: We all are entitled to fluctuating moods and bad days.  But notice how often your loved one owns their drama.  Do they try to fix the problem immediately or frequently dismisses it and repeats the bad pattern?  We all get mood swings and can be impulsive, but only healthy people take responsibility for their actions.  You may want to create an energy map of people with whom you interact.  Following any interaction, ask yourself about any impacts on your energy field.  You should feel uplifted, neutral, or drained.  Uses these feelings to set boundaries for future dealings.

Be factual mindset, instead of assuming things: Use your facts to form a puzzle as to how to converse with this person.  Establish ways to healthily check in with your loved one about problems or concerns in their life.  Try saying “I’m not sure if you are aware, and “I’m confident you are intentionally acting out, but lately I have been feeling…” or “When I reach out to you, I wanted to know how you were feeling or if I have done something to annoy you because I feel…” You may find your friend apologizes sincerely or acts distant.  Their response will be correlated to their tendency towards energy vampirism.

It’s ok to take a break: Your friend can be going through something so intense that they need to focus on themselves to avoid accidentally hurting anyone else.  You don’t always have to break up with this person, but how they handle an honest conversation with them about their impact will be quite telling if this is someone you should keep in your life or not.  Sometimes taking a break from a person in pain can be quite therapeutic for the both of you and provide critical perspectives that can help you to know and understand what you are dealing with.

What is the Purpose of Your Spiritual Relationships?

Spiritual Relationships

The spiritual journey that you have will help you to be inspired and help you to live your best life. Some people go back and forth with themselves, and they have a hard time meeting people that make their life whole or better.

The spiritual purposes of your relationships can change the way that you think and the way that you feel. It can take your ego and put it in its place and help you to see that you have a real purpose in your life. Everyone has a meaning as to why they are alive and why they are on their spiritual journey at this time and when you can find the meaning in your life, there are things you do differently.

What You Do Differently in Your Spiritual Relationships

There are things that we do differently when we are in spiritual relationships rather just being in regular relationships such as:

  • Let go of toxic people in your life.
  • Figure out your purpose for your relationship.
  • Shift your ego so that you can understand why you are here now.
  • Choose to respond to people with love.
  • Find out how to love unconditional.
  • Let go of unforgiveness.
  • Find ways to heal old wounds.
  • Heal the ego.
  • Take the opportunity to choose love over pain.
  • Do not define ourselves by how people treat us.

How to Live a Good Life with Your Spiritual Relationships

We all have to learn that not all relationships are spiritual relationships and that some of them are toxic or are not good for us. Find out ways to look deep inside of yourself and to figure out what you want in life and where you want life to take you.

Being in deep spiritual relationships with others can help you to know your spiritual journey and can help you to heal from past wounds. These wounds that we have are often a result of letting the ego be in charge. When you open yourself up to your spiritual relationships, you will see that you can let go of your ego and let your heart take over.

Learn to forgive those that have hurt you and to forgive yourself. When you do this, you will see that you can open up your heart to unconditional love and you can learn to define yourself by who you are and not by what people tell you to be.


The universe gives you relationships in your life that are spiritual so that you can grow and be the best that you can be in your life. Remember, you do have a real purpose.

How Karmic Debt Affects Your Life

Getting Rid of Karmic Debt in Your Life

Getting rid of karmic debt can free your soul and help you to get rid of challenges and chains that hold you back. If you owe karmic debt to someone, you are part of the Law of Karma that says that you have to face consequences for all of your actions.

Everyone has to face consequences for what they have done. What has happened in your life and where has all of your karma come from? If you feel that you are always facing hardships, this could be a cycle of karma that you are dealing with.

Karmic Debt

Karmic debt is both the good and the bad karma that you have acquired in your life. Runanubandha means that you have karmic debt. This is when you have relationships and situations with others where you can figure out your fate.

If you have this karma in your relationships, it means you owe something and that the Law of Karma will get this until it is paid off. A deficit is karmic debt and things will happen over and over in different forms until you get this debt paid off.


Just like an accountant keeps books, karma also keeps books. Once your soul enters the world, your soul will decide what karmic debt you have to pay back. You will reincarnate in a body and your soul is part of the same force. This means that there will be active karma.

You will learn different life lessons and you will see that your karma is there to pay you back for your good or your bad choices. This is an earthly thing, and it is part of your soul intent. The choices that you make in your physical body are ones that will come back to you as good or bad.

Clearing Karmic Debt

There is a liberation when you get your karmic debt paid off. You might owe this to others or other people might owe you something.

Good karma will help you to reach your life purpose. It will help you to go through good things and help you to have happy times. Bad karma will keep cycling in your life, death, and rebirth until it is paid.

This might seem something that is hard to understand but Moksha is liberation and when you have Moksha it means that you no longer have any karmic debt to pay back. This is not good or bad and there is no outstanding balance.

Karma will chain your soul to a body to prevent you from reaching your highest being. Karma is like a chain and no matter what is binding you, bad karma will be painful and good karma will bring happiness.

How to Clear Karmic Debt

There are different kinds of karma such as Prarabdha which is there and set in motion because of your experiences. When you have karma, it is something that is there no matter what. It will be based on your actions and it is either good or bad.

If you don’t have control over your karma, it doesn’t mean you have to give into it, it means that you have to do things that are good and learn to respond to things in a better way. You have control over how you do your karma and how you experience things in your life. You see that your failures will hold you back and will bring negative karma and your successes and responsibilities will help you move forward.

Sanchita Karma

This kind of karma is part of your lifetime and will help you in your constraints. This karma will help you to learn to control yourself and you can control how this kind of karma comes to you. This is yoga and will give you grace through meditation and other things that you can do to make it positive.

Agami Karma

This karma comes with new life and it happens when you experience different lifetimes. This cannot be experienced unless you reach another lifetime.

If you want to know how to prevent Agami Karma, you have to know when you are alive to do things that are good. Your actions will accrue, and you will see that the bad actions and the bad responses that you made will bring forth bad karma. You will see that you have to pay for your actions rather they are good or bad and you need to make good decisions.

If you detach yourself from your actions and you choose to not be an instrument, then chances are that you will have karma that will be created that is negative.

Law of Karma

All things in your life follow the Law of Karma. This means that everything you do will be based on karma and the result is that your consequences will be pre-determined. This will be something that has to do with your personal will. Karma will shape your life and will give you effort.

It is true that karma is already set in motion and you cannot escape it, but you can change the way that you live your life because there is cause and effect that will change how your circumstances play out.

When you look at time and space you will see that there really isn’t a past, present or future but there is a never-ending life.

The present is there because of what happened in the past and this changes to the future. When you are aware of what you are doing and you put in effort to be better, you can change your karma and how it comes to you.

You have to learn to prepare yourself and to experience new things in your life that are good. When you distance yourself from your experiences, you can see that you can create an impact in your life that will change you and will help you to create good karma for your future. Stop creating negative karma and learn to live the best life that you can live.

Using Love and Light to Heal

Using Love to Heal

Do you need a healing? Did you know that you can activate the light of your heart and bring love and healing to your being? When you activate your heart, it helps you to find love, healing and can help you to manifest things to your life.

When you struggle with things such as negativity and pain or drama in your life, it can cause your heart center to close off. It can cause your heart to be full of negative energy. When you open up your heart, you awaken your heart center, and you allow your soul to align with your heart and to bring purpose and love to your life.

This can give you courage that you need to be able to manifest things into your life. If you want to align your love and healing, you can make sure that you are opening up your heart and that you are being strong. There are angels that can help you and support you such as Raphael and other Angels of Love and they can help to guide you and heal you along the way.

There are ways that you can unlock different realms of love when you open up your heart and there are different possibilities that come to you and can help to get rid of any kind of negativity or blockages that have come upon you. This can help you to open up your mind, soul and body and help you to be stronger and to have the strength that you need to live.

Things That Will Happen for You

When you use love to heal, here are some things that can happen for you:

  • You will activate and open up your heart.
  • You will send and receive love and healing.
  • You will have a full heart with the highest good.
  • You will get blessings in your life.
  • Receive healing that you need.
  • Open up the energy centers.
  • Open up healing and light.

When you meditate and listen and you let the angels energy come to you, you will be more available to love and to life. You will see healing and maybe even experience some of your awakening power.


Activate your heart and let the light shine through you. This will give you peace and will help you to have calmness and help you to channel and shift love through your being.

When light moves throughout your life, you will see that it is full of love and healing. Embrace this light and let it become a part of your everyday living.

Figure Out How to Find Your Soulmate

Figure Out How to Find Your Soulmate

Everyone just about wants to find that one person that will come to them and make their life happy and fulfill what their life has to offer them. Most people are looking for their soulmate.

Have you ever heard anyone say any of these things?

  • There is a perfect person out there for you, they just haven’t come yet.
  • That person was never right for you in the first place. Find someone that is right for you.
  • Everyone in the world has a soulmate.

The problem is that everyone wants to have the right to have this connection and they want to have a princess romance, but the truth is, this isn’t something that is guaranteed to you.

It takes a lot of work to have a soulmate. Do you want to put in a lot of work to find this person and to make your life better?

Finding Your Soulmate

Here are some things you need to do in order to find your soulmate:

  • Live a healthy life.
  • Be happy being single.
  • Have a lot of things in your life.
  • Make changes so that you can be the best you can be.
  • Have an open mind.
  • Know when you find someone that they can be the one that is perfect for you.
  • Have healthy habits in your relationships.

Here are some things that you can do in order to find your soulmate, first, you have to figure out what a soulmate is. A soulmate is someone that you can make a connection with and someone that will be there for you as you go on your life journey. They will be someone that you have felt like you have known forever.

Here are some things that you need to do in order to figure out how to find your soulmate.

Working on You

In order to find our soulmate, you have to learn to better who you are. You need to learn to love your life and enjoy being single. This can mean that you need to have a job, work hard, and prepare your home and life for someone else to come into your world.

Having an Open Mind

You need to make sure that you have an open mind. You might meet someone that is completely different than you. They might have different views and they might not look like you expected. Be open minded and if they have the same goals and values, don’t push them away.

Wanting a Similar Thing

As you get closer to your soulmate, you will see that you are similar in what you want and how you act. You will see that you are patient and kind and that he is compassionate and loving. You will realize that you have the same goals and that you have the same thoughts and feelings.

Being Single

Being single should not bother you. You need to be happy as a single person and then when your relationship comes, you will be content in that as well.


Once you meet your soulmate, you will know that they are the one. You will feel confident with them, and you will feel that you are one.

This will be someone that makes you feel that you have known them for your whole life. Since they are kind and caring, you will feel safe and loved with them. As you learn who you are and you step into love, you will become equal with each other.

Relationship Habits

You must do things to make sure that your relationship is strong. If you fight, you need to make up quickly. Being angry at each other will only cause hurt, and you have to learn to live past your frustrations and work through things.


Communicating with each other will be important. You have to talk to each other and get to know each other. This should be your best friend and should be someone that you want to be around that brings you happiness.

Your soulmate will be your rock and they will be someone that helps you to grow and to be the best that you can be. They will have love, compassion, and patience with you, and you will have the same things with them.

Comparing Your Relationship

You need to be careful that you aren’t comparing your life and your relationship with other people. Some people will be in relationships that look like yours and other people will not look the same. Your soulmate will be meant for you.


Both you and your soulmate will have flaws. Everyone does. When you find your soulmate, you will see that you have to move past these things and not let them hold you back. You have to work through things in the relationship and learn to be happy.


As you live with your soulmate, you will see that there might be a time where they leave you. Soulmate relationships do not always last and sometimes they end with hurt and pain.

Opposites Attracting

People that are opposites often attract but you will see that your soulmate is someone that will be close to you and will be very similar to you.

Life is never easy and when you are trying to find your soulmate, you will see that you have the skills in your life to make things work out for the best.

Understanding Soulmate Energy

Soulmate Energy

Soulmate energy is something that is easy to recognize because when you come into contact with your soulmate, the transfer of energy between the two of you will be felt. Soulmate energy is very powerful, to the point it can almost knock you off your feet.

Some claim that when they meet their soulmate, the energy was so powerful that they did not feel they could move. Others say that they are breathless because it feels as if the wind has been knocked out of them. Still others claim that time seems to stand still, and it feels as if all their chakras are immediately opening.

These are just examples of how overwhelming a soul connection can be for those who find one another. You can feel it resonate throughout your body on a deep spiritual level. For some, it served as an intense spiritual awakening. Meeting a soulmate can help you to connect with your own soul as well as that of the soulmate. This can cause you to realize the connection to a higher power.

Recognizing the Soulmate Energy

When you have a first encounter with a soulmate, it can almost feel nostalgic, like you have been in this spot before in some way. It may feel like you have been very close to this person for a long time, even if you have never met. This can be a very intense energy, but if you take things slow, it will end up more of a homecoming feeling.

You will feel as if everything just magically clicked into place. You may know in your core that you were destined or fated to come together with this person. This is a recognition of destiny that has brought you two together. You will recognize the energy between you and your soulmate because it is very similar.

They will feel the same soul recognition on those deep levels. They can also feel that lightning bolt type energy that passes between you two when you first lock eyes. There will be a type of energy transference between you as a soulmate couple. You will find yourselves saying the same thing at the same time very quickly. As a couple you will talk and discover that you share many life experiences and have many other things in common. Both you and they will feel understood in a new way, as if someone finally “gets them”.

Exchanging Energy

Sexually speaking, there is powerful energy between soulmates. Soulmate sex is one of the most powerful experiences of energy exchange people can have. The emotional intimacy levels between soulmates cannot be reached or maintained with any other person. It is not just attraction based, though this is present, but also paired with sharing and connecting on the deepest levels.

When with a soulmate, people will often allow themselves to be vulnerable in ways they have never before experienced. Once soulmates meet, the combination of energies can provide the gift of empathy or even telepathy with the other person. To some degree, they will be able to read one another’s thoughts.

Some are so connected; they can send messages without ever speaking a word or feel the feelings of the other without trying to do so. A soulmate knows how the day of the other has gone before ever seeing them which builds the connection even further.

Soulmate energy is profound. If you are wondering if someone is your soulmate, then they likely are not because there will be no doubts when it is the real thing. Your head and heart will alert you when your soulmate is present. There is never a doubt.

Consulting a Phone Psychic: What to Know in Advance

Consulting a Phone Psychic

For centuries, people have been interested in the spiritual realm. The idea that someone can have the ability to predict the future and allow you to prepare for or act accordingly for what is to come creates a draw.

Sadly, not all who claim to be psychic are authentic, often the number of fakes being equal to those who are legit. Before you waste your time and money on a false reader, take time to do some research. Below are a few things to look for before seeking a consultation with a psychic over the phone.


Though there are many professions in which people pretend they have a skill or talent that is not true, this is especially true in the psychic world. The goal is to take your cash and offer some platitude or general reading, but with no real ability to back it up. In the psychic world, the individuals in it for just the money are referred to as opportunists because they see an opportunity for quick cash and people desperate for answers, then exploit that opportunity.

There are several factors that distinguish real psychics from the fake and it is important to be able to recognize these factors. Many fake psychics offer readings with abilities that no one is capable of possessing. One such example is that they offer those in pain, like those wishing for an estranged partner to return to come back and say they can make or see this happening.

This goes against the universal laws of free will, making it impossible. No psychic can force a loved one back. If someone does make this happen, it was through black magic that will need cleared from your life. Black magic has no real power other than manifesting your beliefs and fears, but you must still rid yourself of it. Take back your control.

Are Psychics All the Same?

The simple answer is no because the term psychic can be applied to a range of actual abilities. There are mediums who are psychics that can communicate with the spirits of those who have passed on, and others who specialize in things like clairvoyance, divination, dowsing, precognition, and many others. When trying to choose a psychic for a reading, choose one with the abilities necessary to your needs.

Know the Right Questions

When searching for a psychic, there is a specific approach to gain access to the information you desire. Simply calling numbers and asking the psychic if they are any good will do little to find someone legit. Be willing to read online comments and ratings and if you do call, remain open to the answers given.

Psychics do not simply know random information or answers simply because they are asked. Psychics are vessels that are open to communication from the spiritual realm. They have no control over what that information may be or how it is shown.

One of the best ways to question a psychic is to look toward the future. Instead of asking what you have been doing wrong, focus on your life path and purpose.

Be Ready to Listen

When a psychic is doing a reading, it is important to let them do the majority of the talking. Part of this is because a fraud will want to keep you on the phone as long as possible so they can glean more information.

Once they have the information you may not ever realize you are giving, they craft a reading that matches. For real psychics, a customer that speaks constantly will be irritating because they are trying to stay focused. Before sharing anything, ask a psychic if it is okay to elaborate.

Allow Time to Process

Never discount what the psychic says just because you do not see that happening in your life at the moment and cannot imagine it in the future. It is important to keep an open mind and not write off an entire reading because it does not make sense in the moment.

Within the industry, psychics call it “psychic amnesia” in which a client does not recognize what the psychic is sharing. This is temporary so as you process the reading it can begin to make more sense. Readings tend to have a lingering effect so it can take weeks or months to process completely.

Remember that calling daily does not allow time for a previous reading to manifest. When in crisis, do not go psychic shopping or you will end up more confused. Get a reading and then have patience as it comes to fruition.

Knowing Your Psychic Giftings

Knowing Your Psychic Giftings

If you have ever been alone and you think someone has called out your name, or you start thinking about someone and then the phone rings and it is that person? This can mean that you have a psychic gift.

Maybe you are someone that has been able to have feelings that something bad is going to happen or your intuition has told you answers to things that you have no idea how you know. All of the things that happen in your life are related to your psychic giftings and your intuition. Each person has a psychic gift just some are more able to use their gift because they develop them.

Using Your Giftings Each Day

Everyone uses their gifts each day, but some people do not realize that they are using their gifts. If you can learn to use your intuition and to pay attention to it and trust it, you will see that your life will be easier.

Take a moment and close your eyes and ask a question. Do not talk and just listen and focus on your breathing. Ask your question and it can even be something that you already know such as, “my name is…”

Then, sit back and be aware of your feelings. Do you feel relaxed, and do you feel something in your Solar Plexus or gut area that will go to your mind or will give you a feeling? You already know the answer to that question but when you ask yourself something and you get a gut feeling, this is your intuition talking to you.

Embracing Your Intuition

Some people do not feel this immediately and they have to take time to really embrace their gift. It is okay to do this over and over again until you start feeling something. Practice this and be patient with yourself.

If you don’t feel something right away when you ask a question, it’s okay, move on and keep practicing until you are able to hear your answers.

Once you get to the place where you are able to get answers from your gut, you can change the way that you ask questions. Start with yes and no questions and then move to questions that are harder. When you do this, you will get deep answers and you will see that you are able to trust yourself.

Letting Your Giftings Grow

Once your senses are stronger, you will see that you are more aware than others around you. You will see that your psychic gift can flow to you easily and that nothing can take away your gifting. Never use your gift for negative reasons and always use it to help and never to hurt anyone else.

Children and Psychic Gifts

Children are often full of psychic giftings, but they lose it as their parents silence them because of fear or because they do not believe in psychic powers. Some believe that being a psychic is wrong and so they will not use their gifts. Never use your gifts for manipulation but make sure you are using it to reach your highest good.

Mothers will help you to understand your psychic abilities because moms always tend to know what is going on in our lives. If we are sad or angry, our moms know. They seem to know things that we never tell them, and they always know when something is wrong.

Most people call this a mother’s instinct, but the truth is, it is a special gift that most mothers have so that they can help to keep their children safe.

Final Thoughts

Use your psychic giftings to make sure that you are improving your life. Focus on the good things in your life and allow yourself to grow. Never hide the truth form yourself and be open minded.