Would You Settle With A Selfish Man

Being with a Selfish Lover

“When you’re in love, all that you can see is the greatest quality of the guy and yes! Maybe he’s that tall, dark, and handsome but then he’s the most selfish guy you have ever met. Would you stay? Of course, you will! Because you’re not aware how selfish they are.”

How do you define a really great sexual experience? Is it between two people who have an emotional and physical connection? Or is it uninhibited and a little bit dangerous? Is it shared by people who are equally interested in each other’s pleasure? However, you define great sex, you probably know what bad, unfulfilling sex feels like. Often that’s because you’re with a guy who’s a selfish lover. Are you wondering just how selfish he is?

Check out these nine behaviors and see how many apply to him:

  1. He Always Expects You to Initiate
    He may say it’s because he never knows when you’re in the mood, but a good partner would be able to recognize the signs or know just what to do to get you in the mood. Part of being a selfish lover is being a lazy lover who never initiates sex.
  2. You’re on Call
    A man is a selfish lover if he expects you to be on call, sexually. This means that he expects you to be ready for sex whenever he wants it. And if you don’t want it too, he tries to make you feel guilty about it.
  3. He Only Likes One Position
    If you’re with a guy who’s only interested in one sexual position, his favorite, you are with a man who is selfish in bed. Sure, certain positions work better for some than others, but he should be interested in the positions you like, too.
  4. He’s Only Nice When He Wants Some
    Have you ever been with a guy who acts like a total jerk, but somehow becomes a sweetheart when he wants sex? That’s pretty manipulative and it definitely means he’s a selfish lover. Relationships take work, but if he only puts in the effort when he wants sex, you need to move on.
  5. He’s Inpatient When Your Body Doesn’t React as Expected
    Humans aren’t robots and that means your body won’t work the same all the time. When it comes to sex, your body may not always respond the same way, and that’s totally fine, except to a selfish lover. If your body isn’t doing what he thinks it should, he’ll respond with a bad attitude.
  6. He Likes to Take Shortcuts
    There are many different ways to be pleased in bed, and it’s fun to incorporate new tricks and toys to spice things up. But if your partner is looking to use whatever hurries you along, he’s a selfish lover.
  7. He Doesn’t Care About Your Orgasm
    If he’s using your body as a means to an end—his end—he’s a selfish lover. If he rolls over and falls asleep after his orgasm, without making sure you’ve had one too, you’ve guessed it, he’s a selfish lover.
  8. He Likes to Put on a Show for Himself
    Have you ever been with a man who spends more time staring at his reflection in a mirror than looking into your eyes? Yes, he’s a selfish lover because he cares more about how he looks than how you feel.
  9. It’s All Physical and Not Emotional
    The physical part of sex is easy—a selfish lover knows which parts go where. The emotional part is what’s challenging. If you’re looking for a purely physical relationship, then you have nothing to worry about. However, if you want that emotional connection during sex with your partner, and he’s not giving it to you, he’s selfish.


  1. What a profoundly insightful piece! The focus on genuine connection and mutual satisfaction is pivotal in maintaining healthy relationships. The article navigates through complex interpersonal dynamics with such clarity, making it accessible and actionable for readers. It’s a reminder that true intimacy is a delicate balance of physical desire and emotional depth, and both partners need to commit to nurturing this balance.

  2. This piece highlights common issues in many relationships. Addressing selfish behavior in the bedroom can lead to more meaningful and pleasurable experiences for both partners.

  3. This article is enlightening in so many ways. It really underscores how important mutual respect and understanding are in a relationship. By highlighting these behaviors, it helps people recognize and address the toxic patterns that may be detrimental not only to physical intimacy but to emotional well-being as well. A well-rounded approach to intimacy can indeed transform relationships for the better.

  4. It’s crucial to ensure that both partners’ needs are met. This article does a good job of outlining what behaviors to look out for in a selfish lover.

  5. A good reminder that mutual respect and communication are key to a satisfying sexual relationship. Being aware of these signs can help one make better choices about their partners.

  6. This post is quite pessimistic. Not all guys are selfish lovers; some genuinely care about their partner’s needs. The article seems overly critical and might discourage people from giving their partners the benefit of the doubt.

  7. This article sheds light on a very important aspect of relationships that often gets overlooked. It’s essential to recognize these signs early on so one can avoid heartache and disappointment. Kudos to the author for bringing attention to this!

  8. Oh great, another list to judge people by. Because what we really need in our lives is more ways to find flaws in others. Next, you’ll tell us to start grading each other’s kissing techniques!

  9. While I find the article informative, it lacks a balanced perspective. It’s important to communicate openly with your partner about your needs and desires. Not every instance of selfish behavior is a sign of a bad relationship; sometimes it’s a simple misunderstanding.

  10. I must argue that the premise of this article is somewhat flawed. It assumes that people are either entirely selfish or selfless in bed, neglecting the complexity of human behavior and the possibility for growth and change within a relationship.

  11. An insightful read. Understanding these patterns can assist individuals in identifying and addressing selfish behavior in their relationships, leading to better intimacy and connection.

  12. Finally, someone talking about the reality of selfish lovers! It’s so frustrating when your partner only thinks about their own pleasure. This article perfectly captures the experience and I hope many people read it and reflect on their behaviors.

  13. The article provides a comprehensive list of characteristics that can help individuals identify if they’re with a selfish lover. It’s important to recognize these traits to ensure a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

  14. If a guy ticks off all these boxes, he should consider a career as a statue—completely self-absorbed and emotionally unavailable! Seriously though, this article is a useful wake-up call for people in one-sided relationships. Good stuff!

  15. Oh great, another article reducing men to thoughtless automatons in the bedroom. Because clearly, all we think about is that one position we love. What’s next? An in-depth analysis of why men can’t find the clitoris? 🙄

  16. I think this article is overly simplistic and paints a very black-and-white picture of relationships. Not every man who exhibits one or two of these behaviors is necessarily selfish. Relationships are complex and require nuanced understanding.

    • I agree. A one-size-fits-all approach to relationships is not helpful. Every relationship has its unique dynamics that can’t be reduced to a checklist.

    • While I see your point, it can still be useful as a guideline for recognizing unhealthy patterns. It doesn’t have to be an absolute judgment.

  17. This article highlights some very real and often overlooked behaviors that can ruin intimacy in a relationship. It’s crucial for both partners to be attentive and give equal importance to each other’s pleasure and emotional well-being.


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