Finding Your Real Companion

Real Companion

True romance is a gamble. While some relationships seem to materialize without any effort, many require us to step outside our comfort zones. Some of us fall for people who seem too good to be true, only to discover they really are too good to be true. Others are intimidated by the idea of taking salsa dance lessons or going on a blind date set up by your brother’s roommate’s cousin to find that “special someone.”

But the important thing is to keep trying. Here are some places you may have been overlooking as you seek romance:


For the past decade, online dating has experienced a seismic shift from cautious to widespread acceptance. More than 50 percent of Americans know someone who met their partner over the internet through online dating. A similar percentage recommends dating sites as a viable, respectable way to meet other singles. Besides online dating sites don’t overlook general social media as an avenue to find romance with someone that has similar interests to yours.

Mutual Friends

While some couples do still meet through mutual friends, this trend is also dramatically changing. Fewer couples have been meeting through friends over the last 20 years. Many singles automatically rule out the option of being set up with someone through “that” friend who always seems to know someone who’d be “perfect for you! “

And don’t forget that when you make a new friend, you’re not just linked to them, but to their entire social network including their family, friends, and co-workers. All those warnings aside, your friends may know best!

At Work

Though they can be complicated, office relationships still do happen. Even star employees can make the most out of an office romance while continuing stellar performance on the job. Open conversation by offering compliments when deserved or offering help when needed. But always remain aware of your company’s employee handbook or list of policies, which may state that employees aren’t allowed to be romantically involved.

Around Town

Being anywhere outside of your home increases the chances you’ll make interpersonal connections and meet someone new. Go out and spend time in cafes, libraries, and other local hangouts around town. Does your town have a sports team? Become a fan. A book club? Sign up. Biking or running groups? Join in! Bird-watching? Video-gaming? Whatever your interests, find a way get involved. It’s the perfect opportunity to make connections with new people. Those connections may even evolve into something more.

At School

Many couples also still meet at school. Whether the school is large or small, it generally includes people of similar age and background to yours. Some couples only see each other at school. With little time to spend together outside the classroom, trying to be romantic may be a daunting task. But don’t be discouraged. Romance can be created anywhere, even at school. You don’t always need a romantic setting to be romantic.

Anyone who has ever been disappointed in a relationship knows how hard it is to find the “right” person. Making yourself date-able is only half the battle. The other half is knowing where to make that fateful connection.


  1. This article reads like a desperate plea for people to leave their houses. Who knew romance could be found at the local bird-watching group? Next thing you know, we’ll be finding love at the laundromat!

  2. This article is a refreshing reminder that love can be found in the most unexpected places if we are willing to step out of our comfort zones. The comprehensive list of potential venues to meet someone special—from online platforms to mutual friends and even at work—offers practical advice for anyone feeling disheartened in their search for romance. I particularly appreciate the emphasis on staying open-minded and the suggestion to get involved in local activities that align with one’s interests. It’s true that making connections often requires effort and courage, but the potential rewards make it worth the gamble.

  3. What an insightful article! The variety of suggestions on where to find romance really struck a chord with me. It’s fascinating how dating dynamics have evolved—particularly with the growing acceptance of online dating. The reminder that mutual friends and local activities can also be pivotal in meeting new people is both reassuring and motivating. It’s encouraging to know that romance can blossom in everyday environments if we are proactive and open-hearted. The tone of the article promotes a positive outlook on the often daunting world of dating, and I found it incredibly uplifting and motivating.

  4. It’s fascinating how various avenues for meeting potential partners are explored here. The inclusion of workplaces and schools as potential settings for romance reflects the diversity of modern relationships.

  5. I appreciate the encouragement to step out of one’s comfort zone in pursuit of romance. The suggestions for different locations to meet people are practical and can be quite effective.

  6. Oh sure, I’ll just walk into my local library and bump into my soulmate while reaching for a Tolstoy novel. Because that’s how life works, right? If only Cupid’s arrows had better aim, we wouldn’t need such elaborate schemes to find love.

  7. Ah, yes, because nothing screams ‘romance’ like being set up by your brother’s roommate’s cousin. The article makes it sound so easy, yet fails to acknowledge just how awkward these setups can be. Bravo for the oversimplification!

  8. I find the advice on workplace romance quite risky. Mixing professional life with personal relationships can lead to complications and even jeopardize one’s career. It’s important to consider the potential consequences before taking such a leap.

    • You make a valid point, Donna. However, I’ve seen successful long-term relationships that started at work. It ultimately depends on the individuals involved and their ability to separate work from personal life.

    • True, but not everyone can keep those boundaries as clear-cut as they should be. Workplace drama can be quite the career killer.

  9. The emphasis on trying different methods to find romance is very relevant. The recognition of the complexities of office relationships and their potential benefits and pitfalls is particularly insightful.

  10. While the article offers various suggestions for meeting new people, it fails to address the inherent risks and complications associated with each scenario. For example, office romances often lead to conflicts of interest and awkward situations. The author should have delved deeper into the potential pitfalls.

  11. It’s amusing how this article paints a rosy picture of finding love in the most mundane places. Sure, let me just join a book club or attend a salsa class and voila, romance! Reality check: finding a meaningful connection is much more complex than what this superficial list suggests.

  12. This article is a refreshing reminder that romance can happen anywhere if we actively seek it. The diverse suggestions, from online settings to local hangouts, provide a well-rounded approach to meeting new people. It’s enlightening to see how the landscape of dating has evolved, especially with the growing acceptance of online dating.

  13. The statistics about online dating are quite informative. It’s interesting to note that over half of Americans now view it as a respectable way to meet someone. This certainly reflects a significant shift in social attitudes over the past decade.

  14. The article presents an interesting viewpoint on the multifaceted nature of finding romance. The shift towards online dating and the decline of meeting through mutual friends is a noteworthy observation.

  15. This article offers a refreshing perspective on finding love in the digital age. It’s encouraging to see online dating finally getting the recognition it deserves as a legitimate way to meet new people. Kudos to the writer for highlighting a variety of platforms for romantic connections!

  16. While the article presents a broad array of options, it fails to address the pervasive issue of loneliness in modern society. Simply listing places to meet people doesn’t tackle the deeper emotional challenges many face.

    • I agree, Fly. The article seems a bit superficial. Emotional readiness and mental health are critical factors that should be discussed alongside these practical tips.

  17. The summary of potential places to find romance is well-rounded. It’s important to stay open to different possibilities, even though the process can be challenging and sometimes discouraging.


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