What is a Natural Psychic Medium?

Natural Psychic Medium

A natural medium is someone that is born with the gift of mediumship. Here are some things that you might experience if you are a natural medium:

  • Had paranormal experiences as a child.
  • Had many imaginary friends.
  • Saw relatives that had died in your home.
  • You could sense spirits.
  • You have strong intuition.
  • You know things about people without them telling you.
  • You know when someone is going to die.
  • You can communicate with spirits.
  • You feel when spirits are around.
  • When someone knows you know why they died and how they felt.

People have different gifts and mediumship is a gift. When a person is a medium, they can use this gift to talk to spirits, but they need to develop this gift even if it is a natural gift for them.

They often have the ability to control their gifting and if they want to develop these gifts, they need to work to communicate with the spirit world.

Gifts of a Medium

There are different gifts that a medium will have such as:

  • Being able to talk to spirits.
  • Being able to know when a soul passes on.
  • Being able to use their body to talk to spirits.
  • Can do different readings and can talk to spirits for someone.
  • Can help families heal that are hurting.
  • Can help to get spirits to listen and to hear.

A medium is a person that has the gift to speak to the spirits in the spirit world. They often do readings for other people so that a family can get closure or understand what has happened to cause pain in the family.

Some mediums are used to help to find dead people and help the police to solve crimes. There are different mediums that are very popular for doing this and for helping to solve mysteries.


A medium is someone that has a psychic gift of being able to speak to the spirit world. If you think that you are a medium, pay attention to what happens around you and what you see or hear.

Some mediums are able to hear the spirits around them, to talk to them and to figure out where they have come from. Use your giftings to know what the spirit world is trying to show you.


  1. While the subject matter intrigues many, it is essential to note the lack of empirical evidence to substantiate the claims made here. The article falls short of addressing the scientific perspective, which would provide a more balanced view.

  2. What an insightful piece! The exploration of mediumship as a natural gift is both intriguing and enlightening. I particularly appreciate how the article emphasizes the need for mediums to develop their abilities, even if they are naturally inclined. This shows a blend of inherent talent and disciplined practice. Moreover, the potential for mediums to aid in healing and criminal investigations showcases their significant societal contributions. It’s a compelling read that deepens one’s understanding of mediumship and its multifaceted nature.

  3. This article beautifully elucidates the concept and experiences of natural mediums. It’s fascinating to think that some individuals possess an innate ability to communicate with the spirit world. The detailed description of the various gifts, such as the ability to help families heal and solve mysteries, truly highlights the profound impact mediums can have. It’s a remarkable reminder of the diversity in human abilities and the potential for bridging the seen and unseen worlds.

  4. The notion that mediums can assist in solving crimes and provide closure to grieving families is noble. However, the inherent vagueness in the descriptions makes one wonder whether this is more about intuition and less about actual spirit communication.

  5. While the article provides a detailed description of the experiences and abilities of natural mediums, I am curious about the ethical implications of their interactions with the spirit world. How do mediums ensure that they are not causing more harm than good in their readings?

  6. The narrative provides an exhaustive list of experiences that supposedly indicate mediumship. However, these experiences could be attributed to the workings of a highly creative mind or psychological phenomena, rather than a supernatural gift.

  7. It’s intriguing to think about mediums helping law enforcement solve crimes. However, I would like to see more empirical evidence supporting the efficacy of their contributions in such serious matters. Does anyone have information on documented cases?

  8. Oh, so now having imaginary friends as a child makes me a medium? By this logic, nearly every child could claim to have this ‘gift’. Perhaps it’s a talent honed by too much imagination!

  9. The concept of mediumship is quite fascinating and seems to have a profound impact on both individuals and families. It would be interesting to delve deeper into how mediums can further hone their abilities and the scientific explanations behind these phenomena.

  10. This article offers a fascinating insight into the nature of mediumship. It provides useful distinctions and clarifications for those who may possess or be curious about these abilities. The emphasis on developing and controlling these gifts is particularly important.

  11. The article suggests that mediums can bring closure to grieving families, which is a valuable service. However, I am interested in knowing how mediums verify the authenticity of the spirits they communicate with, and how they validate the information they provide to clients.

  12. The ability to communicate with spirits offers a unique perspective on life, death, and the afterlife. I wonder how different cultural backgrounds perceive and cultivate mediumship. Are there any cross-cultural studies on this topic?


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