What to Expect When You’ve Met Your Twin Flame?

Met Your Twin Flame

Have you ever been lucky enough to have experienced meeting your twin flame, or what is often times referred to as your soul mate? This experience is not only an extremely powerful one but can at times be challenging and heart-wrenching. But one thing is for sure, the experience is most definitely a transformative one.

A twin flame partnership is one in which the couple has beaten tremendous odds through their incarnating together to finally be reunited on the same plane. And after finally being reunited permanently in the current plane of time, the twin flame process can seem difficult and strange, yet remarkable and awakening. If you’ve been wrestling with how to move forward within your twin flame relationship, or your twin flame reunion appears to have been put on hold indefinitely, here are some points to help explain the reasonings behind what you’ve been experiencing.

Shift #1 of the Twin Flame Reunion:

In the first shift of the twin flame reunion, the energetic self is feeling fulfilled, complete, and matched. It feels like you’re whole again…like your soul is no longer adrift or feeling as though a piece is missing. While this is most definitely a good thing, it can also mean that other relationships, connections, and interactions can go ignored or feel flawed, strained, or unwanted.

This means that you must not only work on solidifying your twin flame relationship, but also stay awakened to everything else that is going on around you. Don’t hesitate to embrace possibilities, hope, change, and joy in the world around you in all aspects of your life.

Shift #2 of the Twin Flame Reunion:

The second shift in your twin flame relationship is realizing that your twin flame has become your life purpose. The challenge here is that time and attention needed to nurture and maintain that twin flame partnership will most likely come at the expense of other previously important endeavors, priorities, and relationships. This means that while your twin flame relationship is thriving, your finances, family ties, career, and health may suffer.

So how does one remedy this challenge? Well, it’s important to remember that many twin flame relationships aren’t reunited on this plane because the energies of one or both partners might be needed elsewhere for the larger picture. However, it’s always best to trust that you’re being guided with the highest good of the relationship and for others around you. Embrace whatever purpose is being shown to you and things will work themselves out when it’s all said and done.

Shift #3 of the Twin Flame Reunion:

In the third shift of the twin flame reunion, your emotions, health, and intimacy may feel differently or will be expressed differently than before you met. And sometimes, since you’ll be feeling everything jointly, it will be hard to determine if what you’re feeling is yours, your partner’s, or something you’re both feeling together.

A good way to deal with this new way of feeling is to think of you and your partner as two sides of one body…one is the right side while the other is the left side. Both sides need to function independently but are still connected and therefore work together as the greater whole. Twin flames can also learn to tap into one another in order to boost feelings and emotions as well as mental and physical health.

Shift #4 of the Twin Flame Reunion:

In the fourth shift of the twin flame reunion, you’ll learn how to cultivate understanding, patience, and love for that of which is opposite of your individual goals, desires, qualities, and quirks. This is because twin flames complement each other in order to make a whole.

Your preferences and attributes may often be the complete opposite of your partners, which can prove to be a bit tricky to understand and absorb in the beginning. However, in finding common ground, you can learn from each other and embrace things you never thought possible before.

A twin flame relationship can often feel like a Ying and yang type of situation. But in cultivating each other’s quirks, desires, needs, and personalities, you’ll find that you can have harmony in the chaos which in turn will become the whole of yourselves as twin flames.

Regardless of whether or not twin flames meet on this plane or the next, it will inevitably be an experience full of awakening, strengthening, and inspiration for both persons involved. How you choose to apply these experiences is up to you, but once you are awakened to the twin flame connection, you and your partner will definitely never be the same!