Manipulating a Man to Love You FOREVER

Manipulating a Man to Love You FOREVER

You have probably heard the old cliche about nothing lasting forever.  But what if you had a way to make your man fall for you over and over and over?

It’s not a secret that guys don’t like a routine or a set pattern. The do enjoy having someone who keeps them guessing and makes them work for their attention. They love a bit of a challenge. Here are a few ways to leave a lasting and vivid impression.

  • After a brief tryst, don’t overburden him with information and get him out the door as soon as possible.
  • Don’t let him know that you would like a relationship. Instead steer him in the opposite direction.
  • Once you have dismissed him, begin to reveal a little about yourself. Chances are he will start trying to draw you in.
  • Pull away when you see him start to pursue you, but just a little. Some guys relish the thrill of the chase. Pulling back will definitely get their interest.
  • Be strange. A wild card is intriguing, and people will wonder what you will do next.
  • Pick a unique location for your date. Choose something that he will find exciting or just a little scary.  The fear response is very close to love
  • Keep him guessing about your feelings. Let him know in subtle ways that you are being pursued by others.
  • Hold back if he suddenly cancels plans. If he acts like he doesn’t care, show him that you don’t either.
  • Tell him about your ex but do not overdo it.
  • Let him know what you are looking for but don’t be overly detailed on the first date.
  • Show some interest but don’t let him think you are throwing yourself at him.
  • Text him back if he texts you but don’t always be the one texting first.
  • Do not always be available when he calls you. Show him that you are busy and that you have other plans.
  • Make plans with other people and do not cancel on them just to go out on a date with him.

Don’t be afraid to let him see he you check out other men. Do this carefully and not at all once you are in a relationship. A little bit of jealousy and playing hard to get will go a long way.


Making a man fall in love with you takes a little time and patience. Learn to love yourself and then others will fall for this and love you back.

Be strong and confident and get what you want in life and in dating. Do not give in and become attached to just anyone but make sure that you keep your values and standards high when it comes to love and dating.

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  1. This article is quite insightful! The psychological tactics mentioned here seem to tap into the inherent desires and behavioral patterns of men. Worth a try for those who are struggling in their love life.

  2. This article offers a fresh and intriguing perspective on maintaining a man’s interest. The strategies suggested here are clever and tap into the psychological nuances that can make romance exciting and dynamic. It’s fascinating how slight shifts in behavior can create such a profound impact. A compelling read for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of modern dating!

  3. What a thought-provoking and empowering approach to dating! The advice given here encourages self-confidence and self-respect while navigating romantic relationships. It’s a reminder that keeping one’s individuality and not being overly available can make a significant difference. This article is a great resource for those looking to build a lasting and meaningful connection while staying true to themselves.

  4. I can’t help but find this advice somewhat manipulative. True love should be based on mutual respect and open communication, not on playing hard to get and evoking jealousy.

  5. Oh yes, because nothing says ‘healthy relationship’ like emotional mind games and constant uncertainty! What’s next? A handbook on how to gaslight your partner? Sarcasm level: expert.

  6. So, basically, we are being advised to treat relationships like a gourmet recipe—adding a pinch of mystery here, a dash of jealousy there, and voilà, love is served? Seems overly complicated for my taste.

  7. While some of the points might be pragmatic in keeping a relationship lively, the overall tone suggests gamesmanship rather than fostering a healthy, honest connection.

  8. The element of mystery and challenge can indeed be intriguing, but the advice given here seems somewhat calculated. Authenticity and open communication can also greatly contribute to a healthy relationship.

  9. This methodology seems to rely heavily on psychological tactics. It might be worth considering if authentic interactions and shared interests can also build lasting relationships.

  10. It’s quite intriguing how psychology and human behavior are leveraged in this piece. The idea of utilizing the fear response and the thrill of the chase is fascinating, albeit somewhat precarious.

  11. This article reeks of manipulative tactics and emotional games. Authentic and genuine connections can’t be built on such superficial foundations. The advice here seems more suited to a reality TV show than real life.

  12. The article seems to present a rather manipulative approach to relationships. It might be more beneficial to focus on genuine communication and mutual respect.

  13. I appreciate the emphasis on self-love and confidence. It’s true that holding onto one’s values and standards is crucial in dating and life. However, some of the strategies suggested here seem a bit contradictory and might lead to unnecessary complications.

  14. Wow, so now we should turn dating into a game of cat and mouse? This article is a manual for how to be a drama queen! If that’s what it takes to ‘keep a man,’ I’d prefer to stay single, thanks.

  15. Oh dear, this reads like a manual for how to train a pet rather than how to nurture a loving relationship. What’s next, teaching him to sit and roll over?

    • Exactly! If I wanted to play mind games, I’d pick up a board game. Relationships should be about mutual respect and honesty, not this juvenile nonsense.

  16. The strategies mentioned could potentially sustain interest in the short term. However, long-term relationships usually thrive on trust, transparency, and mutual understanding.

  17. Wow, it’s almost like playing chess with someone’s emotions! While this might work for some, it sounds mentally exhausting and ethically questionable. Is genuine connection truly this complex?

    • Indeed, Dilly Dally, this approach does seem more like strategic manipulation rather than fostering an authentic relationship.


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