Love Tips for Psychics and Healers

Love Tips for Psychics and Healers

One thing about psychics and healers is that they are sensitive, and they have the ability to feel deeper than other people do.  Love can be like two universes colliding and you are not the only one to feel this, but you also feel the lives of others.

Part of being a healer or psychic is that you have the ability to fall into the feelings and emotions that people have.  When you fall in love, you can merge and feel the inner being of who you love.  The bad part is that this is a hypersensitive feeling that can cause you to overreact on things.

When you sense what your partner is going to do then you can feel more understood and feel like you aren’t being invaded.  Sensitive people are easy to please but have a hard time with rejection.


Make sure that you don’t take everything personal.  Everyone has emotions and we have times where our partners are withdrawn.  When this happens, it is not necessarily rejection.  Emotions can get started and if we have a negative feeling it can put on a strain on you and cause you pain.  It is important that you can control your feelings.


Make sure that you have boundaries that are healthy.  These are a good thing to have so that you don’t have to deal with pain.  If you aren’t in a healthy relationship, you are in danger of being a rescuer.  You have needs and feelings just like your partner does and this can give you a deeper love connection.

Being a giver can make you be resentful and can cause you to balance improperly.  This can give you a reason to escape from your own problems that result from a bad self-esteem.


Being with someone all the time can be tiring.  If you are feeling emotional then you might need to leave for a while and get things done for yourself.  You need to make sure that you are comfortable with your partner and that you respect each other’s feelings.

Be honest with each other and share your inner thoughts.  People are hard to understand sometimes but we are all in the same world.

Good News

Psychics are good lovers, and you have the sense to make a connection that stands out with your partner.

Let in Love

Making love is a good thing to do and make sure that you meet your partners sexual fantasies and desires.  Be non-judgmental on what your partner wants and be comfortable with your lover. Share what you want in bed as well and let them meet your sexual fantasies and desires as you meet theirs.

Soul Mates

If you know the relationship is good, chances are you are with your soul mate.  Listen to your inner voice and see if you have bonded and feel safe with your partner.  If you do, then you are in a relationship that is deeper than just friendship and it can be a good thing.


  1. This piece offers valuable advice on maintaining emotional balance and setting boundaries in relationships, especially for those who are highly sensitive. It underscores the importance of communication and self-care in fostering a healthy partnership.

  2. The insights provided in this article resonate deeply with my own experiences as an intuitive person. The emphasis on mutual respect and honest communication in relationships is invaluable. It’s empowering to see that our sensitivity, when well-managed, can enhance our connections and make us extraordinary lovers. The advice on not taking everything personally and allowing space for individuality is crucial for maintaining a healthy and loving partnership.

  3. This article truly encapsulates the profound depth and sensitivity that psychics and healers bring to relationships. As someone who has always been deeply empathetic, I find the advice on setting healthy boundaries and recognizing the nuances of emotional withdrawal particularly enlightening. It reminds us that while our heightened sensitivity can be a gift, managing it thoughtfully can lead to more fulfilling and balanced relationships.

  4. What a heartfelt and insightful article! It beautifully captures the profound depth of emotions that psychics and healers experience in relationships. The advice on boundaries and self-care is especially important. Truly enlightening and inspiring!

  5. Ah, I see! The solution to relationship woes is to be psychic! If only I could predict my partner’s every move, life would be so much simpler. I’ll just add that to my to-do list: become a psychic. Easy peasy!

  6. This is just another fluffy piece with no real substance. The romanticization of psychics and healers is tiresome. Everyone has emotions; this doesn’t make them special. The advice given is basic and could apply to anyone, not just ‘psychics and healers.’

  7. While the post makes some valid points about the heightened sensitivities of psychics, it somewhat generalizes the experiences of healers and psychics. Everyone’s emotional range is unique, and not all psychics might face the same challenges described here.

  8. It’s fascinating how the article assumes psychics and healers have a monopoly on deep emotional connections. Surely, regular folks can also navigate relationships without relying on mystical hypersensitivity.

  9. The guidance on ensuring mutual respect and open communication in relationships is quite practical. The article also interestingly explores the unique emotional dynamics that psychics and healers might experience, offering a thoughtful approach to navigating these relationships.

  10. Oh, how delightfully convenient! Being a psychic or healer must be like living in a never-ending soap opera of emotional overload. Just what every relationship needs—telepathic drama. Marvelous.

  11. The discussion about the hypersensitivity of psychics and healers in relationships is quite intriguing. The emphasis on not taking things personally and on understanding emotions as a universal experience is particularly insightful.

  12. Seriously? Psychics are supposedly better lovers because they can ‘sense’ their partner’s feelings? This article is a perfect blend of pseudoscience and romance novel clichés. It’s quite amusing if you don’t take it seriously.

  13. The concept of merging emotions with a partner is fascinating and highlights the complexity of human connections. It is crucial to maintain boundaries and practice self-care, as the author suggests. This perspective can benefit anyone looking to deepen their relationships.

  14. Oh, sure, let’s all strive to be perfect little sensitive souls who can read minds and fulfill every sexual fantasy. What’s next? Telepathy in relationships? This article is both laughable and overly idealistic. Real life is far messier.

  15. The article provides a nuanced perspective on the experiences of sensitive individuals, including psychics and healers, in romantic relationships. It sheds light on both the advantages and the challenges they face, particularly in terms of emotional depth and the need for healthy boundaries.

  16. The article touches on an important aspect of relationships for sensitive individuals, highlighting the necessity of setting healthy boundaries and the risks of becoming a ‘rescuer.’ It also provides a well-rounded view by discussing both the emotional strengths and vulnerabilities.

  17. This article provides invaluable insights for empaths and psychics. The emphasis on setting boundaries and maintaining emotional balance is particularly insightful. Understanding these nuances can truly help in fostering healthier relationships.


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