How Will You Meet Your Soulmate?


Let’s accept the fact that we all want and need love. We can survive on food and water, but we thrive on human connection, some might deny it due to failed relationships or being afraid to get hurt but secretly wanting it in the core of their life. Intimacy nourishes us on a spiritual level through intellectual stimulation, mutual emotional understanding, and physical touch.

A healthy relationship provides shelter as well because we feel at home in the presence of someone we trust. Also, we feel a “knowingness” that we are with someone who knows and understands us at our core. Seeking out a soulmate partnership will certainly satisfy your physical and emotional desires. Moreover, it will allow you to enter a state of deep spiritual fulfillment and a wholeness of being.

Soulmate Defined

Let me explain what I mean by the term “soulmate.” You walk your own unique and individual path. No one but you can carve this path. A soulmate may show up on your path as a friend, a short-lived romance, or a lifelong partnership.

How can you tell which is which? The archetypes of the major arcana in the ancient Tarot teach us all the ways we can come together, learn from one another, and ultimately surrender into greater self-awareness. Below I have outlined the four types of soulmate partnerships. Which one do you need in your life right now?

  1. The Power Duo: Love at First Premonition
    The Magician and High Priestess together define the Law of Attraction where dreams really do come true! When you align your inner power with nature, possibility surrounds you. Your will and determination will drive you while your intuition and sensibility will guide you. This partnership represents “flow” in that empathic way when you both know what the other thinks and feels and you can respond in ways that support one another.

These two typically meet during life transitions. Both partners understand that change needs to happen. They fearlessly dive headfirst into the ocean of their dreams, often surprised at finding each other when they come up for air.

This is a love that lasts, and it occurs when you least expect it. These two inspire others to never give up on finding someone that will have your best interest at heart. These two both want the same thing out of life. They will not hesitate to go out and get it, all the while helping the other attain their desires. One without the other cannot seem to get their vision to take off. But together, with an unstoppable force and an unbreakable bond, fantasy can become reality. They build one another’s confidence because they see the world and each other as expansive.

  1. The Past Life Connection: Love at First Memory
    The Emperor and Empress have a familiar past life connection. Also known as the mother and Father, they meet in a synchronistic way. Unavoidable coincidences and divine intervention play a huge role. You literally cannot miss one another when your paths are meant to cross. It just keeps happening over and over again. The universe will tell you in not-so-subtle ways that you better pay some attention to this one!

Upon meeting, whether in childhood or well into old age, there is an undeniable Deja vu sensation. This familiarity and almost immediate comfort allows this couple to stay united no matter how much time and distance try to keep them apart. When they reconnect after a separation, whether long or short in duration, they pick up the conversation and passion as if no time passed at all.

This couple craves a simple and meaningful life. They build a home and create a family. Cooking and gardening and enjoying all that life has to offer together brings them joy. They see their place in the world as secondary to their union and while ambitions are important, they value togetherness above all.

  1. Mirrored Reflection: Love at First Glance
    Most often referred to as the twin flame, the Lovers, unlike the other examples, is but one single card. Two beings connect to become one, thus creating an intensely passionate union. Those who fall in love in this way often describe an overwhelming, almost intoxicating, sense of seeing themselves or even the face of the divine in the eyes of their beloved.

The Lovers encounter one another during times of spiritual crisis, battles with addiction/recovery, and following periods of loss or brushes with mortality. We seek out those who can bear to see us at our most vulnerable and we long to know ourselves at depths that often remain untouched in day-to-day living.

The risk of conflict and enmeshment runs high with the Lovers because this couple can easily lose themselves in the relationship. One or both partners can become swallowed up by obsession and the loss of independence eventually causes a dissolution. Loving from the spirit is the lesson of the Lovers and while this partnership tends toward the unhealthy and codependent, in the long run it can be the greatest teacher of all the soulmate connections.

  1. The Magnetism: Love at First Illumination
    The epitome of “opposites attract,” the Sun and the Moon are drawn to both the light and the shadows within one another. The Moon unveils his or her dark truth in the light of the Sun. The Sun has no judgment—only compassion and acceptance—and the Moon finally knows freedom in the Sun’s loving embrace.

A rendezvous between the Sun and the Moon feels a lot like the relationship between a superhero and a villain at first. They complement one another but there is no denying a bold edginess and rebellious quality when this couple enters the room. They learn quickly that speaking the truth reigns supreme in this cosmic connection. Both partners not only make peace with their darker sides through their mutual understanding, but they bring them out to play with one another. They simply get each other in a way that nobody else does and in this way, unconditional love, and acceptance lead to liberation in their devotion to each other.

Love Completely and Surrender Fully

While you may find all of these qualities present in your current relationship, ask yourself which one resonates most powerfully with you right now, and focus on the gifts it has to offer in the here and now. Inevitably, we all shift and change. You will find that some relationships appear and disappear quickly, while other foundational partnerships stay strong through the thick and thin.

The biggest mystery of the soulmate vibe is that it shows up and exits when the time is right, reminding us how deeply interconnected we all are and just how invested your spirit is in bringing you towards your highest good. Trust the path you choose and do not fear making choices that ultimately serve you! May you continue to receive all the love and support you need.


  1. Wow, using Tarot to explain love and relationships! What’s next, crystal ball readings for your career path? It’s amusing but also adds a whimsical charm to the otherwise daunting task of finding love.

  2. This article is a beautifully articulated exploration of the multifaceted nature of love and soulmate connections. The depth of insight presented, especially through the archetypes of the Tarot, offers a profound understanding of how different soulmate dynamics can enrich our lives. I was particularly moved by the concept of ‘The Magnetism’ and how it unveils the contrasting yet complementary forces that can lead to an unconditional and liberating love. Truly, love is a journey of self-awareness and spiritual fulfillment.

  3. The exploration of soulmate archetypes is fascinating. It provides a framework for understanding the different dynamics that one might experience in relationships. The idea that these relationships can act as catalysts for personal growth and spiritual fulfillment is quite profound.

  4. I appreciate the detailed descriptions of the various types of soulmate connections. The use of Tarot archetypes adds an intriguing mythological layer to the concept, making it easier to grasp the nuances of each relationship type. This article offers a unique perspective on love and connection.

  5. An enlightening read! The detailed descriptions of the four types of soulmate connections resonate deeply and provide valuable guidance for anyone navigating the complexities of human relationships. The archetypal analysis using the Tarot offers a refreshing perspective that bridges ancient wisdom with modern experiences of love. I found ‘The Past Life Connection’ particularly compelling, as it highlights the timeless bond that transcends lifetimes. This piece is a reminder of how vital human connection is for our emotional and spiritual well-being.

  6. The connections you draw between different types of soulmates and their spiritual roles is fascinating. This perspective could benefit those exploring their own relationships through a spiritual lens. However, it’s important to remember that not all readers may find value in ancient Tarot teachings.

  7. It’s fascinating how the archetypes from ancient Tarot can provide such profound insights into modern relationships. The way you’ve described the different types of soulmate connections is both enlightening and thought-provoking. Thank you for this profound wisdom.

  8. Honestly, this is quite a stretch. Using Tarot to define soulmates seems more like a fantasy than reality. Relationships are complex and subjective; boiling them down to archetypes oversimplifies the nuances of human connection. This feels more like wishful thinking than practical advice.

  9. The emphasis on spiritual growth and self-awareness through relationships is compelling. I found the ‘Mirrored Reflection’ and ‘Magnetism’ archetypes particularly enlightening, as they highlight the potential for both profound connection and personal challenges. This article offers valuable insights into the transformative power of love.

  10. The ‘Power Duo’ and ‘Past Life Connection’ archetypes particularly resonate with me. The idea that these relationships can provide both stability and inspiration is comforting. It’s interesting to think about how different soulmate connections can fulfill various emotional and spiritual needs.

  11. Well, if finding a soulmate is as easy as reading Tarot cards, why are dating apps still in business? Maybe we should just swap our swipes for a deck of cards and wait for the universe to do its magic. Sounds foolproof, doesn’t it?

  12. This is truly enlightening! The way you’ve connected soulmate relationships with the archetypes in Tarot is both profound and deeply poetic. It’s incredibly inspiring to think that each kind of soulmate partnership has its own unique divine purpose. Thank you for this beautiful exploration!

  13. So, we’re supposed to believe that Tarot cards can tell us about our soulmate now? Next thing you know, horoscopes will become a mandatory part of relationship counseling. It’s intriguing yet highly debatable.

  14. I must argue that while the notion of ‘soulmates’ provides comfort, it can also lead people to unrealistic expectations. Life is dynamic, and relationships require continuous effort and compromise. Focusing too much on finding a ‘soulmate’ might deter one from appreciating the complexities of real-world relationships.

    • I see your point, Margaret. However, I believe the article encourages a deeper exploration of relationships rather than promoting an idealized view of soulmates. It’s about understanding different connection types to foster growth and self-awareness, not just finding a perfect match.

  15. This article provides a comprehensive look at the complexities of soulmate relationships. The distinctions made between the different types help to clarify the roles they play in one’s life journey. It’s a thought-provoking read for anyone interested in the deeper aspects of human connection.

  16. Ah, another article romanticizing the idea of ‘soulmates’. What happens when someone doesn’t fit neatly into one of these categories? Life and love are far more complex than ancient Tarot archetypes.

  17. This article offers a broad range of perspectives on relationships that can be quite useful. The categorization using Tarot archetypes provides a unique framework for understanding the dynamics and potential of different partnerships.


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