How to Cope With One-Sided Love?

One-Sided Love

Have you ever loved someone, and they didn’t love you back? Maybe you fell for a friend, but they only see you as just a friend. Unrequited love or one-sided love can be devastating, especially when you are so much in love with someone.

A lot of us have dealt with this tough scenario once or twice in our lives. One-Sided love is difficult enough when the person you love is someone you hardly know, but it can be even worse if this person is a friend of yours.

When someone you love does not feel the same towards you, you may start to blame yourself. Maybe, it’s the way you look or the way you act. It’s important for you not to go down this route, because it can be damaging, especially the problem isn’t you.

Here are some positive and effective ways to choose from to help you cope with one-sided love.

Give yourself permission to be sad!

One-Sided love can really hurt. You can have a hard time dealing with it. It is ok to give yourself time to grieve. You realized that it’s not possible to be in a relationship with someone and you’ve lost the idea that your feelings would be returned.

Be aware of your feelings and let yourself grieve, angry or disappointed. All of your emotions are valid, and you need to give yourself permission to have these feelings. Give yourself some time and be aware that emotions and feelings don’t disappear overnight.

Keep yourself busy

Get distracted by doing things you love and enjoy, whether watching your favorite TV series, painting, spending time with your friends or just find a hobby that you enjoy, it can really help. This way you will not only distract yourself from thinking about this person, but you will also do things that you enjoy and may find new hobbies of interest too.

Working out can also be a great way to feel more positive as it gets your endorphins flowing. By keeping yourself busy, you will start to feel much better, while trying new things and doing hobbies you enjoy.

Reach out to people who care about you

Try to spend more time with your family and friends. Reaching out to people who care about you is a great way to find support and motivation to move on.

Speak to your family about your feelings and then listen to advice they give you. They know they and can treat you much better than you may be treating yourself.  You can also hang out with your friends and the situation becomes a lot easier to deal with when you are surrounded by people who care about you.

Show yourself some self-care

It’s very important to love yourself and practice some self-care to overcome one-sided love. Do whatever it takes to feel cared for and to be happy. Have more “me time”, relax and meditate.

Following these steps can really help you start feeling more positive and confident about yourself and will help you stop putting the blame on you, helping you to live a more fulfilled life.


  1. It’s essential to focus on oneself and the activities that bring joy, as mentioned in the article. Keeping busy and engaging in hobbies can definitely aid in diverting the mind from unreciprocated feelings.

  2. This article eloquently encapsulates the emotional labyrinth of unrequited love and provides a pragmatic guide to navigate through. The advice on granting oneself permission to feel sadness and acknowledging those emotions is profoundly insightful. It’s a reminder that healing is a process, not a destination. Kudos to the author for addressing a universal yet often overlooked issue with such sensitivity and depth.

  3. Giving oneself permission to grieve and feel the emotions fully is an important aspect covered here. It allows for a healthier emotional process rather than suppressing feelings, which can be harmful in the long run.

  4. This article seems to simplify a profound and painful experience. Not everyone can just ‘keep busy’ or ‘practice self-care’ to get over unrequited love. It’s much more complex than that.

  5. A truly enlightening read! The emphasis on self-care and staying busy as a means to cope with one-sided love is particularly resonant. It’s not just about distracting oneself, but rather about rediscovering what brings joy and fulfillment independently. The suggestion to lean on loved ones for support underscores the importance of community and connection in the healing process. This article is a beacon of hope for anyone experiencing the pain of unrequited love.

  6. Oh sure, because binge-watching Netflix and doing yoga will totally make you forget about the heartache of unrequited love. If only it were that simple! I suppose next you’ll suggest eating a tub of ice cream to solve all emotional woes.

  7. The suggested strategies seem quite practical and helpful for those dealing with unrequited love. Acknowledging one’s emotions and practicing self-care are indeed crucial steps in overcoming such difficult situations.

  8. Interesting piece, albeit a bit cliché. The focus on self-care and keeping busy is good, but it feels like a band-aid on a much deeper wound. True emotional healing often requires more profound introspective work and sometimes, professional guidance.

  9. Oh great, another article telling me to go for a jog to get over heartbreak. Because sweating profusely is such a romantic distraction!

  10. The article’s approach to dealing with unrequited love is commendable. It’s essential to allow oneself to grieve and recognize the validity of one’s emotions. Acknowledging feelings rather than suppressing them can lead to more effective emotional healing.

  11. It’s intriguing how the article suggests surrounding oneself with loved ones as a coping mechanism. Social support is indeed a powerful tool for emotional resilience.

  12. Reaching out to close friends and family for support is a wise suggestion. Often, the reassurance and care from loved ones can provide the comfort needed during tough emotional times.

  13. Well, I guess if self-care means a bubble bath and binge-watching Netflix, I’m totally on board! Who knew one-sided love could be a ticket to treating yourself?

  14. The article provides some insightful advice on dealing with unrequited love. It’s crucial to remember that our self-worth isn’t defined by someone else’s feelings towards us. I appreciate the emphasis on self-care and leaning on supportive relationships. Very uplifting!

  15. While the suggestions are undoubtedly well-meaning, they come off as a bit simplistic. Dealing with unrequited love is a complex emotional journey that can’t be neatly resolved with distractions and hobbies. Sometimes, deeper introspection and professional help are necessary.

  16. What an enlightening read! It’s refreshing to see an article that addresses the agony of unrequited love in such a thoughtful manner. The suggestion to indulge in self-care and pursue hobbies is particularly compelling. A well-rounded approach, indeed!

  17. The emphasis on self-care and maintaining a positive self-image is noteworthy. Practicing self-love and engaging in uplifting activities can gradually help in healing from the pains of unrequited love.


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