Good Habits for a Good Marriage

Good Marriage

Marriage is hard work and there is no guarantee that it will be a success. As hard as it is to realize, the early days of blissful romance do not last forever.   But as hard work is its own rewards, an investment in a marriage will yield many benefits.

The things that are most vital to a relationship are communication and connection and intimacy.  The connection helps you feel close to your partner.  This is because your shared values as well as a concern for your needs brings you together.

Communication skills are also important because it helps you understand each other as well as making yourself understood. The vulnerability that accompanies intimacy helps trust evolve and grow. All of these things are generally present when a couple gets married.  Can it be sustained over years? It can if you build in good habits for a good marriage.

Show your partner you are happy to see them.

Really express your love when you see your partner.  Give them a warm embrace along with your full attention and let them know how glad you are to be next to them. Not only is this a physical sign of your love, but it also helps release oxytocin which is a hormone that helps you bond with your partner.

Always be grateful

When you retire for the night, be sure you show your appreciation for something your partner has done for you.  You can even leave a little note for them. This expression of gratitude is a sign of your appreciation and reinforces your own feelings of love.

Be empathetic

Instead of being a “right fighter” and fixating on your side of an argument, take a minute to see their side of the issue.   Take a minute to actually hear and restate their concerns. It is absolutely all right to ask them to do the same

Listen mindfully

Listen to your partner when they are upset. Do not try to fix their problem. Just listen. Many times, they just want someone to hear their point of view. Ask them what they need from you.  Sometimes it’s just a kind ear.

Sweet nothings matter

There are certain things your partner needs to hear from you. These are those words that make them feel valued and loved.  Once you know what these words are, let them hear them from you often. These words are the fuel that will help keep your romance going.

Memories are important.

Share your memories with each other.  Tell them about the things you always think about when they are thinking of you.  Share these thoughts with them. These happy moments will help strengthen the bond between you.

Don’t be afraid of change

Change happens. It’s the only constant in life.  Talk to each other about change in each other’s lives, keep an open mind and an understanding heart. Ask them for their impressions of the change in each other.

Share your dreams

If you feel that you have lost touch with each other, ask them what their dreams and hopes are.  Once again, be open and honest.  Listen to what they are saying without jumping to conclusions.  Ask them what they would like to achieve over the next several years.  Perhaps ask what you can do to help them reach their goals.

Remember that partnership means both of you. Any partnership needs attention and work to survive.  Do not ever stop trying or stop listening to what your partner needs or wants.  This doesn’t have to be hard work. Just a few words and hugs can keep a romance alive and growing.


  1. This article is a refreshing reminder that marriage, like all deeply meaningful relationships, requires continuous effort and intentional actions. The emphasis on communication, empathy, and positive reinforcement truly resonates with me. It’s inspiring to see how small acts, like expressing gratitude and sharing dreams, can significantly fortify the bond between partners. The advice given is not just practical but also deeply rooted in fostering emotional intimacy. Truly enlightening!

  2. I found this article to be profoundly insightful and profoundly comforting. The notion that marriage can thrive through commitment to communication and empathy is something I believe wholeheartedly. The recommendations, especially about showing appreciation and mindful listening, are strategies that can be seamlessly integrated into daily routines. It’s a testament to the fact that the little things truly do matter in building a resilient and loving partnership. This piece should be mandatory reading for couples looking to strengthen their relationship.

  3. The piece covers essential aspects of maintaining a healthy marriage quite well. However, I believe a more in-depth exploration into conflict resolution and financial management would add significant value. Marriages often falter over these practical issues more than the emotional ones.

  4. This seems overly idealistic. Sure, marriage is hard work, but life gets in the way. Bills, kids, and stress don’t leave much room for sweet nothings and warm embraces. Reality isn’t as rosy as this makes it sound.

  5. This article beautifully encapsulates the essence of a lasting relationship. The emphasis on communication, empathy, and shared dreams resonates deeply with the principles of a healthy marriage. Investing in these aspects can indeed yield immense rewards.

  6. Ah yes, because showing your partner you’re happy to see them and whispering sweet nothings will obviously solve all marital issues. What a groundbreaking revelation! Clearly, it’s just that simple. Sarcasm aside, I do hope readers understand that relationships are far more nuanced.

  7. This piece offers a valuable perspective on sustaining a marriage through mindful practices. The advice on expressing gratitude and listening mindfully is practical and applicable. It highlights the ongoing effort required to maintain a healthy relationship.

  8. Oh sure, because saying ‘thank you’ and listening attentively can magically solve all marital issues. Next time I have a fight, I’ll just sprinkle some oxytocin and watch the magic happen!

  9. It’s almost comical how the article boils down marriage to a series of checklist items. Did you hug your partner today? Check! Did you listen ‘mindfully’? Check! While the suggestions are undeniably important, the tone feels a bit too simplistic for something as intricate as a lifelong partnership.

  10. I appreciate the focus on gratitude and communication. These are often overlooked but crucial elements in any relationship. However, the article might oversimplify the complexities involved.

    • But isn’t that the point? The article suggests fostering habits that might help navigate those complexities rather than offering a one-size-fits-all solution.

    • Absolutely, sometimes it’s just not that simple. People and situations are complicated, and not every issue can be solved with a hug and a kind word.

  11. The article is well-rounded in addressing various aspects of marital life. The suggestions for dealing with change and sharing dreams are crucial for long-term relationship health. It is a reminder that marriages require continuous nurturing and attention.

  12. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the key elements necessary for a successful marriage. The emphasis on communication, empathy, and shared dreams is particularly noteworthy. It reminds us that even small gestures can make a significant impact.

  13. While the suggestions are noteworthy, the article overlooks the complexity and individuality of relationships. Blanket advice like ‘always be grateful’ and ‘share your dreams’ can come off as superficial if not tailored to the unique dynamics of each partnership.

  14. This article is a wonderful reminder of the little things that can make a big difference in a marriage. It’s heartwarming to see such emphasis on communication and empathy. These are the foundations of any strong relationship, and I’m glad to see them highlighted here.

  15. The content underscores the importance of both emotional and physical connection in a marriage. The mention of oxytocin and its role in bonding is an interesting scientific insight. Overall, the article provides actionable advice for couples.

  16. While the advice here is sound, it’s also important to acknowledge that each marriage is unique. What works for one couple may not work for another. This article is a good starting point, but couples should tailor these tips to fit their own relationships.

  17. The recommendations made are practical and grounded in common sense. Highlighting the importance of gratitude, empathy, and mindful listening can indeed foster a stronger bond between partners. It is a useful guide for those looking to improve their marital relationship.


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