Have You Found Your Soulmate, the “One?”

Have You Found Your Soulmate

Finding a soulmate is difficult and that’s because while it is easy to connect with others on a sexual or superficial level, it is more difficult to connect with someone’s mind, body, and spirit. That’s what a soulmate connection truly is and that’s what everyone is wishing to have. If you’ve been with someone for a while, you may be wondering how to tell if they are your true love. Here are eight signs that prove if they are or not.

  1. They’re Reliable and Trustworthy
    Trust and reliability are two of the most important qualities a soulmate should have. If you ask them to run an errand for you, will they, do it? If they have coffee with an old flame, can you trust them to keep the boundaries platonic? Without trust and reliability in your relationship, you’ll have many fights coming your way while you’re together.
  2. They Open You Up to New Possibilities
    Whether it’s the best qualities you didn’t know you possessed, or new experiences you never thought possible, your soulmate will expose you to a new side of life and new ways of thinking. They will also help you generate more confidence in your abilities.
  3. They Know How to Deal with Your Flaws
    We all have dark secrets, deep regrets, and shame. But a true soulmate will love you and accept you in spite of yours. You will feel comfortable opening up to them. If you can’t, they are not meant for you.
  4. They’re All Love and Little (or No) Drama
    Soulmates support their partners through thick and thin, and if you’re with your true love, you’ll notice that your relationship has very little drama. Most of the drama comes from the outside. A soulmate is there to feed your soul, connect with it and make it happy.
  5. They Fill in the Gaps
    In the past, a significant other was someone who was your better half. But that concept has evolved. Today, a true love is someone who fills in the gaps created by your struggles, including the emotional, mental, and physical issues you struggle with daily.
  6. They Can Handle You at Your Worst
    When you’re at your worst, a soulmate is someone who is there to support you. That’s what separates a keeper from someone who isn’t worth your time. A soulmate provides the rational voice when you’re being irrational and calms you down when you are feeling agitated or anxious.
  7. They Discuss Long-Term Relationship Goals
    A soulmate has plans for your future together. Whether it’s marriage, children or moving in together, they’re your soulmate if they intend to stick around for the long haul. Where will you be in five, 10 or 20 years? Your soulmate knows and wants to share it with you.
  8. They Remember the Tiny Details
    A soulmate remembers the tiny details, from your mundane conversations to what you wore on your first date. It’s true love when they listen and remember. It means they’re invested and genuinely interested in what’s happening in your life and they definitely want to be a part of it.

If this article confirms you’re with your soulmate, congratulations, because love is all around you! If you’ve realized something is lacking in your love life, help is always available to you. Let’s talk through your relationship, together.


  1. This article offers a profound insight into the intricacies of human relationships. The emphasis on trust, reliability, and the importance of accepting one’s flaws resonates deeply with me. Truly, a soulmate should uplift and complete us in the most harmonious ways. Kudos to the author for encapsulating the essence of true love so eloquently.

  2. These signs are helpful in evaluating the depth of a relationship. However, I wonder how many people can genuinely fulfill all these criteria.

    • Indeed, it might be less about perfection and more about mutual effort and commitment to each other. Imperfections should be acknowledged and worked on together.

    • You make a valid point, Sherry. It might be rare to find someone who meets all these standards perfectly, but perhaps striving towards these ideals can still lead to a fulfilling relationship.

  3. What a beautifully written piece! The notion that a soulmate exposes us to new possibilities and helps us grow into the best version of ourselves is incredibly uplifting. I appreciate the detailed signs outlined here; they serve as a practical guide for anyone navigating the complexities of romantic relationships. This article is both enlightening and enriching. Well done!

  4. This article elaborates on what many people look for in a relationship. It emphasizes trust, support, and shared goals, which are fundamental aspects of a lasting partnership.

  5. While the article does provide a romantic notion of soulmates, it would be more beneficial if it included some empirical data or psychological studies to back these claims. Anecdotal evidence is not enough for such a multifaceted topic.

  6. If finding a soulmate is as straightforward as following this checklist, relationships would be a lot less complicated, wouldn’t they? I mean, who among us hasn’t been let down by someone who seemed perfect on paper?

  7. Ah, another doctrine on the elusive quest for a soulmate. One must wonder if following these ‘eight signs’ will lead to a lifetime of bliss or merely an endless pursuit of the unattainable. Perhaps the real magic lies in accepting imperfection.

  8. Honestly, this article feels like it’s painting an overly idealistic picture of relationships. Real life is messy, and expecting someone to tick all these boxes might just set you up for disappointment.

  9. The notion of soulmates is romantic, but it’s also important to keep realistic expectations. A healthy relationship is built on mutual understanding and respect, not just ticking boxes.

  10. While the concept of a soulmate as described is ideal, it’s important to recognize that relationships are dynamic and require continuous effort from both parties.

  11. What a beautifully articulated article! It truly captures the essence of what it means to find a soulmate. These qualities are indeed fundamental for a meaningful and lasting relationship. Thank you for sharing such insightful thoughts!

  12. The article provides a comprehensive guide on identifying soulmate qualities. It’s a good reminder that meaningful connections require trust and emotional investment.


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