Guaranteeing a Successful Relationship

Successful Relationship

Ever single  couple has different quirks and other things that make their relationship unique. Thus, there is no specific formula or set of rules to make a romance run smoothly.  But it seems that some couples have some secret that makes their relationship better.

Here is a list of a things that help keep the partnership strong:

1. Remember that you are partners

While it is important that you keep your individuality and independence in your relationship, it is just as important to remember that you are couple and you are a team. You should work together and be each others’ shelter from the storm.

2. “I love you” should mean something

If you have been with your partner for a few years, you may have slipped into the kind of slump where you respond automatically when your partner says, “I love you.” Stay mindful of what your are really saying. make sure that you put as much emphasis in to the everyday I love you as you did in the very first one. Don’t run the risk of taking your love for granted. You earned this love. Cherish it so you can keep it.

3. Don’t let the magic of intimacy go by the wayside. Being intimate with your partner has several benefits. It can reduce your stress while raising your self esteem. It is also a great way to connect to your partner. It gives you a chance to bond on every level. Schedule a date night for special time with your partner.

4. Don’t bring your old baggage into your current relationship.

It is only natural that each of you has a past. Don’t drag in your old behaviors into this new relationship.  Think about what went wrong in you past and leave that type of thing where it belongs, in the past. You are now a different person and are in a different relationship.

5. Stay compassionate

When we are in the first days  of a romance, we are very understanding and forgiving. We celebrate the differences between us.  But once you have been together for awhile, these difference can become irritating.   This is only natural, but how can you avoid conflict.  Stay compassionate.  Think of how you are resounding and have a bit of empathy. You probably have a few things that annoy your partner.  Celebrate your differences. The combination of empathy and respect can help your relationship last a long time.


  1. This article offers some genuinely insightful advice. It’s a refreshing reminder of the fundamentals that often get overlooked in the hustle of daily life. We cannot underestimate the power of empathy and teamwork in sustaining a relationship. Bravo!

  2. This article encapsulates the essence of maintaining a healthy relationship beautifully. The emphasis on cherishing ‘I love you’ and ensuring it doesn’t become a mere formality resonates deeply. It is a reminder that love should be nurtured with intention and mindfulness. The points about staying compassionate and not bringing past baggage into a new relationship are crucial insights. They stress the importance of growth and understanding in a partnership. A well-articulated piece that speaks volumes on the subtleties of sustaining a loving relationship.

  3. This article’s premise that certain couples have some ‘secret’ formula for success is suspect. Relationships are inherently individual and situational, making it simplistic to assert universal strategies. Moreover, the idea that saying ‘I love you’ with emphasis will magically solve problems is naive, to say the least.

  4. I must contest the notion that everyone can simply leave their past behind. Psychological baggage isn’t just discarded with a snap of the fingers. This requires a deeper, ongoing effort.

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article. It offers a refreshing perspective on the dynamics of romantic relationships. The advice on remembering that you are partners and working as a team is foundational yet often overlooked. Moreover, the suggestion to keep the magic of intimacy alive is essential for deepening the bond. It’s impressive how the article balances practical advice with emotional intelligence, particularly the emphasis on compassion and respect for differences. These are timeless principles that can help any couple build a strong, enduring relationship.

  6. How utterly simplistic! Life and relationships are far too complex to be distilled into a few trite and idealistic tips. If only it were that easy.

  7. While the advice given here is commendable, it might be useful to include empirical data or psychological frameworks to further substantiate these claims. Practical examples could enhance its applicability.

  8. This article wisely encourages a balanced approach to love, where maintaining personal independence and working together as a team are given equal importance. It provides actionable tips that can be easily integrated into daily life.

  9. The article is fairly comprehensive, touching on key aspects of maintaining a healthy relationship. While its suggestions are not exhaustive, they certainly provide a good starting point for those looking to strengthen their partnerships. For a deeper understanding, however, one might need to explore more specialized literature on relationship psychology.

  10. The point about not bringing old baggage into a current relationship is well-articulated. A fresh start in a relationship necessitates leaving past grievances behind, which can otherwise impede present happiness and growth.

  11. It’s refreshing to read a collection of relationship advice that emphasizes partnership and compassion. Many couples forget these fundamentals, seeking solutions in more complex theories. Well done!

  12. Ah, yes. Another generic relationship guide full of platitudes. While some points might be valid, they are hardly groundbreaking. It’s easy to dish out advice, but much harder to apply it in real life. Relationships are complex, and this article barely scratches the surface.

  13. The article presents practical advice for sustaining a healthy relationship. Emphasizing the importance of maintaining individuality while functioning as a team is crucial. The reminder to stay mindful of the meaning behind ‘I love you’ is particularly noteworthy.

  14. Compassion and empathy are indeed key factors in sustaining long-term relationships. The advice to celebrate differences rather than letting them become sources of irritation is a valuable perspective.

  15. Oh, wow! I had no idea that saying ‘I love you’ and being compassionate could save a relationship. Thank you for enlightening us all with such revolutionary wisdom. Clearly, the last millennium of human relationships was just waiting for this article to come along. 🙄

    • Haha, Carmen. Your sarcasm is spot on. These tips are like the ‘Have you tried turning it off and on again?’ of relationship advice.

    • While sarcasm has its place, some people genuinely might find these basic reminders helpful. Not every piece of advice has to be groundbreaking to be useful.

  16. Ah, yes, ‘Don’t bring your old baggage into your current relationship.’ As if we all have some magical broom to sweep our past dramas under the rug. Marvelous advice for the enlightened unicorns among us!

  17. Scheduling date nights to maintain intimacy is a practical suggestion. In our busy lives, it is easy to overlook the importance of dedicating time to nurture our personal relationships.


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