Breaking the Barriers from Friends to Lovers

Breaking the Barriers from Friends to Lovers

Although tricky, the line between friendship and romance can be crossed. It is nothing new for friends to have a hidden crush between them. This crush may be held back by fear of losing the friendship all together. Along with the fear is excitement, because, after all, what could be more exciting than a romantic partner who is also a good friend? It can be done if you follow a few guidelines.

 Maintain Honesty

By entertaining the possibility of romance has already changed the perspective of your friendship.  You may feel that you have to hide your thoughts from you potential partner. If you would tell your friend anything, why change things now?

If honesty has played a major role in the friendship, keep to that.   Be honest by discussing the change in the way you view your friend.  Let them know that above all, you treasure your friendship. A great romance can blossom on the foundation of your friendship

Assume Nothing

Don’t assume that your friend knows about your feelings. You can’t assume that your friend will forsake all others, so don’t expect him/her to act as if you are there one and only if you haven’t discussed it.

Keep open the lines of communication.   If you both want your friendship to change into romance, be honest.  If your friend doesn’t not share your feelings, honestly discuss your disappointment, and move on.

Lip Service to Change

If you friendship begins to bloom into love, treat them like a lover.  Step up your meetings from casual to date like.  Take the initiative by being romantic. Honor this change as special as your love is for each other.

Things to Consider

It is widely thought that men and women can’t be friends in the first place. The belief is that men can’t view a woman as anything but a sex partner and that women can’t fully communicate with a man without trying to conquer him through seduction. There are few things to think about if you want to cross this barrier.

Whenever you are spending time together as friends, initiate some touching by offering a back rub or lightly touching him/her while you are talking.  Make sure you are dressing as if you would for a date. This may help your friend look at you from a different perspective.

If things don’t take off from there, start a discussion about becoming more than friends just to see how your friend feels. Be prepared to back up your assertion that you can remain friends if the feelings aren’t mutual.

Before you start the process ask yourself if you really mean that this will not ruin your friendship and if you can handle the disappointment if your relationship doesn’t change the way you want to.   Acknowledge that your feelings might not be reciprocated.  Know that you are taking a chance.  No matter what happens, be true to yourself.

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  1. This is an interesting read. The suggestion to maintain honesty and not assume anything seems vital, but it also requires a great deal of emotional maturity from both parties. It’s not an easy path to tread.

  2. An insightful and thought-provoking read! The emphasis on honesty and openness is particularly commendable, as these qualities often serve as the bedrock of both strong friendships and romantic relationships. The pragmatic approach outlined in the article provides a realistic yet hopeful guide for those contemplating this shift. Truly, a great reminder that the foundation of any meaningful relationship is built on trust and clear communication.

  3. This article eloquently unpacks the delicate transition from friendship to romance, addressing the necessity for honesty and clear communication. It’s refreshing to see a well-crafted discussion on the importance of maintaining the integrity of the friendship while exploring potential romantic dynamics. Kudos to the author for highlighting the essential balance between excitement and caution!

  4. Isn’t it ironic that we complicate our simplest relationships? Turning a friendship into a romance isn’t as easy as following a manual. Human connections are far too intricate to be simplified into do’s and don’ts.

  5. The idea that men and women can’t be friends without romantic tension is quite dated. However, the strategies for transitioning from friendship to romance are worth considering.

    • I agree. The article captures some important nuances but could benefit from a more modern perspective on male-female friendships.

  6. The article acknowledges the risks involved in turning a friendship into a romantic relationship, which is commendable. However, it could be more thorough in addressing the potential long-term implications if things go awry.

    • Yes, understanding the long-term impact is crucial. Friendships can be deeply meaningful, and it’s important to weigh the risks versus rewards carefully.

    • Indeed, but sometimes taking the risk can lead to deeply fulfilling relationships. It’s a personal decision that requires careful consideration.

  7. This article really resonated with me. As someone who crossed that line with a close friend, I can attest that honesty is truly key. It’s wonderful to see love blossom from a strong friendship.

  8. This article offers some truly insightful advice. The emphasis on honesty and clear communication is paramount. Friendship should be the foundation of any romantic relationship, and it’s refreshing to see this perspective highlighted so thoughtfully.

  9. The discussion points raised in this piece are quite practical. It’s imperative to maintain transparency and set clear expectations. However, it’s equally important to acknowledge that not all friendships can or should evolve into romantic relationships.

  10. Quite a naive approach! The complexities of human emotions cannot be summarized in such simplistic guidelines. Crossing that line often leads to inevitable heartbreak and ruined friendships.

  11. What a load of whimsical nonsense! The idea that one can simply transition from a platonic friendship to romance with a set of ‘guidelines’ underestimates the complexity of human emotions. Not everyone is capable of navigating such a transformation.

  12. Ah, yes! Because nothing says ‘romantic potential’ like manipulating your friend into viewing you differently with back rubs and date-like attire. Who knew seduction could be so…elementary?

    • Exactly! It’s almost laughable how mechanical the article makes the process sound. Genuine emotions and connections are much more nuanced than this.

  13. Oh, the age-old ‘can men and women just be friends’ debate. Such a cliché! If only life were as straightforward as the author suggests. Rather amusing, don’t you think?

  14. While the guidelines outlined are practical, the article seems to overlook the emotional complexity involved in such transitions. Emotions can be unpredictable, and the outcomes are not always as straightforward as suggested.

  15. The discussion of honesty and open communication is valuable. However, the article neglects to address the deeper psychological ramifications of transitioning from friendship to romance.

    • Absolutely, Louise. The dynamics of power and emotional dependency are often overlooked, which can lead to long-term issues if not properly managed.

  16. The article offers a reasonable approach to navigating the complex transition from friendship to romance. It emphasizes honesty and open communication, which indeed are foundational elements in any relationship.

  17. Given the cultural belief that men and women can’t be ‘just friends,’ this article is almost laughable. Isn’t it ironic that we still entertain these notions? Perhaps a more modern perspective is needed.

    • Right? It’s like stepping back into a rom-com from the 90s. Let’s get real; it’s 2023, and relationships are far more nuanced than this simplistic view.


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