How to Deal with Dating After a Divorce

Dating After a Divorce

Dating someone new after a divorce can be a difficult decision to make. Whether your marriage lasted for decades or only a short time, you’ll find that the dating scene is always evolving. Follow these six tips on how to deal with dating after a divorce for a happier and healthier you.

Love Yourself

Divorce is never easy, and you may come out of yours feeling less than great about yourself and everyone around you. Put yourself first and create situations where you know you’ll feel good. Book a spa appointment, take a girls’ weekend, or tackle the redecoration project you’ve been putting off.

Forget About Your Ex

If you find yourself thinking about your ex too much, whether it’s wondering who he’s with or what he’s doing, take steps to move on and focus on more productive thoughts. If you can’t move past your ex, it’s not fair to consider a relationship with a potential new partner. A love psychic can help you think through and work past issues with your ex.

Explore New Things

This is the perfect time to give yourself another chance. Try new things and open yourself up to new experiences. Give yourself a goal of trying just one new thing each month, whether it’s a class or an activity group, and see where it leads you. Chances are you’ll like at least some of the new things you try, and you may unintentionally meet a new friend or romantic interest along the way.

Be True and Prepared

First dates and new relationships come with many getting-to-know-you questions. Previous relationships and divorce are sure to come up as you become acquainted, and it’s best to have simple, straightforward answers ready. Remember that it’s only fair to share the truth, but your date doesn’t need or want to hear the dirty details.

Build a Support System

A solid support system is critical to your emotional and mental wellbeing, and it can be important for your sense of safety, too. Your support system might include a trusted friend or two who join you when you try new things, or it can include a confidante who you check in with a few times a week. Build your system in a way that works best for you and be sure to get the support you need.

Prepare To Take Risks

Once you’ve gotten over lingering ex issues, consider going on a date as practice for future relationships. Even if you’re not ready for something serious, it’s important to relearn what it’s like to be around someone new. Use this as an opportunity to meet new people and get comfortable putting yourself out there.

Treat this as a chance to boost your self-confidence, too, as you work on improving yourself for your own sake as well as that of a potential partner. If you do meet someone special, an authentic psychic can tell you if he’s the one.  Dating after a divorce is fraught with many challenges. Approach dating thoughtfully and with an open mind to find the most enjoyment in your new life.


  1. The article offers a comprehensive guide for those navigating the dating scene post-divorce. Emphasizing self-love and new experiences is indeed crucial for emotional recovery.

  2. What a wonderful piece! The advice on building a support system and preparing to take risks resonates deeply with me. Navigating the dating scene post-divorce can be daunting, but this article breaks it down into manageable steps with a positive spin. It’s empowering to see such practical tips that encourage self-discovery and self-improvement. Excellent read!

  3. This article offers such a refreshing perspective on post-divorce dating. It’s heartening to see advice that prioritizes self-care and emotional wellbeing. The emphasis on loving yourself and trying new things is particularly valuable; it acknowledges that healing and growth are crucial before entering a new relationship. Kudos to the author for creating a thoughtful, encouraging guide!

  4. Preparing straightforward answers about past relationships is a good idea. Transparency, while maintaining personal boundaries, can foster trust in new relationships.

  5. This post makes it look like dating after a divorce is an obstacle course with emotional booby traps at every turn. It’s certainly not as easy as just checking off a list of tips. The reality is far more complicated, and each person’s journey is unique. More nuanced advice would be helpful.

  6. This article offers a refreshing perspective on post-divorce dating. The advice to love oneself first and build a solid support system is not only practical but also empowering. By focusing on self-improvement and new experiences, one can truly enhance their emotional wellbeing and life satisfaction. Kudos to the author for such insightful guidance!

  7. This article offers a somewhat informative take on navigating the dating world post-divorce. Emphasizing the need for a support system and rediscovering oneself truly resonates. However, the mention of love psychics feels a bit out of place.

  8. The part about building a support system really resonated with me. I think it’s crucial to have people you trust during such a turbulent time. But I’m skeptical about using dating as ‘practice’ for future relationships. It’s a bit reductive to treat emotional connections as mere rehearsals.

    • True, Juliana and Lady. Relationships should be about genuine connections and mutual respect, not about scoring personal development points. The article is a mixed bag in that regard.

    • I agree, Juliana. The idea of using dates as ‘practice’ can indeed be harmful. It’s important to approach each new connection sincerely, rather than treating them as a means to an end.

  9. Focusing on self-improvement and ensuring you have moved on from your ex before dating again seems paramount. It’s not only fair to a potential partner but also vital for personal growth.

  10. So let me get this straight. After a divorce, all I need to do is book a spa appointment, forget about my ex, and maybe call up a psychic? Oh, and I should also take risks and treat myself to new experiences. Sounds like a surefire path to enlightenment and happiness. Obviously, this article was written by Captain Obvious!

  11. Ah yes, because nothing says ‘I’m over my ex’ quite like talking to a psychic and taking spa days. Next, let’s solve world peace with a bubble bath and some scented candles. How absolutely groundbreaking!

  12. Seriously? We’re supposed to consult a psychic to help move past our ex or find ‘the one’? This reads more like a poorly disguised advertisement for psychic services than genuine advice. Hard pass!

  13. These tips are a breath of fresh air! It’s crucial to rediscover oneself after such a major life change. Kudos to the author for emphasizing self-love and new experiences. A holistic approach indeed!

  14. While some of the tips here are useful, I find the suggestion to consult a ‘love psychic’ quite problematic. We should be promoting healthy, evidence-based coping mechanisms, not pseudoscience. It’s disappointing to see such advice included in an otherwise helpful article.

  15. While the advice seems well-intended, some of it feels overly simplistic. The complexities of post-divorce emotions can’t always be addressed by things like booking a spa appointment. More depth and nuance would be appreciated.

  16. Creating a support system and being prepared for potential risks are solid strategies. It’s essential to have a network of friends or confidantes during this transition.

  17. The suggestion to explore new activities as a means to meet new people and boost confidence is practical advice. Diversifying one’s social circle can offer unexpected benefits.


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