Why a Clingy Woman Pushes Men Away

Clingy Woman

A lot of men want to be needed by a woman, but a needy woman will send any man running for the hills. There are some women who need a lot of care and attention. They want to hear from the man several times a day which is annoying, and they need constant validation from him. They also need flowers and gifts very often.

There is nothing wrong with needing or wanting attention, however a needy woman yearns for it in excess. Some women have the belief that being in a relationship requires a lot of sentimental attention all the time, all day, every day.

If a woman finds herself getting sad often because the man in her life is not giving her constant attention, she is a needy woman and a drain to any man she has in her life.

There are underlining factors behind that neediness and how the man interprets it is far different from the woman who is being needy. To understand how a man translates the actions of a needy woman read on.

The 3 Tips in Which a Man Interprets a Needy Woman

Why Men Are Afraid of Needy Women Tip#1

We all seek and need positive validation from our partners. We want to know that we are admired, loved, and supported. However, if your man needs to tell you that you are beautiful everyday this could become an issue.

Beneath the surface, what the man hears from you is that you don’t feel good enough about yourself. He will soon enough begin to question himself for being with you in the first place. He will wonder why he finds you attractive if you don’t find yourself attractive.

He will hear you complain about your flaws, and they will become large in his mind. He may even see those flaws that you have pointed out as a reason to leave you. He may never have seen them as flaws before you insisted on them being there.

Men don’t focus on the tiny details that women focus on. They often see the total picture and the total picture as a woman who needs constant validation, is what the picture is painting for him and that she is not attractive enough.

Why Men Are Afraid of Needy Women Tip#2

A woman who needs lots of gifts and surprises to feel validated can drain a man’s pocket. It can also drain a man vision of himself, he can be pushed into low self-worth. In his mind he will begin to wonder if he is ever enough. He will wonder if he is appreciated only for what he can give. He will also wonder if he can fulfill her constant needs.

The more she wants, the more drained he feels and the further away he will move until he is out of her life completely. If a man loves and appreciates a woman, he will be enjoy giving to her but once again there are boundaries. If there is no moderation on the part of the woman, he will soon feel used.

Why Men Are Afraid of Needy Women Tip#3

Sometimes a man may want the company of a woman, but he cannot give her 100% of himself. No matter how much he loves and adores her he may have many things going on in his life as well as in his head. He may need time to sort out himself all while getting to know that woman.

When he encounters a woman who needs lots and lots of his time, whether in person or on the phone this can burden his energy. It can lead him to feel tired instead of energized. No matter how beautiful the woman, he will no longer see it. Instead, he will feel mentally and physically exhausted.

You can’t convince a person to stay around the person or thing that is making them weak, tired, and sad. Everyone is in a different space. Some people have so much going on in their life that they cannot give 100% of themselves to any one thing or any one person even if they wanted to.

It’s important that you take time to observe that man. What is he going though in his life? Where does he place all of his energy? Don’t ever expect anyone to give more of themselves than they have to give.

Creating Balance…

A seductress has to be full of her own energy. She has to feel good about herself, no matter if she is tall, short, fat, thin, cute, or not. Feeling good and full of your own goodness will always be more alluring than if you are seeking to gain all of your energy from someone else.

Do whatever you can to build yourself fast. Learn to love the body that you are in and all of your many quirky ways. Those unique ways may very well be the quality that someone else is looking for. Always have a good support system of friends as well as activities that can fill you up.

Your partner should be someone whom you share your experiences with, not someone you use in order to make yourself whole. If you rely on your partner to be your everything, you are then being a serious drain or in other terms a psychic vampire.

Neediness has a terrible, draining feeling on the people who are around a needy person. It’s not fun and it’s easy to move away from a needy person. Even if a man loves to give eventually, he will feel drained then bored of any woman whose needs are greater than his own. So, there you have it, the 3 reasons why men are afraid of needy women.


  1. This article provides an interesting perspective on the dynamics of relationships. The emphasis on self-sufficiency, especially for women, is worth considering.

  2. What a well-articulated piece! It really delves into the psychological and emotional aspects of neediness in relationships, providing a clear understanding of why balance is key. Embracing one’s unique qualities and fostering self-confidence can indeed make a significant difference in how one is perceived and how one feels in a relationship. Truly enlightening!

  3. This article provides an insightful perspective on the dynamics of relationships. It is crucial for both partners to maintain their independence and self-worth, not only for their own well-being but also to foster a healthy and balanced relationship. The advice on building self-love and finding personal fulfillment is fundamental and can truly transform how one engages in partnerships.

    • Absolutely, Tater Tot! The emphasis on self-love and personal growth cannot be overstated. A relationship should be an added joy, not a sole source of validation. The article’s advice is both practical and profound.

  4. This post reeks of gender stereotyping and oversimplification. Not every woman who wants attention is ‘needy,’ and not every man is so emotionally fragile that he can’t handle it. How about offering some actual solutions instead of just pointing fingers?

  5. I appreciate the attempt to outline how neediness can negatively impact relationships. However, context is important, and this topic might benefit from a more nuanced discussion about mutual dependency and support.

  6. I must say, I found this article to be quite enlightening. It delves into the intrinsic dynamics of relationships and how an imbalance of attention can create fissures. A compelling read for anyone looking to understand the subtleties of human connection.

  7. The article raises valid points about balance in relationships. Self-awareness and independence are indeed crucial, but it’s equally important to address the underlying issues causing neediness.

  8. This is such a misogynistic take, reducing women to a set of ‘flaws’ that men find objectionable. Emotional needs are a part of any human relationship, and labeling women as ‘needy’ without understanding their context is quite limiting.

  9. Ah, the classic ‘needy woman’ trope! Isn’t it delightful how the article conveniently ignores the fact that men can be just as emotionally demanding? Clearly, emotional needs are solely a female problem. Sarcasm fully intended.

  10. While the article highlights the pitfalls of neediness, it lacks a focus on effective communication. Addressing these issues together as a couple can lead to better understanding and growth.

  11. Hilarious! So, basically, if a woman wants attention, gifts, or time, she’s a ‘psychic vampire’? Seems like someone couldn’t handle the heat from a lively relationship!

  12. It’s interesting how the author breaks down male perceptions of neediness. While some might find the generalizations simplistic, it provides a foundation for both genders to understand each other’s emotional landscapes better.

  13. The article brings out some important points but it misses a critical element—communication. Understanding and discussing needs with your partner could mitigate many of the issues mentioned. It’s not merely about labeling someone as needy; it’s about finding common ground.

  14. So basically the article is suggesting that women should come with a warning label: ‘Requires Regular Maintenance.’ How delightful! 🙄 Maybe instead of running for the hills, men could just grow up a little?

    • Couldn’t agree more, Captain Crunch! Maybe instead of just running away, men could actually try, I don’t know, communicating? Madness, I know!

    • Captain Crunch, while your sarcasm is noted, the article does highlight important issues that arise from emotional imbalance in relationships. Sometimes a bit of introspection could do wonders.

  15. The points made about the draining effect of neediness are well-presented. It does underscore the importance of personal growth and self-sufficiency in maintaining a healthy relationship.

    • Indeed, self-sufficiency is key, but it’s also essential to recognize that everyone has different emotional needs and boundaries.

    • True, Bessie. Relationships involve a balance of giving and receiving, and understanding each other’s needs is fundamental for any partnership.

  16. This article articulately pinpoints the intricacies of human emotional needs within relationships. It offers a balanced perspective on why some behaviors might be perceived as burdensome and suggests achievable strategies for personal improvement.

  17. Ah, the classic tale of ‘needy’ women. What a groundbreaking revelation! Next, you’ll be telling us that water is wet. Seriously, people have different emotional requirements; labeling it as ‘needy’ is rather reductive.


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