What Makes You the Best Partner?

What Makes You the Best Partner

It isn’t always easy to find exactly what you’re looking for in a partner. Finding the best boyfriend or girlfriend can be hard, but this is sometimes because we forget that people have flaws, and we forget to look for those things. Instead, we choose to be positive in the relationship and just embrace what makes us feel good. You have to look at someone for their goodness and badness, and you have to let them work on their flaws if you want to find the perfect partner.

Here are some things that you should look for when finding a boyfriend or a girlfriend:

What to Look For

These are some things that you might want to consider when looking for a partner:

  • Attractiveness

How attracted are you to this person, and how are they attracted to you? You should both have some kind of chemistry and physical attraction, or else a romantic relationship won’t work. This should rank as a high thing in what you are looking for. This is about how you feel when you see them and how much fun you have sexually.

  • Kindness

Another thing that should attract you is their kindness and generosity. How much are they there to support you? Finding a lifelong partner is important, and they should be someone you need and someone willing to give as much as you are in the relationship.

  • Love and Compassion

Compassion is a big trait that makes it easier for partners to be together. It allows you to have empathy when something goes wrong. You need to find someone you can trust with your feelings and someone who will accept you even when things go wrong.

  • Openness

A partner that is able to share their feelings with you will make the relationship much easier. You can be with someone who is closed off in their emotions and feelings, but this will be a lot of hurt and aggravation, which might lead to a relationship not working out.

  • Fire and Passion

Having fire and passion to reach goals and to be intimate together are two things that you will want in a partner. You might not want someone who tries to take away your own fire but find someone who is going to be interesting and someone who is going to make you burn for their passion.

  • Attention

This person should be able to give you attention and make you feel that they love you and that they want to be around you.

  • Sense of Humor

Having a good sense of humor should be important for everyone who is trying to date. Even when days are hard, having someone who can make you laugh will help you connect with them in a stronger way.

  • Loyalty

Loyalty is very important when finding a partner. Loyalty and dependability go hand in hand, and when you have someone who has these traits, they will make you feel secure even when days are bad. They will also respect you even when other people don’t.

  • Control

It is important to find someone who has good self-control, or else the partner might get tempted and will hurt their partner. This can be things like addictions to drinking or drugs or even things like gambling. Saying I love you means that you can control these habits if you love your partner.

  • Honesty

Most people prioritize honesty over any other trait in a relationship. Having someone who isn’t going to tell you the truth is a fast way to ruin any relationship. You must find someone who will satisfy your feelings and communicate with you openly and truthfully.

  • Trusting

You will never be able to give yourself to someone that you aren’t able to trust. When you have trust, then your relationship can be healthy. You need to have this for the relationship to be successful.

  • Motivation and Goals

It is important to find someone who is motivated to work hard and ensure happiness in the relationship. This person should put forth this energy both in the relationship and in their own life.

  • Creativity

It is important to keep the relationship exciting. If you find someone who is creative and they will keep the spark alive in the relationship, then they can live their life with you, and you can move together in the right direction.

  • Patience

Patience is one thing that helps to strengthen a relationship. You should have someone who will be patient when things get hard or who knows that patience is needed at the time.

  • Positivity

Finding someone who is positive can make any relationship better. Watch out for a negative partner because this will lead to hurt and cruelty within the relationship. You need someone who is positive and kind.

  • Confidence

Confidence allows people to be strong when needed. It also helps people act on what they say. Having good confidence is important, but you don’t want someone who is overly arrogant.

  • Equality

Someone who is conscious of what you are feeling will be able to make the partnership equal. This relationship will help you make mistakes but also work on fixing them. It is important that you find someone who cares about what you say or about what you feel.

Seeking Out Love

Most people want love in their lives, but being in a relationship isn’t easy. It takes hard work and dedication. It is also important to find a partner who has the traits you want them to have in order to keep you happy.


  1. The traits mentioned here are indeed vital. Kindness, honesty, and loyalty are pillars in any relationship. It’s informative and reminds us of what truly matters.

  2. While I appreciate the effort, this seems like a utopian checklist. Real-life relationships are messy, and no one can tick all these boxes.

  3. Isn’t it ironic that people always demand honesty in a partner but often aren’t truthful themselves? Introspection is key before setting such high standards.

  4. This article provides a well-rounded view on relationship virtues. It’s insightful to see the emphasis on both positive and negative aspects of a partner. Truly, a balanced perspective.

  5. Sure, find someone with fire and passion! Just make sure they don’t burn your house down too. Relationships are all about balance, not just fire and fury.

  6. The emphasis on attractiveness feels a bit superficial. Relationships based solely on physical attraction often lack deeper connections.

    • I agree. Physical attraction is important, but it should not overshadow emotional compatibility and shared values.


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