Don’t Be Too Stressed for Sex

Too Stressed for Sex

You know how it goes: It’s another evening, you both are home, but you’re tired. Your kids are never asleep. You feel uncomfortable in your body.  Work is stressing you out.  It’s an old story for anyone in a long-term relationship. There are so many reasons not to be intimate, especially when the pillow and the remote are so tempting and undemanding.

A healthy sex life is an important part of a relationship. Neglecting it and your partner can cause your relationship to falter and fray.  Here are a few tips:

Help out

Where does stress come from? Some think that it’s unfinished housework; things that have piled up and other to dos that have gone undone. Your partner may be more pliable if they have less to do before they can relax. Besides, making sure your partner has a bit of wiggle room is always romantic.

Warm it up

Research shows that you are more likely to achieve climax if your feet are warm. It is unknown what the correlation is, but the coziness is definitely key.  It may be that your feet are cold in times of stress. So warm up your feet and warm up the bedroom!

Perhaps a demonstration?

For some reason, it is hard for us to tell people what we want. This can be a problem when it comes to communicating wants and needs to a partner.   Don’t be afraid. If you are close enough to someone to be in the situation in the first place, you should be able to tell or at least show what you want.

Something new

Trying out something new in the bedroom will not only brighten the spark in your relationship it will also go a long way to reducing your stress. You don’t have to go to extremes, like taking a gymnastics class or involving hardware, just change the few things. Maybe select some toys together or watch a spicy movie.  Get a couple’s massage and let your instincts be your guide.

Intimacy is more than sex

Physical contact is just as intimate as sex.  Cuddle and hug more. Close contact releases a chemical called oxytocin that helps put you in the mood for love.

Final Thoughts

Though sex does not make a relationship good or bad, making sure that you are being intimate can really change your relationship for the good. It is important that you take time to be intimate both in and out of bed in order to make your bedroom a place of joy and peace. Try out the things on this list and you can have a happier, less stressful life.