Getting Rid of Negative Energy from Your Work

Negative Energy from Your Work

Everyone wants to have positive vibes around them and if you find that your home or your job is filled with negativity, you need to take on these challenges and figure out how to get rid of this and bring positivity into your life. There will be many things that you face when you have a space that is full of negative energy.

Visible and Invisible Energies

All things have energy that is either visible or invisible. This energy is full of vibrations. Everything that we say, think or feel will bring on a certain vibration that will carry on through our lives or in our environment.

Getting Rid of Negative Energies

A person that has bad feelings or moods will leave those feelings even after they have left. It is impossible to get rid of all negative energy but there are ways that you can change your environment and bring it back to something that is good and positive.

Cleaning Your Space and Getting Rid of Clutter

You have to start by cleaning the space that you are in. You should do this every week if you are around things that are negative. The first thing to do to start your cleaning is to get rid of clutter. Get rid of things that you no longer need. There is good energy that can come to your place but if you have too much clutter, it can cause you to be stressed.

Getting rid of small amounts of clutter can make a huge difference in your life. Being organized can change the energy around you.

Making Your Space Positive

Find a small place around your work area to make positive. Do not try to change the work area of other people or your coworkers because that is their place, and you need to worry about your own things.

After you start, cleansing the area is very important. This can be hard if you have other people that are working around you so make sure that you get permission before you do anything. You do not want to make more negative vibes by causing people around you to be upset.

Using White Sage

If you have the ability to do whatever you want in your workplace, use some white sage to smudge your area. There are ways that you can do different practices that are Native American or other cultures that will help you to clear negative energy out of your area.

Let the Air In

Open the windows if you have some and let the air flow so that the negative energy has a place to leave. You can also play some music or something positive while you are doing this.

Do the same thing with the whole work area that you have. Make sure that you keep the windows open for at least a half an hour or longer to let the negative energy go out.

Do this early in the day before other people get to the workplace and if you have negativity such as sickness around you or fights that people are having, you need to cleanse the space again as soon as you can after that happens.

Doing What is Best for You

Remember that there are different ways that you can cleanse your area and you need to make sure that you are doing what is best for you.

Use Incense or Crystals Between Cleansings

Between the times that you cleanse your area, you can always put things around your area such as sandalwood incense or find some crystals that you can use to put around your area that will soak up anything negative that comes around you.

Positive Sounds Make Positive Moods

Try to play some good music while you are working so that you can keep your own energy up while you are at your job sight.


It is important to keep your area free of negativity. If you have free reign in your workplace, try some of the things above to improve the energy of your workplace.


  1. What an enlightening read! The distinction between visible and invisible energies and their impact on our surroundings is a profound concept that is often overlooked. The practical advice, from decluttering to incorporating positive sounds, offers a holistic approach to fostering positivity. This article is a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their work and home environments. Thank you for sharing such practical wisdom!

  2. This article is a wonderful guide for anyone looking to improve their personal work environment. The suggestions are comprehensive and touching on both physical and emotional aspects, which is really insightful. Kudos to the author!

  3. This article provides an incredibly insightful approach to managing negative energies in both personal and professional spaces. I particularly appreciate the detailed steps on cleansing and the emphasis on using natural elements like white sage and crystals. It’s a refreshing reminder of the importance of maintaining a positive environment in our daily lives. Kudos to the author for such a comprehensive guide!

  4. The suggestion to use white sage for smudging is interesting. I’d like to see more scientific research on the effectiveness of such practices in changing the energy of a workspace.

  5. Including crystals and incense in the workplace for absorbing negative energy is a rather unconventional approach. While it may work for some, it could be beneficial to discuss how to balance such practices with a professional office environment.

  6. This article provides some practical tips on maintaining a positive environment both at home and work. I appreciate the emphasis on the importance of clearing clutter and letting fresh air in to improve energy.

  7. Oh great, so I can literally chase away bad vibes with some sage and a playlist? Fantastic, I’ll just add ‘spiritual janitor’ to my résumé! All sarcasm aside, maybe some of this could actually work in a placebo sort of way.

  8. The idea of using positive sounds and music to elevate mood and energy is practical. Music therapy is a recognized method for improving emotional well-being, making this advice highly actionable.

  9. It’s quite amusing how people still believe that opening windows and using incense will magically clear negative energies. Why not just add a sprinkle of fairy dust while you’re at it?

  10. While the concept of clearing negative energy has some merit, the idea of using white sage and crystals to achieve this seems rather unscientific. I would recommend focusing on practical measures such as regular cleaning and stress management techniques instead.

  11. The post does offer some valid advice, particularly about the psychological impact of clutter. However, it tends to wander into pseudoscientific territory when it starts recommending smudging with sage and crystals.

  12. From a psychological perspective, it’s well known that a clean and organized space can significantly impact one’s mood and productivity. The article does a good job of highlighting this aspect.


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