Sex, the Ultimate Cure for All


Are you having a bad day? Nervous about something? Not feeling confident enough? Relax. We’ve got the solution. Researchers have found that sex is the ultimate cure, regardless of your situation.

Orgasm causes the brain to release Oxytocin, making one feel relaxed and energized, according to Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum. So next time you think of rushing out bed in the morning, think twice as it may save your day. Spend some more time with your partner as it might just give you that confidence you need.

Still, on Dr. Teitelbaum, sex has proven to reduce stage fright and anxiety in from of audiences.

Sex also has proven benefits for your skin. sweat that covers your body after a vigorous session is full of nourishing oils for your skin, according to Dr. Caandida Royale, author of How to Tell a Naked Man What To Do. “It’s best not to rush into the shower, to allow the body re-absorbs these natural oils” sex enhances blood circulation within the body.

Whenever you feel unwell, there is no other well-known medication than sex, which stimulates one’s immune system and the more you have it, the less vulnerable you become to colds and flu according to recent discoveries.

Dr. Deborah Anapol says that there are benefits of deep kissing. Its known to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol which therefore stimulates the production of antibodies that in the end helps fight infections. The New York Times recently reported that holding hands is a form of a stress reliever.

“Having sex three times a week will make you look ten years younger” at least according to g to Dr. Teitelbaum.

Dr. Royalle says “A good round of sex will create feelings of well-being and contentment. It can fill your body with positive feelings about yourself, your lover and your life.”

Benefits of Sex

Here are some of the best benefits of having sex:

  • Burns up calories.
  • Helps to boost the immune system.
  • Increases estrogen.
  • Increases testosterone.
  • Increases your sense of feelings and senses such as smell.
  • Gets rid of stress.
  • Lowers the risk of getting diseases such as cancer.
  • Helps the brain to grow new cells.
  • Reduces depression.
  • Increases oxytocin in the body.
  • Helps people to sleep better.

Final Thoughts

If you are thinking that you need to improve your life, try having sex. If you and your partner are not on the same page, spice up things in the bedroom and make it a place of fun and excitement. Having sex has many benefits so let it benefit your life today.


  1. The section on skin benefits was fascinating, especially the idea of not rushing into the shower post-intercourse. I would love to see more detailed scientific explanations for these claims.

  2. Oh, great. So now not only do I have to worry about my diet, exercise, and skincare routine, but I also need to schedule in more sex to stay healthy and stress-free? I suppose I better get started right away… if only it was that simple.

  3. I found this article to be exceptionally well-researched and informative. The correlation between sex and overall health as discussed by experts like Dr. Anapol and Dr. Caandida Royale provides a holistic view of well-being. The points on reduced blood pressure, enhanced immune response, and even improved mental health highlight the multifaceted advantages. It certainly encourages a rethinking of how we approach our daily health routines.

    • Absolutely, the article provides a comprehensive overview of how integral sex can be for maintaining both physical and mental health. It’s refreshing to see scientific backing for something so fundamental. Kudos to the researchers and authors for shedding light on this!

    • I completely agree with you, Fatty! The part about deep kissing reducing blood pressure and cholesterol was particularly eye-opening. It’s amazing how these intimate actions can have such profound effects on our health.

  4. This article provides a fascinating insight into the myriad benefits of sex. It’s intriguing to see how a natural process can contribute so significantly to our overall well-being. Kudos to the researchers for shedding light on this!

  5. This article was an enlightening read! The diverse range of benefits associated with sex, from improving skin health to enhancing mental well-being, is quite impressive. Dr. Teitelbaum’s insights on the role of Oxytocin in combating stress and boosting confidence are particularly compelling. It’s fascinating how such a natural act can have extensive positive effects on both our body and mind.

  6. Are we really placing the burden of our mental and physical well-being on sex alone? This article makes it sound like a magical cure-all, which is quite misleading. Balance and moderation in life are key.

  7. I find this article to be oversimplified and somewhat reductive. While sexual activity has its benefits, it is not a panacea for all ailments and emotional issues. The complexities of human health and emotions cannot be resolved by sex alone.

  8. This article reads like a series of unsubstantiated claims. Where are the peer-reviewed studies to back up these benefits? While sex can be beneficial, it’s important to approach such claims with a healthy dose of skepticism.

    • Exactly, Laura. This seems more like sensationalism than science. We need more rigorous research to be convinced by such bold statements.

    • I agree with both of you. While these benefits are enticing, we must be cautious about taking anecdotal evidence as fact. Critical thinking is essential.

  9. The idea that sex can cure everything from bad moods to serious health issues is quite humorous. It’s almost as if the article is suggesting we replace our medicine cabinets with bedrooms.

  10. Ah yes, because nothing says ‘ultimate cure’ quite like turning to sex for all your health woes. Who knew we could replace doctors and medicine with just a good romp in the hay? What a revolutionary concept!

  11. The article presents some intriguing health benefits of sex, supported by various experts. However, it would be useful to see more peer-reviewed studies to back these claims.

  12. The information provided here is quite enlightening. I wasn’t aware that sex could have such broad health benefits. However, it would be valuable to see more scientific evidence and peer-reviewed studies to back these claims.

    • I agree, Michelle. While the article is interesting, it’s always better to approach such claims with a critical eye and look for more concrete scientific data.

    • Well, whether there’s extensive research or not, there’s no harm in enjoying the potential benefits, right? Sometimes we overcomplicate things that are naturally beneficial.

  13. Wow, I never knew sex had so many benefits! This article is eye-opening. Who knew that something so enjoyable could also be so good for your health? I’m definitely going to share this with my partner.

  14. I find it ironic that the article lists so many benefits of sex, yet fails to address the complexities of human relationships that might not make ‘three times a week’ feasible for everyone. Let’s not oversimplify matters here.

  15. I appreciate the comprehensive list of benefits mentioned towards the end. The linkage between sex and reduced depression is particularly noteworthy.

  16. While the article is well-written and informative, it may be too simplistic. More nuanced discussions about the emotional and psychological aspects of sexual health would be valuable.

  17. It’s interesting to read about the connection between sex and improved well-being. The viewpoints of Dr. Teitelbaum and Dr. Royale add credibility to the discussion.


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